Friends... the unraveling continues... a little on the 'darker' side... yet it preambles the light :-)
We have
been well and truly led up the garden path. We have to admit to ourselves that
the world we take as reality is a deliberately formed construct; and one that
has been created to constrain us. Within this babble of form we are tied to a
delusional regularity through a dumbing-down procedure. As a sentient species
capable of consciousness-remembrance we have lost the sparkle. Or rather, we
have been unplugged, and the once mighty flow of energy and light that suffused
us now trickles like a lost raindrop through the cavity of our soul-hosting
body. From riches to rags we have been lead, yet we hardly kicked as we were
dragged. The story now is the transition from rags to riches as we learn how to
awaken and reclaim our rightful heritage. We have been usurped, and the
usurpers stand proudly around us glorifying in their deception. They walk our
land feeling regal and royal whilst the lost heirs bow in the dust. This is the
story of the prince and the pauper, of the Man in the Iron Mask. There has been
a switch, and so few are the wiser.
Now we
have an impostor claiming sovereignty whilst the true kings and queens roam
stunned, dazed, and distracted. Fed with inferiority, how can the true pearl of
great price know its own worth? Bombarded with waves of fear and sadness, the
mass of sensitive souls stumble, and sometimes make to wonder. With television
screens normalising sickness and schools instituting class, there is little
room for thinking outside of the box.
Hemmed in on all sides the many narrow their perceptions to take in food of
irradiated violence. Sad food sprayed and chemicalised, shipped far out of
goodness, soon to be G-modified into nervous disorders. Duped, we stumble, and
pray for nourishment…not knowing that the beginning steps are calling out for
the turning – the turn inward, and to listen.
souls: Be the Thought, Become the Change.
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Dear Kingsley,
Being unempowered,then finding the awesome power inside/around us will allow us to us the power as it is meant to be used. With memory intact of being enslaved,the power will be used to free ourselves and others........rather than to control others. Nice to have you here,being the change. Love,Mary
there are hundreds of ways to kneel and kiss the ground...