Will Love Triumph?
Here's an article republishedfrom metaphysicial, Stuart Wilde. If you don't know Stuart, he also has some thoughtful youtube videos for your consideration. - Noa
Here's an article republishedfrom metaphysicial, Stuart Wilde. If you don't know Stuart, he also has some thoughtful youtube videos for your consideration. - Noa
Stuart Wilde made his transition three years ago, but his teachings still impact us today. I believe I have experienced the "morph" that he speaks of -- first in the nineties during the third day of a fast I was on -- and as recently as last night. I usually see it when I'm sitting next to bushes at night under the street lights. It used to appear as tendrils wisping off the plants and dancing in a sea of God life. Now I see the morph moving very rapidly and see it as the "dry rain" Stuart describes. Probably everyone will experience it differently, but I agree with Stuart that it
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