Back Drop People

I have recently heard a theory about backdrop people in our lives not being real people.  There are some bigs names saying, but in my mind it is unable to comprehend.  Those have to be real people because if I go talk to them, they're real. 


I can understand this if you believe in a completely subjective reality, but it we are really in this reality, there has to be an objective reality also.  If this theory would true, our loves ones wouldn't exist once they are out of sight.  How could this be?  I know they lead their lives and that their love is real.


So, if anyone has an explanation for this, that would be fantastic. 


Thanks and much Agape

Starmonkey's picture

Glad you brought that up. I had a feeling some years ago that there "aren't as many people out there as it would seem". I believe this is due to the holographic and holomorphic nature of our experience here. We are all "pieces" or fractals of greater beings (even just our "whole" Selves). And all experiencing the free will initiative of the human instrumentality project...

There are also the notions of reincarnation vs. having to build one's soul/vehicle beyond the "body" (physical) and the "soul-less" husks blindly wandering around or completely fixated on the material world. But I agree that those people are "real" and not imagined or put there for background. They don't cease to exist... Some are just more or less "substantial". And more or less engaged with MULTIPLE aspects of this "reality". Or not.

Noa's picture

If we create our own reality, isn't possible to create a reality based upon illusion?  Conversely, if we choose to embrace the physical reality that is perceivable with the 5 physical senses, isn't that also a plausible reality? Is my reality the same as yours?  Are all versions of reality equally valid or is there only one "true" reality?  And what about multiple universes and simultaneous timelines?

Personally, I believe in the existence of soleless people, but I feel that these entities inhabit the bodies of clones (e.g. certain politicians or neo-aristocrats), or beings that have had the human ability to empathize deliberately removed from their psyches.

Perhaps, in the end, these categories only serve to divide humanity even further.  It's an interesting topic that we could debate ad nauseum without reaching a consensus.

Starmonkey's picture

I believe reality is different for every one of the 7.3 billion of us here in "3d". And I plan on activating and engaging with more than just the "5" commonly referred to senses. "Our" future depends on it. Words will only take us so far.

"We" also have the interesting challenge of making guns and other such weapons disappear right along with money to avoid even more absurd levels of violence and abuse.

Time to raise ourselves, as humans, above being so animalistic and self-centered. And take it to the next level.

Whether or not everyone believes in the possibilities I do, makes no never mind to me. I'm getting it on regardless

ChrisBowers's picture

The 5 senses are so limited that they can only serve to help us navigate this physical medium.  They cannot tell us what all of this is, so we dive in with the limited info we have and develop subjective ideas about the world and the Cosmos and begin to believe we have an objective and valid viewpoint.

one of my favorite examples of inevitable phenomena of the 5 senses is the sensation of touch.  we hug or shake hands and we say we have touched, but we have not.  we are made of atoms and atoms never touch each other.  our nervous system detects what we call touch and we are convinced.

we are convinced of many things that are only phenomena - no wonder the Buddhist teach us to not get too attached to anything, including ideas and beliefs - and so called "facts"....


I think you're confused about the different types of reality, which we all may want to take a look at.  The major different types of reality, in my opinion have their own rules.  I have come up with four types, each dealing with their own set of bylaws that can apparently only be broken when they are combined.


The first reality I will discuss is object reality.  This is our shared dream and there are real truths inside of it.  According to this reality, an apple is a apple and there is no arguing it.  You can see the apple.  I can see the apple.  We could debate it, but objectively it will still be an apple.


The second reality is subjective.  In this arena, maybe there is an apple and maybe there isn't.  This is where the backdrop idea comes from.  If I have an apple here in the US, how can I prove it to you in another place?  I can show you a picture.  I can plead with you to believe me.  But the fact of the matter is, you have no idea if my apple exists because you can't see it or prove it.  Everyone has their own truths based on subjective reality.  In this reality, everyone's truths are different and a byproduct of what their training on has led to.


Another reality is physical reality.  While this is similar to objective reality, it is quite different.  This is based on the law of physics.  Apparently the last human that was able to break these laws was Jesus and that was the last time Yahweh was able to perform his miracles (if you buy into the fact that Jesus was actually talking about Yahweh when he referred to his father, which I don't, but for the sake of argument I will use). 


The last I will discuss is spiritual reality.  I know this exists personally and I think it would be hard for anyone to refute.  In my opinion, this reality is different than our physical reality and has different rules.  Apparently spiritual entities are real, but to their disadvantage, they don't have physical bodies.   They can use weak beings with bodies to affect reality, but on their own all they are are parasites that need to be shown the light.  In my opinion, this will either kill them or change them.  Either way, no more parasites.


Now, the most fun part about this whole situation is that if you combine the realities (which these spiritual entities are uncapable of due to the fact that they don't have a physical body) then miracles happen.  Obviously, this isn't a shortcut to miracles.  If you've read your subjective reality correctly and you have seen the signs, this means there is nothing for us humans to worry about other than those of our race that are too weak to stand up to these beings.  I pray that the true colors of these physical and non physical beings are shown to the world as soon as possible.


Obviously nothing will change overnight that we can notice, but little by little who knows? 


One last thing and I'm out.  Who are you waiting for to save yourself?

Starmonkey's picture

eard that, brother! And why I am so enamored with the WM material. Personal mastery and transformation have been consciously on my plate for about 15-17 years now... And the best way to accomplish those things (imo) is to make the connection to one's higher Self. The (al) chemical wedding. Wholeness of Being. And then maybe some time/space travel to help tie up some loose ends and straighten things out. Clean up the backyard a little. It takes a great deal of openness that I'm still working on. And determination/commitment. Also very challenging. And a willingness to move on. Forgive, heal and help where it's needed.

IMO this marriage is the path for humanity and the ONLY thing that will fully allow individuals, etc to take it to the next level. Our brains are just the interface tools for 3d manipulation/manifestation/interpretation. The MIND is something else entirely

Brian's picture

Some people I know (and I) see fleeting shadow people in some circumstances. Me and two psychic friends were visiting a guy who has had these crazy UFO experiences and we were all spotting these shadow beings out of the corner of the eye in his house. I don't see them often but this was some kind of prime situation-LOL.  Anyway I don't think that's what you were talking about. I sometmes have thought that everything was the result of my consciousness and so therefore-you ain't real. Others chimed in sympathetically and I kind of became persuaded to stop thinking that way. Not out of anyones objections, it just didn't seem real after talking it over some more. I wonder if when I die I'll find answers to that and the shadow people...Peace

Noa's picture

Ah, yes, Nick.  Precisely why I raised the questions.  Reality seems to be a matter of opinion, these days.  No matter how objective or physical reality may appear, there are those who will insist that it's but an illusion.  I wonder why the Creator would bother making such a perfectly-balanced ecosystem if it serves only as smoke and mirrors.

Interesting thing.  Even extra-sensory perception, like Clarivoyance, can be sensed within the physical body.  For example, there's Clarisentience (feeling/touching); Clairaudience (hearing/listening); Clairalience (smelling); Claircognizance (knowing); and Clairgustance (tasting).

Using the body to help identify such intangible signals is a useful tool for honing ones intuitive skills.  So, I think you're onto something, Nick, when you say miracles happen when we combine realities.

Brian's picture

I love how appropo this is-hah. I once meditated daily for a month or so and came to see everything was OK and I was like a different person-I dropped my fears like stones I no longer needed to carry. I was calm and serene to the core. If the vid below doesn't show here then here's the link. Love-Brian



Brian's picture

sorry if posting that funny video seemed snarky-it wasn't meant to be. Just being a little random lately.Peace

tscout's picture

    I liked the video,,,it's like,,,better be careful what you wish for! or,,,,a wake up call to how powerful we can be!    so,,,what doessnarky mean,,anyway?

esrw02's picture

 Is an illusion of experience !!!!!!!!!


  Hi all,it has been a while , I see all is well and not much has changed, here at the g spot .




     I love the world and everybody in it , Eric    Oh, and those backdrop people are the lady in the red dress from the matrix, they are not really here . I feel wheels spinnin, yeah !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I needed that.

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