I almost couldn't believe this story. China's "growth" is staggering but I don't know what the lesson is here. What happened to the legendary wisdom of balance in the Chinese culture? Deeper though: If so much wealth has flowed into China from elsewhere isn't that creating a drain on the worlds economy? It seems like they have imported the Western style of capitalism uncritically...and that there must be too much cash floating around-an artificial "wealth" surplus. Is that a symptom of the US allowing the Federal Reserve to print so much cash? Ah-my poor uneducated brian hurts. Brian
First Posted: 08-22-07 02:28 PM | Updated: 03-28-08 02:44 AM
I saw Anne Currey's interview with the Dalai Lama tonight. I was overcome with the impression that I was watching an avatar. For those of you who don't know what that is, it is a manifestation in flesh of the essence of God, whatever you may perceive That to be.
The background of current events in Tibet is more complex than you would gather from mainstream media. Not surprisingly, the CIA is involved.
Here is an excellent summary for those who enjoy digging deeper into global news.
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