Be the Thought, Become the Change 3

My thoughts continue - ramblings or rovings?


There is a change sweeping over us like a new wind now. It comes to refresh and cleanse. It is a wind of conscious energy that envelopes the light-grid of this earth and the listeners to Radio Earth need to switch their dials to a new frequency. The old existing frequency will become increasingly garbled with static, distortion, and deterrent. This is similar to how high-pitched frequencies are being used to deter people from protected places. The old frequency hems in the mind and disengages the antenna of your physical nervous system. It is like having your lungs filled with water – you gasp for air, to be able to breath, and yet your apparatus for breathing in new breath is swamped and gurgles. For so many centuries the sentient species on Earth has been drowning in air. The new waves that are increasing now are bringing in a new breath; they require a different set of lungs to absorb them. These are lungs of the conscious mind and spirit. This is the breath of perception.

As the flower blossoms and opens to receive the rays of the sun; so too will the human soul receive the new rays. Yet it must be open. A closed flower spreads no pollen. Closed hearts will spread no love, will radiate no change. Hanging onto the old as it dissipates in frantic death-throes will be like hanging onto the anchor of a sinking ship. When on such a ship, what would you strive to save. Would it be your belongings, or your self?

Take this self that you have been nurturing and safe-guarding for so long and allow it its freedom. Its time has come. It has been waiting long, loving you yet hanging on for your awakening like a patient parent does the child. The only fear of letting go is the fear of yourself. What is there to lose when the only alternative is illusion? To stay in illusion is the choice of loss. Move on, move away, go on…

Go on now: Be the Thought, Become the Change.

Thanks Kingsley,

I am really enjoying your posts....



ChrisBowers's picture

Bingo! Love it!!!! Strike! Bullseye! Wawaweewa!!!!

I quote you,

"It is a wind of conscious energy that envelopes the light-grid of this
earth and the listeners to Radio Earth need to switch their dials to a
new frequency"


"The new waves that are increasing now are bringing in a new breath;
they require a different set of lungs to absorb them. These are lungs
of the conscious mind and spirit. This is the breath of perception"

the only thing I would change there is "focused intent" in place of "perception".

I offer that up for a fun debate of liberating ideas! Thank you so much Kingsley for all you bring to the cosmic sandbox of conscious quantum physics/mechanics land of endless discovery by intended design! I am very excited about what is happening right now and all we have to look forward to as we simply allow ourselves the Divine Liberty that was/is always ours in the first place! To think we (mankind) spent all this time binding ourselves and each other up just so we could either say, "look at me, I'm all bound up!" "Don't you feel sorry for me?" or "Ha! I own you!"

Oh how we will laugh so damn hard when we really get a glimpse of how utterly silly we have been for far longer than was/is necessary (was any of this necessary?). I am laughing already during the times I am not feeling sorry for myself for some silly invested thought from barren nothingland....

Love, Chris

P.S. Please, keep the ramblings coming!!!!!!!!!

onesong's picture

The only fear of letting go is the fear of yourself. What is there to lose when the only alternative is illusion? To stay in illusion is the choice of loss. Move on, move away, go on…Go on now: Be the Thought, Become the Change.

Do we really have to change or do we simply have to learn to 'be' in the wholeness of God(or Source or Creation)?

If we come down to the most basic elements of what we are we find carbon units, beings that move through electromagnetics, powered by what we can't exactly say and so we initially seek something outside ourselves. When that doesn't 'find' us the answers we look inward or we seek artificial means to take ourselves out of these bodies and into another realm. Where am I going with this..we are made from the same substances of the periodic table as everything - from 'nothing'..nothing we ourselves created. Looking at one atom...we are protons, neutrons and electrons...10% of our electrons out in space in any given moment. Out in space, in God.

"As above, so below" when we look at the solar system (or galaxies beyond) what we find is 'space' all encompassing space. The space of God. When we look to our interior, we find space. Each cell, even down to a single atom surrounded by space. The space of God.

Our very physicality the Illusion, even though it can be a pleasant one while we are in this form. So if we are the space, we are in the wholeness of God. We are always in the 'Wholeness' of God, when recognize we are in direct connection with the Source, when we acknowledge that we do nothing through ourselves and everything through that source, the power with which we move is the power of God.

We only 'think' we think. Each thought coming from beyond us, from a space we only think we know.

I'm not suggesting our thoughts are unimportant, or that it is not necessary to change. I am suggesting that the change itself isn't coming from us at all, but from the higher power that we already are. I believe it is inevitable and it is the way we contribute to the 'knowledge' of the Source. Nothing cannot know itself. In the creation of form the knowing comes. Clap your hands, the sound comes from nothing - from the space of the void- creation.

All we really have to do is as you have said, let go of the fear, realize the Illusion, be the wholeness we are.

Just my own ramblings from the wholeness we are.

There are those that think this borders on lunacy....i prefer 'out of the box' and freefalling.          *smile*

Blessings, kristyne


--- Post removed at author's request ---

ChrisBowers's picture

kristyne, you called that space "God".

After all my own personal research, I now prefer the term "Pure Consciousness" in Light of all that has been discovered in the field of quantum physics/mechanics.  I believe we are part of a (and our precarious 3D physical bodies a product of) Consciousness Field that, like you say, permeates everything, and is the field where anything that is really anything finds its "Being".  I am also very aware that we are using english symbols to describe what requires no description from a realm of illusion, so I am very amused, almost laughing, as I write what I think this "Field" should be called in a world of temporary illusion.  In any case, after hearing Dr. Edgar Mitchell describe it as "Consciousness" from a rigorously scientific "out of the box" conclusion of findings, I go with "Pure Consciousness" that is abstract unlimited potential awaiting harmonious agreement by way of single-minded Intent through the ever-present vehicle of free will.  Besides, I have grown very weary of the term "God" after so much misuse of what he/she/it was meant to represent.  I am very confident "God" wont mind one bit!!!!

How's that for a treasure chest of useful illusions???  We give up bad illusions for good illusions, and finally, good ones for none at all, and we are home again.....

Love, Chris

onesong's picture

For me 'GOD' is the Power/Source/Creation/Beauty/Love/Totality behind all things and no-thing.

And yet, so many are afraid of the term or connote it with the Catholic 'God' or old man with a beard and white dress sitting on a cloud raining wrath and pestilence down upon us 'sinners' !!! No offense to anyone or to the church persay intended...simply not what I believe is in there. Does that ever 'miss the mark'.

Call 'IT' a thousand names and there is still but ONE...of which we take our form, shape, consciousness and everything else from....hence the need for me to write as such.

I use the term loosely with the utmost of reverence- as I really doubt Source/Conscious Field/God/Yahweh/Allah (you name it) depending on the name you grew up with for the  "God" of our Fathers- has any need for our naming 'IT' at all! Preposterous of us to presume. *she smiles*

I'm reminded of the line in the Great Invocation "From the centre where the Will of God is known let purpose guide the little wills of men-the purpose which the Masters know and serve."

The rest is simply semantics Chris. I'm in total agreement with what you've said above.

I enjoyed reading all the comments....and responses... and yes, we are - through necessity - involved in semantics here. This is how we form our filter and understanding of our world - semantics for me is not only the words I choose to describe a 'thing/concept/issue' etc, but also the thoughts that come with this... as all thoughts and words create how the world/cosmos/All is for us...

For me, my thought will assist in my change.... that's the intention - and hope!


'Let the beauty we love be what we do'

ChrisBowers's picture

I so love playing with that word now.
Like, Dog is Light, or the Dog of our Fathers, or
Dog Bless us, each and every one, or Dog be with you, or Dog is One.
There was a time when I would have been frightened by the thought of being flippant or toying with that "word". I can't tell you how happy I am and liberated I feel to be free from that dogmatic fear and be able to just "BE" so safe in the arms of "Dog". Only my ego could have imagined that there was something to fear all that time, blindly buying off on someone else's learned fear, as if there were something you or I must do to be all that we can be. I already Am, You already are, all I can you can be before we ever have the first notion that there must be something we could produce that adds more to who we already are in our Being, in that endless Loving Wonderful Sea of Conscious Potential we all are sprung from and are all part of....
Thank you kristyne for all your interaction on this fun and liberating subject of "God". Such an odd word if you pretend you are hearing it for the first time, don't you think?
Love and Light, Chris

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