Benjamin Fulford 1-31-12…”Out of the box negotiations are proceeding at the highest level”… “12 Breakthroughs”

Benjamin Fulford 1-31-12…”Out of the box negotiations are proceeding at the highest level”… “12 Breakthroughs”

Reflecting what many of us know is going on right now, this Ben report mentions that the old system needs to be kept together long enough for the new one (the “radically” new one) to be ready. And the details are highlighted in the Highlights.

Oh, and this is perhaps the first time that Ben has mentioned anything about any galactic “stuff”. “That we accept the notion that life is more likely to exist in the galaxy than not and prepare for the real benefits of new connections.” (even though this was one of Jim Channon’s 12 steps)

Also, here are a couple of links to Jim Channon (here’s another link), and his 12 Breakthroughs of the Next Decade, which Ben lists below (I believe Jim lives here on the Big Island).


  • The reason that many of the top Federal Reserve Board crime syndicate crooks have not been arrested yet is that the old system needs to be kept going with string and wire and duct-tape until final preparations for a radically new system are completed.
  • …an Asian proposal now being negotiated calls for 10 million yen or about US$125,000 to be budgeted for each and every individual human being on earth. The Pentagon is also making similar radical proposals for a complete change of how humans interact with each other and with nature.
  • The proposal being forwarded by the White Dragon Society to Asian clan elders is for the creation of a new, meritocratically staffed organization… “Long-term Investments For Everyone,” or LIFE, for short.
  • The negotiations towards unifying the Korean Peninsula with Japan and moving the capital of this new entity to the same region are also proceeding smoothly.
  • The initial funding for LIFE, to be backed by Gold returned to Asia from the West as well as by other historical assets, can be set at 7000 trillion yen or, as mentioned above, about $125,000 per human.
  • The most natural division for humanity along cultural and historical lines suggests a new council of elders be put at the heart of the United Nations Security Council.
  • The White Dragon suggestion is for a representative to be selected by each of the following groups: Africa, China, East Asia (excluding China), India, North and South America, Europe including Russia, the Islamic world and first nations.
  • The Pentagon, for its part, has reached an agreement to merge with the Chinese and Russian Military to form a global peace keeping force…
  • There has also been an agreement to break up many of the large corporations controlled by the Khazarian Satanic Cabal. Microsoft was specifically mentioned as a company that was about to go Kaput.
  • If necessary the Pentagon will round up both the Illuminati and the Nazis, in order to make sure they cause no more trouble.
  • A lot of poor people will suddenly be able to live in their own, mortgage free homes.
  • …no doubt, the Satanists will be defeated. There will be world peace, an end to poverty and an end to environmental destruction. Humanity will be set free.
  • That we accept the notion that life is more likely to exist in the galaxy than not and prepare for the real benefits of new connections.


Out of the box negotiations are proceeding at the highest level

The reason that many of the top Federal Reserve Board crime syndicate crooks have not been arrested yet is that the old system needs to be kept going with string and wire and duct-tape until final preparations for a radically new system are completed. For example, an Asian proposal now being negotiated calls for 10 million yen or about US$125,000 to be budgeted for each and every individual human being on earth. The Pentagon is also making similar radical proposals for a complete change of how humans interact with each other and with nature. The big conclusion being reached at the highest level is that the old financial system in the West was an illusion used by a secret cabal to keep us enslaved. We are now about to become truly free in ways that will exceed most people’s most optimistic expectations. However, there will be some hard work at first before this becomes true.

The proposal being forwarded by the White Dragon Society to Asian clan elders is for the creation of a new, meritocratically staffed organization to be set up near Tenri City, South of Osaka. The name now being proposed for this organization is “Long-term Investments For Everyone,” or LIFE, for short.

The negotiations towards unifying the Korean Peninsula with Japan and moving the capital of this new entity to the same region are also proceeding smoothly. We can confirm that Japanese “kidnap victim” Megumi Yokota is the mother of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un. Kim has agreed to accept the union of the Northern dynasty with the Southern one in the region in exchange for a ceremonial post. Perhaps he can become the symbol of unity and have his own palace and staff.

The initial funding for LIFE, to be backed by Gold returned to Asia from the West as well as by other historical assets, can be set at 7000 trillion yen or, as mentioned above, about $125,000 per human. The money will be delivered in the form of development services such as canals, sewer systems, desalination plants, nature preserves, fish farms etc. People working for LIFE will receive generous salaries and be subject to draconian penalties for corruption.

LIFE will not be the only major organization working on planning for the future of the species according to White Dragon Society proposals.

The British Commonwealth, with its 1.8 billion members, will want their own independently financed development and future planning organization built according to commonwealth consensus. It will probably have to be initially headed by someone from India in order to make up for past British racism. Indian and other historical gold assets as well as commonwealth real estate will back their funding.

The Catholic Church and Vatican Bank will also want to have a Christian planning agency controlled by actual Christians for their 1.2 billion members once the Satanists are purged from the Vatican bank.

Similar independent groups such as the Chinese, the Muslims, the Africans and the first nations will also be able to plan for their own independent futures.

In addition, the United Nations will have to be radically restructured in order to make it truly representative of the human race and not be an instrument of Western imperialism as it is today.

Studies by the pentagon, anthropological research and corporate governance research all conclude that the most effective decision making bodies number between 6-9 people. This is the size of the traditional human family during hunter gatherer times. The most natural division for humanity along cultural and historical lines suggests a new council of elders be put at the heart of the United Nations Security Council.

The White Dragon suggestion is for a representative to be selected by each of the following groups: Africa, China, East Asia (excluding China), India, North and South America, Europe including Russia, the Islamic world and first nations.

This 8 person grouping would only function as an emergency consultative council to deal with issues affecting all humans. It would operate according to majority rule. Each region would have a veto but that veto would be restricted to that region only.

Sovereign nation states would continue to exist as before unless voluntary agreements to merge were reached between countries.

The Pentagon, for its part, has reached an agreement to merge with the Chinese and Russian Military to form a global peace keeping force, according to a high ranking agency source.

There has also been an agreement to break up many of the large corporations controlled by the Khazarian Satanic Cabal. Microsoft was specifically mentioned as a company that was about to go Kaput. The major corporate media corporations will also be broken up. Many other top 100 corporations will be broken up into as many as 20 smaller units, according to this source.

The cabalists in charge of the G5 countries are also going to be excluded from the new financial system. If necessary the Pentagon will round up both the Illuminati and the Nazis, in order to make sure they cause no more trouble.

In the US there is also going to be a detailed study of what happened over the past 100 years since the Federal Reserve Board took over and a lot of stolen funds are going to be returned to their rightful owners.

A lot of billionaires will soon be out on the street pan-handling if they are found to have been living on stolen funds. A lot of poor people will suddenly be able to live in their own, mortgage free homes.

Needless to say, revamping how we run the planet is not an easy job. There is a lot of nitty gritty to be taken care of before anything public is announced. We also need to be on extreme alert for any last minute Satanic terror attacks aimed at trying to prevent the freeing of the sheeple.

However, have no doubt, the Satanists will be defeated. There will be world peace, an end to poverty and an end to environmental destruction. Humanity will be set free.

Here is something sent by a Pentagon source. It is by Jim Channon [link added by Kp] and reflects the kinds of ideas being bandied around as humanity heads into a new age.

Opportunities on the event horizon

  • 1. Oil companies realize they are liquid transportation companies and start to move fresh water to needy places on the planet.
  • 2. Major engineering companies respond to rising seas and create canals that take the excess water into barren lowlands inside the continents where it is needed.
  • 3. The national military forces of the planet merge to form natural security teams and restore their respective parts of the earth’s forests, plant life, watersheds, wildlife and the biosphere above all that.
  • 4. That schools recognize that content is already available on line and change their courses to life skills, learning based pursuits, and a new partnership with nature.
  • 5. That Universities build upon the science of conscious evolution, a visionary mindset, and life force living intelligence and then structure their experience based curricula to that end.
  • 6. That government decentralizes into bioregions and organizes military units, school kids, fire departments and others to generate food foraging forests in all available sites for complete global food security.
  • 7. That neighborhoods take on a wide variety of energy producing solutions to become fully independent but not totally separate from the power grid.
  • 8. That web-based democracies attend to their regionally based constituents and use the global web intelligence system to optimize local living.
  • 9. That railheads, airports, and warehouses converge to be able to launch global air rescue missions that deliver major emergency living villages to all peoples globally within hours of a disaster.
  • 10. That the global public achieves a clear unifying identity and the pre-emptive political power to defang the nuclear arsenal and its fear based factions while offering alternative product lines for the military industrial complex.
  • 11. That we accept the notion that life is more likely to exist in the galaxy than not and prepare for the real benefits of new connections.
  • 12. That we embrace a new level of profound simplicity and reintroduce creativity as a replacement for things and mindless entertainment.


Roadmap to Redressing Economic Terrorism in America

Now Hunting Economic Terrorists Closer to Home

We Weren’t Going to Stay Stupid Forever


  … by  Gordon Duff,  Senior Editor


When the Cold War ended, a secret fund planned for by President Ronald Reagan had been set aside to rebuild America, pay off the national debt and reward Americans for decades of sacrifice. 

This was the real accomplishment of his presidency, one few knew of. 

As the funds finally came together, during the first years of the Clinton administration, instead of going to America, the man chosen to secure this legacy for America was put in a Swiss dungeon, then a mental hospital and eventually railroaded into prison on charges now admitted to have been “manufactured.”

Of the funds, only $4.5 trillion remain (plus interest, less taxes), belonging to Ameritrust Corporation, held for the American people.  This is some of the story of those funds and continuing attempts by politicians and bankers to continue destroying the United States through economic terrorism.

Many who read this will already know part of the story, some were involved, I am sure, in related operations.  I am part of that group.  The facts, documents, secret operations carefully vetted, confirmed, all now ready for release to those cleared for such, others are public domain.

It is our job to put out a story we are largely unauthorized to tell.

Of those who work in Special Operations and such things, I am one of the very few with a background in international finance.  This is not written for public consumption but I will publish it anyway, do with it as you will.  I am writing to our “community.”  You know who you are.

Whose Money Were They Lending? - Stolen Money?

Over the past few years, amounts of money and practices none of us had imagined have been hitting the news.

We hear one day that the Federal Reserve secretly lends out trillions of dollars illegally, yet these criminal acts by the Federal Reserve, though reported, are never investigated.

In fact, there is no agency empowered to audit or control the Federal Reserve whose very existence itself no one understands and, if they did, none would approve of.

It doesn’t say whose dollars or where they went or what America got in return.  We are led to believe they came out of thin air, went to places that are “none of our business” and were or were not paid back, also none of our business.

What happened? America got screwed.

Years ago, I had been asked to look after a former Reagan official named Lee Wanta.  Some of you will understand this sentence, who does the asking, and what “look after”means.

I knew he had been kidnapped in Switzerland and, though a diplomat, sent to the US and imprisoned on criminal charges we knew to be a total invention.

His personal attorney was Chief Legal Counsel for the Central Intelligence Agency.

My retiree job is as an intelligence contractor working with pro-US clients.  I “brief,” not interview.  I am not a journalist by trade.  I am one of the thousands of Americans that middle age has turned from a “knock in the back of the head” guy to someone who can talk his way out of a dozen foreign jails.

I am simply one of many Americans that few know exist, a Marine, a Vietnam veteran and someone who spent much of his life with his head upside down.

What Happened to Lee Wanta Actually Happened to All Americans


Who Stole the Money - And Who Did They Steal it For?

Ambassador Wanta has court documentation that he is owed $7.2 trillion dollars, private capital designated for one purpose, rebuilding the American economy.

The money was garnered through exploiting insane errors in the pricing of currencies and exploiting the economic policies of the former Soviet Union. Some of the profits had ended up in the Bank of China and were, according to legal agreement, repatriated to the United States, what remained anyway.

Initially, $4.5 trillion was transferred to the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond while issues of law and taxes were negotiated.  This is the remainder of a larger fund, transferred into the US while litigation was to determine tax liability and little else.

Secretly, a group of individuals has been using and diverting these funds.

Why does the fund exist?  Wanta worked for Reagan, National Intelligence Coordinator and then was nominated by Senator Chuck Grassley of Iowa at Reagan’s request to take over as Inspector General of the Department of Defense.

Instead, Reagan assigned Wanta to a project to raise huge amounts of money trading currency.  Some of this is on the internet and much of it is correct.  The total amount raised, based on collateral supplied by the US Department of Treasury in a secret intelligence operation was 27 trillion USD.

Over the years, all but $4.5 trillion was stolen, much of it by a previous US president, some by the CIA, much by banks.  Years ago, I was sent account numbers on some of the money and tried to locate it in concert with foreign intelligence agencies. 

I would have returned the funds to the US government.  Included is 2000 tons of gold, and dozens of bank accounts around the world.  I have the account numbers, talked to the bankers and even, in one case, went directly to a chief of state.

What Has Been Stolen by the MegaCrooks is Beyond Imagination

Stolen cash is impossible to recover when half of it is paid out in bribes. As most of what I am writing is probably classified, let’s pretend I am making this all up.

Anyway, back to Wanta.  During this time, Wanta had gone to court to recover his funds, which had grown to over $7 trillion.

The rest of the money, much of which came from currency trading at the largest scale in world history, we will never find.

Now a court has ordered Wanta to receive his money.

The company to receive the money is Ameritrust.  The board members of Ameritrust are well known public people, a former Vice President, senators, generals and admirals and, of course, me.

The money is, officially, in the Federal Bank of Richmond and the order to return the funds was signed by the President of the United States based on an agreement with the Federal Courts.

Involved, over a period of years, is a group of people every American will know, from presidents and vice presidents to the heads of the Federal Reserve, Secretaries of Treasury, names like Bush and Cheney, Paulson, Bernake, Al Gore, some names working for America and too many trying to steal part of the money for themselves.

(Fax header from “deep cover” classified memo directly to President Bush)


Some tried to steal all of it.

Federal Reserve

When you heard news stories about the Federal Reserve making secret loans to the crooked ”bail out banks” that weren’t authorized by congress, they were lending out the $7.2 trillion “Wanta dollars” ordered paid by President Obama and the Federal Courts.

If you wondered how the Federal Reserve, that couldn’t print a few billion dollars without authorization from congress, lent out trillions that technically didn’t exist with no permission at all and there was no investigation, no questions asked and the story forgotten a day later, you will begin to understand by the end of this.

You will be extremely upset and angry also.

Thus far, here is part of that settlement I can tell you of but first, I had Wanta checked out.

To do that, I went to a top army intelligence officer from the Pentagon, one who had been Defense Attache to Israel and who had worked in Special Operations, war plans, clandestine operations and such since he was an A Team leader in Vietnam. I put him on with Wanta for hours and had Wanta interrogated.

Wanta knew dozens of the highest classified operations in US history, knew every Pentagon official including much highly detailed personal information. To our top Army intelligence officer, we were able to confirm that he was, unquestioningly, working for years at the highest levels of US intelligence.

The man who grilled him still hangs up the phone whenever I mention 9/11, a close personal friend of Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu.

This is the deal:

Ameritrust agrees to buy $1 trillion in 10 year treasury bonds, which will finance America’s national debt for the next year.

Ameritrust, as outlined by the court, agrees to pay $1.7 trillion in income tax, reducing the national debt significantly overnight.

Ameritrust has set aside $6 billion for disbursement, under my advisement, monies for two purposes:

  1. Development of a program to end veteran homelessness and save a generation of young veterans.  This is entirely privately donated money.  A non-profit entity exists and programs can start today.  Not one cent will be stolen or diverted.
  2. Fund efforts to aid in closing the US border and put a 100% end to illegal immigration and drug trafficking.  This involves billions of dollars, carefully administered, with the full cooperation of state and local officials who have already been consulted and are onboard.

Ameritrust has set aside, minimally, $1 trillion USD to build a high speed rail system for the United States with almost all components domestically constructed.  This system includes stations, hotels and much more.  The minimal impact will include:

  1. Initial employment will begin at 80,000 with full employment in the manufacture, installation and security of this system 400,000 new jobs, all privately financed without one cent of taxpayer money.
  2. Veterans will receive preference on all jobs but, as is obvious, employment goes well beyond our available veteran community.
  3. Required technologies and the entities that control such will be purchased and manufacturing facilities will be located within the United States.

The economic impact on other transportation systems, particularly airlines, has been predicted and funding is available to minimize disruption.

America, of course, will become the world’s tourist destination, travel costs for top domestic destinations will lower by a minimum of $65% and no debt will be involved.

The Great West of America - Grand Canyon

Four hundred thousand paychecks will put a dent in the recession, produce tax revenue to allow additional pay down of national debt and, for the first time in decades, actually raise the standard of living in America.

This is all documented.

Studies showing lowered emissions and freedom from oil imports are almost frightening.

All this does, of course, is give Americans things that other nations around the world have had for years but at lower cost, financed through the foresight, frankly, of President Ronald Reagan.


This entire project was his plan. He entrusted the currency trading critical part of it to Lee Wanta, who some now considered the greatest intelligence coup of the Cold War.  I had no idea.

That we are dealing with it now is because criminal elements within our government and financial industry including the Federal Reserve System have subverted this plan, ignored court orders and violated so many laws we can’t even count. They believe they can claim immunity and hide behind an national security justification.

This money is here today, it is 20 years old, it requires no new currency issue, it pays down debt and adds nothing but jobs, revenue and hope.

To stop this from moving forward, Wanta was kidnapped and jailed, court cases involving the top lawyers in the United States have gone on for 6 years and millions have been spent to either keep this out of the press or misrepresent facts that exist on enough legal documents to fill a Fed Ex van.

Lee Wanta

More than that, laws of diplomatic privilege have been violated and, a more serious security threat, Wanta was protected by federal statutes that protect intelligence agents, statutes misused by Oliver North and others.  Wanta’s prosecution, on no evidence at all other than requests from governmental elements tied to organized crime, human trafficking and narcotics, moved forward despite motions to dismiss filed that any court would have immediately accepted.

Laws meant to protect America are now laws of convenience, used when they serve the banks or own our politicians, violated when patriots need to be silenced.


At one point, Wanta was put in a mental institution.  He gave the psychiatrist a telephone number to call.  Vice President Al Gore answered and confirmed Wanta’s identity.

Vice President Gore also confirmed that he had been informed that Lee Wanta was dead.  When Gore learned Wanta was alive in the room, we suspect this is why Wanta is here and the Reagan/Ameritrust program is coming back to life.

The psychiatrist ordered Wanta’s release.  Instead of release, he was jailed and the psychiatrist “warned” and then fired. We can prove this.

You have heard these stories a dozen times, Sibel Edmonds, John Wheeler III, Susan Lindauer and a hundred names you will never hear.  Ask why Senator Paul Wellstone of Minnesota and his family are dead.

This is the real world we live in, why we pay so much for gas when the world money markets have crashed, when demand is nothing but prices rise daily and nobody ever asks anything.

We Want to Know

What we want to know and “we” is not a harmless bunch of cranks.  “We” means many of the people who formerly and currently represent key “capabilities” that protect and defend the United States.

We want to know why, for years, the Federal Reserve illegally “loaned” trillions of dollars to banks that claimed they were insolvent, money in escrow and not under their authority for distribution.

We want to know why, for years, the Secretaries of Treasury authorized these illegal acts which have been reported in the news but never investigated.

We want to know where the trillions of dollars are in profits that were generated by using this currency to collateralize offshore transactions never listed by the banks who received the illegal loans.

Read that one again until you understand the extent of what I am saying and how obvious all of this is.

The money has been there to put America on her feet.  Nobody ever explained how the Federal Reserve could lend trillions of dollars “illegally,” money never under their official control but rather under the supervision of the Federal District Court of the Eastern District of Virginia.

In addition to funding existing legal authorities to end illegal immigration overnight and begin a real war on drug trafficking, at some point there will be unpaid state income taxes totaling over $200 billion dollars.

We have the full backing of state governors, select members of congress and those financial leaders who choose to profit from honest business instead of insider trading and financial scams. This means “change.”

What we demand?

We want monies owed and ordered to be paid as law requires to be paid.  All we are demanding is restoration of rule of law in accordance with existing court orders and legal judgements, nothing more.

We also have law enforcement and intelligence officials who tell us that they will never sleep another night until they have hunted all these people involved down and have seen justice done. 

They say they are willing to spend their lives hunting assets, even to the ends of the earth, beginning with vacation homes, yachts, family trusts, safe deposit boxes, anywhere on the planet and that existing laws covering money laundering and terrorism give them the needed tools.

How Many Were Involved in Cooking the Books?

The term I keep hearing is “continuing criminal enterprise.”  I am more a builder than one to seek retribution but others are not so forgiving.  We believe this is why funds are being held up, out of fear.

As there is enough money here for Ameritrust to be the most powerful congressional lobby, being a “corporate person,” the richest ever imagined, think of the irony. 

The laws meant to deprive Americans of their rights being used to restore democracy and rule of law.  The idea is frightening.

This is What These Mega Thieves are Doing to America

As billions are assigned for veterans relief at a time of extreme national emergency, failure to do so is unthinkable.

America was never intended to be what it has become.  We have the funds, the plans and the people to begin a rapid and well conceived turn-around of America.

This is a plan of investment in America, of hard work, of the most extreme form of financial conservatism thinkable.

This is about work and paying taxes and building in America for America by Americans.

Ask yourself who has been blocking this, who is above the law?  Court documents on all of this, as required by law, are in the public domain.

Welcome to any who think this is less than we say.

 Editing: Jim W. Dean

Dear Folks, You may get tired of hearing this by I am going to say it once again. We have to take ownership of this problem. If we let them get away with this and keep their ill gotten gains there is absolutely nothing they will fear doing do to us in the future. Only a conquered, defeated people would accept such a humiliation.

Fortunately, as the WOT has expanded the Special Operations Forces to 50,000, many are becoming aware of this situation and needless to say are more than a little unhappy about it. Add in legions of ole time civilian and military Intel people and we have a multi-generational trained and well motivated group of leaders ready. Repeatedly, we have seen mental health facilities, most on military bases, used as prisons, used to discredit, used to drug, experiment on clandestine agents and even public officials who refuse to submit to participation in illegalities.

Does the term “gulag” come to mind?

tscout's picture

     The part about every human getting 125,000 dollars rung a bell. That was the figure used in the old Nesara bill that seemed to fade away after the last election. Does this mean I should open a bank account in America again ? Ha !  I can build a 1200 sq. ft. self sustaining house for that price, maybe less ! Hopefully it would be considered a nice step in the right direction, not a solution. I'll keep my ears peeled !

kevnkar's picture

Real solutions for a new earth! 400,000 jobs at no cost to taxpayers instead of 19 jobs at a cost 435,000 to taxpayers for each one!Smile

Wendy's picture



Romanian prime minister and cabinet resign en masse

2/20/12 (GERMANY) GERMAN PRESIDENT Christian Ruff resigns (financial corruption charges)


(1) 9/25/11 (SWITZERLAND) Bank chief resigns over £1.5bn rogue trader crisis

(2) 10/29/11 (CHINA) Resignations Suggest Shift for China's Banks

(3) 11/01/12 (INDIA) More directors of the Beed district bank resign

(4) 11/21/11 (JAPAN) UBS's Japan Investment Banking Chairman Matsui to Resign

(5) 11/29/11 (Iran) Iran's Bank Melli CEO Resigns Over Loan Scam

(6) 12/15/11 (UNITED KINGDOM) Senior private banker resigns from Coutts [a very exclusive private bank]

(7) 12/22/11 (FRANCE) Societe Generale's Investment Banking Chief Steps Down

(8) 1/05/12 (UNITED KINGDOM) Chief executive of Saunderson House [Private Bank] steps down

(9)1/09/12 (SWITZERLAND) Switzerland's central bank chief resigns

(10) 1/12/12 (United Kingdom) Lloyds' head of wholesale quits

(11) 1/19/12 (SPAIN) Spanish bank Santander's Americas chief quits

(12) 1/20/12 (JAPAN) Normura's head of wholesale banking quits

(13) 1/29/12 (NEW ZEALAND) New Zealand Reserve Bank Governor Alan Bollard to Step Down in September

(14) 1/21/12 (Greece) Banks' top negotiator quits Greece, but talks go on

(15) 2/06/12 (INDIA) Dhanlaxmi Bank CEO Amitabh Chaturvedi quits:

(16) 2/07/12 (INDIA) Falguni Nayar quits Kotak Mahindra Bank

(17) 2/07/12 (IRAN) Iran denies central bank resignation rumor (don't believe until its denied?)

(18) 2/09/12 (VATICAN) Four Priests Charged In Vatican Banking Scandal

(19) 2/10/12 (INDIA) Tamilnad Mercantile Bank CEO resigns

(20) 2/13/12 (KUWAIT) Kuwait Central Bank CEO resigns

(21) 2/14/12 (NICARAQUA) Nicaraqua Central Bank Pres Rosales resigns

(22) 2/14/12 (UNITED KINGDOM) Social finance pioneer Hayday steps down from Charity Bank

(23) 2/15/12 World Bank CEO Zoellick resigns

Did the White House tell the World Bank president that he's out?

(24) 2/15/12 (SLOVENIA) Slovenia TWO largest Banks CEO's (2) resign

(25) 2/15/12 (KENYA) Governor of Kenyan Central Bank to Resign

(26) 2/16/12 (GHANA) Ken Ofori-Atta steps down as Executive Chair of Databank Group

(27) 2/16/12 (SAUDI ARABIA) Saudi Hollandi Banks Managing Director Quits

(28) 2/16/12 (AUSTRALIA) Anz Bank CFO Australia resigns

(29) 2/16/12 (AUSTRALIA) Royal Bank of Scotland Austrailan CEO Stephen Williams resigns

(30) 2/17/12 (USA) Blankfein out as Goldman Sachs CEO by summer

(31) 2/18/12 (PAKISTAN) AJK Bank's executive steps down

(32) 2/20/12 (RUSSIA) Head of Russian Bank Regulator Steps Down

(33) 2/20/12 (SWITZERLAND) Credit Suisse Chief Joseph Tan resigns

(34) 2/10/12 (KOREA) Korea Exchange Bank chief steps down

11-29-11 R. David Land Submits Resignation from the Boards of Directors of Peoples Bancorporation, Inc. and Seneca National Bank

01-07-12 Iran denies central bank resignation rumor

01-09-12 Switzerland's central bank chief resigns

02-15-12 Silvio Berlusconi Trial: Prosecutors Seek 5-Year Term

02-16-12 Swiss National Bank chairman's resignation—A pointer to all regulators in India

02-17-12 UPDATE: SNB Council President To Leave Central Bank

02-20-12 Senior bankers caught up in film investment tax probe

02-20-12 RBS and Jefferies staff held as tax evasion investigation widens

02-20-12 Hedge fund boss whose explosive emails finally caught up with him

02-20-12 Tory hedge fund donor fined $80m in the US

Date unknown BELGIUM: Resignations

kevnkar's picture

All the grumblings about the Powers That Were falling apart seem to be finally coming to fruition. These are exciting times.

Noa's picture

You may have seen this clip of Allen Greenspan.  Here he openly admits that there is no governing body overseeing the operations of the Fed.

Shouldn't there be more public outrage?

Accountability – Hold On To Your Hats! The Dominoes Are Falling … and Falling and Falling

2012 February 24
Posted by Stephen Cook

Accountability – Hold On To Your Hats! The Dominoes Are Falling … and Falling and Falling

by Stephen Cook

Last week, when I posted the story here on the site that World Bank head Robert Zoellick was about to take his banking president’s hat off and had suddenly tendered his resignation, I thought to myself: “Ah, at last! ‘they’ are starting to fall like dominoes – just as SaLuSa and Matthew Ward and others have been telling us they would”.

But little did I know at the time that, in fact, ‘they’ weren’t just “starting” to fall; ‘they’ had been literally tumbling down, like a giant deck of dominoes – all around the world, and for several weeks now.

Zoellick may have appeared to be the first big banker (at one of the really BIG banks)  to make me sit up and take note. But he wasn’t the first, or the last, by a long stretch. As we are all coming to see.

Yet, if – like millions of our fellow humans around the world – you were only reading, watching or hearing things from the mainstream media within your own country, you quite possibly wouldn’t have realised that anything important was happening globally at all. Only after a few online searches using ‘banker quits’, ‘bank head resigns’, ‘bank chief steps down’, ‘bank arrest’ and others does the worldwide picture start to come in to view.

Bingo! Just as our Galactic friends have been telling us things would “soon” be underway and that we had better hold on to our hats, it is obvious that the financial world is really beginning to shake apart right now. And shake from the very, very, very top. All over the world.

CEOs, Chairmen, Presidents, Directors, CFOs, MDs and more…

In Switzerland, Japan, Australia, Kenya, Saudi Arabia, the USA, Pakistan, Spain, Russia and China….

In France, New Zealand, Venezuela, India, Korea, Iran, Kuwait, Nicaragua, Slovenia and even the Vatican… and many other countries.

Yes, the heads, henchmen and board rulers of the world’s central banks, private banks, financial advisory firms, national banks, the Vatican bank, construction banks, agricultural banks, co-operative banks, investment banks, a charity bank and other financial institutions have all been “miraculously” rolling – resigning, stepping aside, being asked to step aside, retiring, being arrested, becoming the subject of inquiry or about to be charged with fraud.

One by one. Two by two. Or, in the case of the Beeds District Central Cooperative Bank in India – where a group of 10 directors on that bank’s board quit last October, followed three days later by another 12, out of a total of 25 directors – in very large numbers, indeed. All told, dozens and dozens. And each day, lately, there are more.

And here’s the good news (well, not for the departees and their friends still clinging to power): this game of dominoes called Accountability hasn’t just simply started, it is well and truly ON.

SaLuSa even told us so, this Wednesday, February 22. “With an ear to the ground, many of you are aware that banking fraternity are answering for their corrupt financial dealings. It is the commencement of more far reaching actions, that shall ultimately remove the cancer that they have brought into your society.

“In trying to control the world’s wealth, they have unwittingly brought about their own demise. It has also led back to political persons who have benefitted from their crimes, and they also will be removed. Have no doubt that they will pay the price for what they have done, and coming governmental changes will ensure that your future representatives are above such acts, and are true and honest.”

Well, that must Include the former German President, Christian Wulff, who was toppled from his perch just last week following his involvement in a home loan scandal that he then tried to silence the press from writing about.

And based on everything we are hearing, seeing, feeling and consciously seeking, my strong hunch is that he is very unlikely to be the last national head we will be hearing has handed in his presidential cap.

SaLuSa even suggested that this is exactly the scenario unfolding before us now, in his message of just last Monday, February 20.

“Nothing escapes our notice, and there are no hiding places that the Illuminati and their minions can use to avoid their fate. They have been offered a way out if they resign, but that does not mean they can get away with their crimes against Humanity.”

Matthew Ward also told us, back on April 26, 2010 that “the Illuminati is not an organization of card-carrying members, but rather the ‘umbrella’ name of disparate groups and a large number of powerful individuals who have been controlling or heavily influencing the most important aspects of life throughout your world for centuries.

“In recent years, they also have become known by other designations, such as the secret government, New World Order, dark cabal or the elitists; and they include the top figures in financial institutions, investment markets, multinational corporations, religions, education, media, military forces, judicial systems, entertainment, the medical ‘establishment,’ regulatory and advisory bodies, royal families, Zionists.”

We can obviously expect more – especially now that these  “early dominoes” are falling.

Even Benjamin Fulford has regularly reported that the writing has been on the wall for the Cabal – and their banker minions – for quite some time. More recently, his February 13 blog post opened with: “The controlled implosion of the Federal Reserve Board and the European Central Bank is continuing and must be completed before a new financial system can go online, according to Pentagon and other sources.”

David Wilcock has also covered almost every base in his recent major Financial Tyranny expose.

While in the UK Parliament, on February 16, Lord James of Blackheath, once a banking man himself, went very, very public with his call for a full parliamentary inquiry into a massive US$15 Trillion money-laundering fraud and corruption scandal. In presenting his case, Lord James stated that he had, in his possession, incriminating documentation with the signatures of former Federal Reserve Bank Chair Alan Greenspan and the man who is current US Secretary of the Treasury Tim Geithner on them – as well as evidence of massive transfers of funds to virtually every mega-bank in the U.S. and UK. Big stuff!

(Incidentally, Tim Geithner – a former President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, who is described as “an economist, central banker and civil servant” – has been muted as a possible replacement for Zoellick at the World Bank. Hmmmmm, why is it that something tells me that that particular “civil” service ain’t gonna happen now?)

So, with all this banking turmoil having been tipped off and tipped out, why should we be surprised at all.

There is simply no reason to be surprised to hear that the head of operations at Spain’s biggest bank, Santander – the Eurozone’s biggest bank by market capitalisation – Francisco Luzon, suddenly announced his voluntary resignation as an executive board member. (Amazingly, still hoping to receive his accumulated pension of nearly 60 million Euros ($77million) plus 9.9 million Euros in bonuses!)

Or that the Swiss National Bank chairman, Philipp Hildebrand, who also once worked at the World Bank, resigned abruptly following great public uproar over dollar swaps he did that earned him and his wife, a former currency trader, tens of thousands of dollars in profits – at the same time that he was working to lower the value of the soaring Swiss franc.

There’s also no reason for us to be surprised to hear that scores of other international banking heads have rolled. Or that a director, a senior equities trader and a senior trader all involved with the Royal Bank of Scotland were arrested in a series of raids resulting from a HM (Her Majesty’s?) Revenue and Customs investigation into claims of tax fraud.

And there’s certainly no reason to even lift an eyebrow on hearing the news that four Catholic priests have been charged with money laundering hundreds of thousands of dollars out of the Vatican’s official bank, the Institute for the Works of Religion.

No. We should not be surprised at all. For our Galactic friends have been telling us this was all going to happen and that, when change came, it would come quicker than any of us could ever imagine.

Matthew Ward predicted that big things were going to happen, as far back as May 21, 2008, when he said that truth-telling will result in a thorough “’housecleansing’ within governments, religions, banking corporations, education, commerce, medicine, and health care – every source that has been instrumental in forming your beliefs and conscripting your activities” and that it will continue “until all those sources of deception and corruption have been purged”.

Then, on September 28, 2009, SaLuSa told us: “Come the time very soon when positive action is going to be taken against them, they will be shocked at the speed with which their destiny will change. There is no one who shall escape the net that draws ever more tightly around them.”

Now, if this past month alone is anything to go by, that net is only going to get tighter and tighter and many more “dominoes” are set to come crashing down.

So, sit back and watch them fall, knowing it’s all part of the Divine Plan.

Hold onto your hat!

Albert Stanley, Former Halliburton Exec, Sentenced In Bribery Scheme

Posted: 02/24/12 03:52 PM ET  |  Updated: 02/24/12 09:05 PM ET

A former top Halliburton executive will serve 2 1/2 years in prison after pleading guilty in Houston federal court to orchestrating a $180 million bribery scheme to secure $6 billion in natural gas deals in Nigeria, the Justice Department announced Thursday.

Albert "Jack" Stanley is the former CEO of KBR, a Halliburton subsidiary at the time of the bribes; he was tapped to run the company in 1998 by future Vice President Dick Cheney, who ran Halliburton between 1996 and 2000. Cheney was not charged in the case.

KBR, spun off by Halliburton in the wake of the scandal, called the scheme an "unfortunate chapter" in its "rich and storied history" after pleading guilty to corporate criminal charges in 2009.

The investigation of the bribes crossed four continents over 10 years and involved five companies in Europe, the U.S., Japan and Nigeria. Criminal and civil penalties in the case have yielded more than $1.7 billion in fines, forfeitures and other sanctions.

"This case shows the importance the department places on putting an end to foreign bribery," Mythili Raman, a prosecutor with the Justice Department's criminal division, said in the Feb. 23 announcement.

Stanley, 69, who also pleaded guilty to mail and wire fraud in a separate kickback scheme, agreed to pay $10.8 million in addition to incarceration. He faced a maximum of seven years in prison, but prosecutors said the lighter sentence was merited by his "substantial cooperation" in the investigation. Stanley had pleaded guilty in September 2008, but his sentencing was delayed 16 times, according to Reuters.

Two co-conspirators in the bribery scheme -- Jeffrey Tesler, 63, a British lawyer, and Wojciech J. Chodan, a salesman for KBR's British subsidiary -- were also sentenced Thursday.

According to the Justice Department, Tesler served as the principal bagman in the scheme, steering more than $180 million in bribes to Nigerian officials between 1994 and 2004 to secure natural gas contracts worth $6 billion. He was ordered to serve 21 months in prison and a pay a $25,000 fine. He had also agreed to forfeit $149 million under the terms of a 2009 plea agreement.

Chodan previously agreed to forfeit $726,000 and was sentenced to one year of probation.

All three men cooperated with authorities in the investigation, the largest multi-company prosecution ever under the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, a federal anti-bribery statute.

In a statement to U.S. District Judge Keith Ellison, Stanley requested leniency, saying that he had been raised on "traditional American values of hard work, honesty and integrity."

"But somewhere along the way my values were compromised, through ambition, ego or alcoholism," Stanley said, according to Bloomberg.

The U.S. investigation never reached Cheney, despite his leadership role at Halliburton during the time of the scheme. Nigerian officials announced in December 2010 that Cheney would be charged criminally as part of an anti-corruption investigation into the bribes, but those charges were dropped after Halliburton paid a $35 million settlement related to the case.

Under questioning from Judge Ellison, Brad Simon, a lawyer for Tesler, said that bribery remains widespread in Nigeria, one of the world's top oil producers and a key source of imported oil for the U.S.

"It was a fact of life and continues to be a fact of life in Nigeria," Simon said.

Francis's picture


I'm here in Hawaii and am about to start a 16-hour CONVERGENCE lecture weekend -- my most ambitious ever, with 1175 slides in total, meaning I have to do 73 slides an hour to stay on schedule. I'm very excited about it -- there is a lot to talk about!

The Internet is exploding with lists of major financial industry CEOs who are resigning, mostly just within the last month. The silence from the mainstream media about this is deafening.

I have heard there are 10 different cases in the US, on a very high level, and they've already fled to Brazil and Paraguay. These are NOT in the lists circulating on the internet -- at least not yet.

This only adds further evidence to support the idea that "Something Big Is About to Happen" -- namely the mass arrests of so many conspirators.

I have heard leaks from the inside that the "Next 9/11" is being planned for February 26th. The negative elite are hoping to bring America to its knees by doing something that will turn the power off so it can never come back on.

I consider it very highly unlikely that these plans will succeed, due to the remarkable number of "Divine Interventions" that have been happening lately to throw off any and all attempts to start World War III.

I do believe ETs / Angelic humans are real, and apparently the rules have changed radically.

John Kettler has recently stepped forward and is giving incredible testimony that supports what I've been tracking for the last year and a half on this website with the "China's October Surprise" story. Kerry Cassidy's recent interview with him is fascinating.

Over 40 different attempts to start World War III have been thwarted in the last 2 months by "impossible" means.

For example: three different times the Israelis and Palestinians have tried to have an all-out shooting war, but their guns jammed on the battlefield. Then when they took them back to the gunnery range, they worked just fine.

Why do you guys think you will be allowed to destroy the United States power grid on February 26th with all the other signs that this is Game Over?

Anyway, I hope you all have a nice weekend. Meditate on the positive and stay peaceful and centered to help offset any possibility that this nefarious plan will succeed. I highly doubt it has even the slightest chance of doing anything.

I thank you again for your continuing support!

Oh, by the way... I had to laugh as I logged in to write this update and AGAIN got a synchronicity. This time the hit counter was at 218555. I have to be timed down to the second for this to work, but consciously I have no idea!


I just read David Wilcock's blog and came here to post and there it was!  Way to go!

I love that DW now believes in Angels and ET's


Francis's picture

being thwarted by impossible means!  Expect miracles indeed!

Wendy's picture

I just listened to the interview David is referring to, it's quite hopeful and worthwhile:

Would it be all that bad if all the electricity went out? I understand that it would be a disaster if it went out for a long time but what if it was only down for a week or so? Hospitals, etc. would get along ok for this amount of time on back up generators. In the mean time the general population would be unplugged from their programming, get outside and have time to connect with themselves. Community would be formed as neighbors check on each other to cooperate with meeting their basic needs. This might not be all bad if it happened anyhow.....

Wendy's picture

This seems like a good place to post this as we expectantly await a better future.

  At this time of year large portions of the population would freeze from lack of electricity which keeps the heat on.  Not to mention the many who depend on electricity for life support, such as premature babies in neo-natal units, the elderly, and the infirm.  Surely one would think of them before glibly calling for the destruction of the electric grid?

I find it interesting that many call for draconian measures under the guise of "removing programming" to create scenarios where people are returned to a place of continuous work for survival.  Have you ever had to spend an day just to gather enough wood to stay warm--- in this life I have done so and have witnessed others nearly freezing to death because they were unable to gather enough wood to survive and I lacked the energy to help them for I was busy just trying to survive myself.  There are multiple reasons why the lights need to stay on!  Leisure time is intricately linked to Expansion of Awareness.

 Until one has actually had to spend day after day (not just a "weekend" that is called camping) just trying to stay warm, feed yourself and family and gather water--- do not wish it upon everyone else.  This is the way many in the world live-- they have no time for communing with the Higher Realms, caring for themselves or any other higher function of transpersonal life.  This is one the single most challenging barriers for many to overcome. 

Instituting a scenario that causes the survival mechanism to kick in plays into the hands of the very Dark Cabal that many seem to say they are working to transmute. 

Truly free energy and clean electromagnetic digital equipement is what is required as well as the end to water fluorination and the Use of HAARP followed by quality shows on the TV systems and Movie Systems that reinforce the values of Unity Consciousness and Love.  This is what is required.





CENSORSHIP Censorship  Why The ETs/EDs Strikes NEVER Make The News

Censorship--Why The ETs/EDs' Strikes Don't Get Reported! Image Credit: Unknown

Censorship & Reality–If It Doesn’t Get Reported, It Never Happened!

Censorship–on ALL levels–is directly connected with why this blog posts extraordinary claims, which, in turn, are practically impossible to prove using “normal” methods. Censorship is used by the government and NWO (New World Order)/PTW (Powers That Were) to hide what would divert our attention from what they want us to watch, believe and react to. Censorship keeps us from keeping us from becoming aware of a whole new reality unfolding daily; from noticing their (soon to be literal) nakedness. Censorship is the application of mind control which operates on the principle that if it’s never reported by the MSM (mainstream media), to the general public, it never happened. People simply do not grasp the lengths, to include murder, the government and PTW will go in order to “keep the lid on.” Censorship helps keeps the controllers in control–of us!

Censorship–Your Press Pass, Broadcast License Or Your Life!

How does censorship work in a purported free country? Simple. Threats. Threats that jeopardize the survival of vast corporations and individual radio or TV stations, in a blatant censorship pattern going clear back to the Roswell Crash in 1947. How? Broadcast licenses! Lose yours, and you’re done. Game over. “Attention, Roswell, cease transmitting…this is a National Security item.” The radio station owner later said his station license was threatened with revocation. Censorship via intimidation works! Obey the censorship order or else!

Censorship struck again in 1970s Las Vegas with bombshell exposes on “The Billy Goodman Show,” where there were warnings, censorship regarding allowable topics, a suspension, more warnings, then being fired–all for having whistleblowers galore on talking about things the government and black op types from Area 51, S4, D6 and more didn’t want heard, let alone on a 50,000 watt station covering many states! The show was huge draw,  but not worth losing the whole station over. Censorship wins again! The same sorts of censorship and threats also ultimately drove Art Bell from the air, too.  He was allowing way too much truth to get out–had to be stopped!

If you watch “The Panama Deception,” which won the 1992 Oscar for Best Documentary, you can see that inconvenient observers, AKA reporters, suffered heavily for attempting to expose the horror that was Operation Just Cause–seven dead, shot down like rabid dogs and left lying in the street.

So, it’s no surprise that similar tactics work and work well against TV reporters and print media, who also have to deal with editor and owner imposed censorship. Keep covering certain topics and you just won’t be on camera or see your byline appear. White House access can be denied, embed permission removed, transmission facilities for uploading stories blocked and more. They can take your credentials, threaten you and your loved ones, even kill you. Unsurprisingly, that’s exactly what happened to what should’ve been worldwide, viral news: the daylight vanishing by the ETs/EDs of 40 Iranian vessels–in full view of tanker crews, warship crews, fishermen, merchant ship crews and “at least 20 member of the mainstream media, covering TV, print, Web, etc.” And what gets through the censorship?

“I spoke to contacts within CNN personally this morning even, they’re sitting on footage and other information concerning the Iranian KBs and Sub, plus interviews of witnesses, and even footage, etc., of the Venezuelan Missiles. Plus reports on several of the FEMA camps. And won’t release it because the government will literally pull their broadcast license.”

That source indicates that CNN has interviewed a bunch of witnesses to the disappearances, has footage of the actual disappearances and the reaction thereto, but CNN has been flatly told its broadcast license will be pulled if it airs any of what it’s turned up. Censorship at work! But wait! There’s more! Returning to the source..

I think a HUGE part of the problem is the media, and even the government. Take for example the Tweets that were in fact on Twitter covering the 40 Kamikaze Boats  that were taken in broad daylight infront of HUNDREDS of witnesses including multiple MSM sources. Nothing was covered by MSM sources, because credentials and lives were threatened. The Tweets were removed by Twitter under demands of the CIA and DHS, citing “national security” issues per the response I got demanding to know why they had been removed. That alone should have gone Viral.

Ah, the joys of censorship! No annoying truth to upset the Sheeple!

Recapping, the things the ETs/EDs said did happen, happened. Despite the censorship! The suicide boats did disappear and were videoed and photographed doing so, by national and international media; a slew of tweets went out in real time, and the government removed them. The newest, quietest Iranian sub “vanished” that night, and that information has been multiply confirmed by the subs doing the tracking of said sub. The “sound of in-rushing water” reported by them perfectly fits what happens when something large is suddenly no longer there, and water roars in to fill the void. Let’s now look at the those vexed missiles in Venezuela. The source continues…

As for the Venezuelan Missiles, Mr. Kettler was repeatedly told (which he even put in comments on his blog): “The U.S. government doesn’t exist to provide content for your blog.” So he has no option of getting overhead imagery from his Intel/Military Sources. Other satellites that provide free content to the public at large don’t update their imagery frequently enough to be of any use in these situations. And, no one that even comes close to living in the area can get close enough to where they were to get information themselves because the area is still under heavy guard. And, again. The media isn’t going to cover this under threats, and also because it would be an distraction from the focus and rallying towards the situation in the Persian Gulf/Middle East.

The source is right. The last person who got classified satellite imagery (eminent naval historian Samuel E. Morison’s grandson) and published it drew a long stint in a federal prison. When it suits the government, it can break censorship and security regs to crow over, say, smiting Libya, using SR-71 imagery then to do so. Then there’s the “blank spots on the map,” problem (also the title of an excellent book by Guerin) a form of censorship in which orders are quietly given to remove whole facilities from Google Earth, further complicating verifying claims. If, say, a certain base is ripped to pieces, but the base isn’t on Google Earth anymore, now what? But if excellent terrestrial sources confirm what the ETs/EDs say they did, based on overhead imagery, intercepted communications, prisoner interrogations and more, that should be adequate, but it isn’t. People have said volunteers should go in and verify the ground truth of the destruction of the FEMA camps, but do we really want them potentially detained or even shot?  This is the kind of protection effective censorship affords malefactors of all stripes. Continuing the story…

Censorship, The CIA And Destroyed FEMA Detention Camps

So far 8 plus FEMA camps have been destroyed and left as smoking pits, but MSM and probably other Media Sources wont be reporting on those, because they’d first have to “admit” they existed in the first place (despite most Alternative Media followers already knowing this), then would open the huge can of worms concerning their potential uses, etc. Before they’d even come close to admitting that they’re being destroyed and left as smoking pits. And then the questions would be coming up as “by whom?” then they wouldn’t have the answers, then likely the media as they are good at would use this opportunity to twist it into some false flag attack by a “rogue” nation or false flag ET Invasion to instigate even quicker the use of surviving death and concentration camps. And, Martial Law. You really want to see that happen? I don’t think so.

Censorship–How The Government “Makes Quakes Go Away”

It has long been known by Earth scientists and Earth sensitives alike that the government has been covering up and suppressing, via censorship and worse, the truth that this planet has become frighteningly unstable. It is common for the USGS (United States Geological Survey) to tone down or even remove quakes. Censorship took away the seismic wave charts, which were outing HAARP strikes and similar, and now we have a real smoking gun to show you concerning the lies of the New Madrid Fault system.  dutchsinse blows the lid off the seismic coverup–with ironclad evidence the government itself provided!

Summing up, the ETs/EDs have been very active, but censorship upon censorship has kept you from learning the truth. Isn’t it time to shatter the walls of official and unofficial censorship and finally learn what’s really going on?!

lightwins's picture



Great News *;read=231568

Francis's picture

going down I've got two words:  Nuclear meltdown.   We've got nuclear power plants everywhere in this country that are ticking timebombs if they lose power - these need to be dismantled as soon as possible to avoid more Fukishimas . . .

ChrisBowers's picture

Started reading the article you posted (Wendy) from Half Past Human and the words "Novelty Rush" were used in the first paragraph.  So makes sense for these times.  Makes me wonder if Clif has listened to Terence McKenna in the past.  So wish Terence could be here for this - he so wanted to see his Time Wave Zero come to fruition...  Thanks for posting

lightwins's picture

Benjamin Fulford 2-27-12…"U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner arrested, questioned and released; Asian negotiations continue"… "The CBS news network in the US…has…broken with the cabalists"

Another "Wow, Really?" report from Ben. This on the heels of last week's multiple bank arrest reports. According to Ben, the arrests are ongoing, and the nightingales are singing. Geithner, Berlusconi, et al.
And the line that I'm sure many of us already knew, or sensed, which heartens me the most, was that "The CBS news network in the US now has also broken with the cabalists…" I knew it. I knew it!!! (so which news station might we turn our televisions to now??!!)
This is an indication that the world soap opera has taken a very positive turn for humanity, and is headed in the direction that will move us up and out of the old cabal-directed one. I can deal with that!
PS. Added an updated photo of Ben.
  • …the collapse of the Satan worshipping financial mafia is accelerating.
  • U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner was detained for questioning by New York police on February 24th and was released after giving evidence about many high level financial criminals… Former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi of Italy is also proving to be very talkative, sources in Europe say.
  • …meetings between White Dragon Society representatives and South Korean government officials last week in Seoul were very productive.
  • In general what has happened is that dozens of high level informants have come forth in the past weeks and detailed testimony by them is being gathered.
  • The most interesting revelation given by the Rothschilds is that Queen Victoria was actually the illegitimate daughter of Nathaniel Rothschild. That means Rothschild's had managed to place family members at the head of the British, German and Russian empires by the time World War I started.
  • So, in the big picture of things we are witnessing the collapse of the Rothschild attempt to crown themselves as monarchs of a world government with a capital in Jerusalem.
  • The competing attempt by George Bush Sr. and the Nazi faction to set up a 1000 year reich is also collapsing. Geithner has already told the police that both he and Obama work for Bush. The Bushes, like Geithner and others are not allowed to leave the US now.
  • Elected Prime Minister George Papandreous is expected to return to power soon and replace cabal puppet Lucas Papademos…
  • The cabalists… latest scam… involves the $6 trillion worth of 1934 gold back securities that were seized in Switzerland recently.
  • The pentagon has already told top cabalist attack dog Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel that they would shoot down any Israeli planes that tried to trigger this war by attacking Iran.
  • The CBS news network in the US now has also broken with the cabalists and has begun information warfare with cabalist propaganda outlets like CNN and Fox.
  • …in Asia, signs of harmony and unity are multiplying…. the South Koreans agreed on unification between North and South Korea based on the principle of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un a ceremonial post…
  • …confiscations of assets illegally obtained by cabalists are expected to take place around the planet, especially in the USA.
As predicted, the collapse of the Satan worshipping financial mafia is accelerating. U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner was detained for questioning by New York police on February 24th and was released after giving evidence about many high level financial criminals, according to New York police sources. "In most cases we have to slap people to get them to talk but in his case we had to slap him to shut him up," one of the interrogators joked. Geithner has been released but is accompanied at all times by an armed deputy to make sure he does not leave the country. Former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi of Italy is also proving to be very talkative, sources in Europe say. Berlusconi has been released. Meanwhile, meetings between White Dragon Society representatives and South Korean government officials last week in Seoul were very productive.
is first report further on the ongoing chaos in Europe and the US before returning to the Asian negotiations. In general what has happened is that dozens of high level informants have come forth in the past weeks and detailed testimony by them is being gathered. Apart from Geithner and Berlusconi, the talking big fish include members of the Rothschild family who have come forth with startling information.
The most interesting revelation given by the Rothschilds is that Queen Victoria was actually the illegitimate daughter of Nathaniel Rothschild. That means Rothschild's had managed to place family members at the head of the British, German and Russian empires by the time World War I started. Hitler was also a Rothschild who wanted to be crowned King of the world and who helped found Israel by chasing the Jews out of Europe. Their infiltration of the highest levels of world power continued in the post war period. So, in the big picture of things we are witnessing the collapse of the Rothschild attempt to crown themselves as monarchs of a world government with a capital in Jerusalem.
The competing attempt by George Bush Sr. and the Nazi faction to set up a 1000 year reich is also collapsing. Geithner has already told the police that both he and Obama work for Bush. The Bushes, like Geithner and others are not allowed to leave the US now.
The names of some of the many top cabalists being fingered by high level defectors will be listed at the end of this report.
In other signs of the collapsing old regime, the Greeks have clearly told the EU to put their latest bail out where the sun does not shine. Elected Prime Minister George Papandreous is expected to return to power soon and replace cabal puppet Lucas Papademos, according to Europe based CIA sources.
The Italians are also deciding they do not want to become part of the greater German empire and have begun actively preparing a return to the Lira, the sources said.
The cabalists for their part are still fighting to preserve their power and control. The latest scam they are working on involves the $6 trillion worth of 1934 gold back securities that were seized in Switzerland recently. These bonds were tied to financier and Bush/Clinton bagman Mark Rich of Glencore Commodities. The plan was to place Hillary Clinton at the head of the World Bank and have her use the World Bank to launder the bonds and give the money to the communist government in China. The Chinese, in return, were supposed to turn a blind eye to the continuing European Central Bank and Federal Reserve Board scams.
The cabalists have also tried yet again to assassinate Russia's Vladimir Putin in an attempt to regain control of Russia in a desperate attempt to revive the insane plan to get the Russians to help start the World War 3 they feel is needed to complete their plans for world domination.
The pentagon has already told top cabalist attack dog Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel that they would shoot down any Israeli planes that tried to trigger this war by attacking Iran.
The CBS news network in the US now has also broken with the cabalists and has begun information warfare with cabalist propaganda outlets like CNN and Fox.
Meanwhile, in Asia, signs of harmony and unity are multiplying. Discussions last week in Korea between a White Dragon Society representatives and South Korean representatives reached agreement in principle on many issues. First of all, the South Koreans agreed on unification between North and South Korea based on the principle of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un a ceremonial post (perhaps "symbol of unity") and a palace. After North South unification, talks could begin on greater East Asian economic and political integration.
The South Koreans also agreed to the plan to set up a new international economic planning agency in Japan so long as it was also possible to set up a major new private sector financial center near Pusan, South Korea.
There was also agreement on the issue of having Asian nations continue to support the transition of the pentagon into a global peacekeeping force merged with the Russian and Chinese militaries.
A Chinese delegation is expected in Japan soon to further develop the ideas explored in South Korea.
In Japan, meanwhile, the Yakuza understand their funds in the US were frozen by Bush flunky David S. Cohen.
There will be partial retaliation when senior cabal operative Ichiro Ozawa is arrested on tax evasion and has his funds frozen. There will also be confiscation of Japanese listed company stocks and other assets in Japan illegally taken over by the cabal. This confiscation is expected to affect at least 30% of the total value of all listed shares in Japan as well as considerable amounts of real estate.
Similar confiscations of assets illegally obtained by cabalists are expected to take place around the planet, especially in the USA.
Although it is still premature to give a timetable on further arrests, here is a partial (non-alphabetical) list of people (many who have tried to keep a low profile) who have been informed upon by the recent wave of cabal defectors:
The "family of three."
The Medicis and Borgias
The Club of Rome
Larry Summers
Paul Volcker
Wylie Aitken
Vernon Jordan
Admiral William Crowe
Richard Haas
Felix Warburg
John Jacob Astor
Lord Pillsbury
Bill Hicks
Kiyohika Nishimura
David Gergen
Lamar Smith
J. Rockefeller
Yotaro Kobayashi
John Snow
Mark Rich
David Cohen
James Cameron (his family got rich from opium)
John Roberts
Paul Wolfowitz
Frank Carlucci
Peter Hans Kolvenbach (the former black pope)
George Bush Senior

I would like to see CBS step up and step out on a limb and truly start to do some real reporting!  It is challenging to read through the fear porn that many alternative sites sprinkle liberally throughout their blogs, broadcasts and ezine articles. 

Real News that is given in a balanced fashion would be lovely from CBS.


Noa's picture

Greece debt crisis: The 'we won't pay' anti-austerity revolt

With Greece in financial meltdown and rocked by protests we look at the growing civil disobedience movement

Striking taxi drivers pass the White Tower in Thessaloniki, the site of protests against the austerity programme in Greece. Photograph: Giorgos Nisiotis/AP

Among the chic bars along Thessaloniki's historic waterfront, one restaurant stands out. "We want our money!" reads a banner dangling from the terrace of an American-themed diner and grill. Inside, 12 staff have changed the locks, are serving cans of supermarket beer to supporters and taking it in turns to sleep nights on the restaurant floor in protest at months of unpaid wages and the restaurant's sudden closure. This is the new symbol of Greece's spiralling debt crisis: a waiters' squat.

Margarita Koutalaki, 37, a softly spoken waitress, divorced with an 11-year-old daughter, worked here part-time for eight years, earning about €6.50 (£5.70) an hour. Now she is taking turns to sleep on an inflatable mattress in an upstairs room, guarding the squat, while her parents babysit her child.

"I'm owed about €3,000 in unpaid wages," she says, warning her plight is shared by legions of workers all over Greece who are waiting for months for outstanding pay from struggling business owners. "At first we were told we'd be paid the following month, then the pay stopped completely and we were told by phone that the restaurant was closing. We're still working, we're keeping the place going, providing food and drinks to our supporters. We've got more clients than before. This protest is all we can do. It comes naturally."

The waiters serve cheap drinks and cut-price dinners to a new clientele of leftists and protesters from the four-month-old "indignants" movement, who would previously never have set foot in this bastion of imperialism, the Greek franchise of US giant Applebee's. A banner in English tempts tourists with cheap souvlaki and meatballs "in support of the workers".

It is one month since Greece was paralysed by a general strike over harsh austerity measures, with mass street demonstrations and running battles between police and protesters in Syntagma Square, Athens.

Greeks are more distrustful than ever of their political class and its ability to lead them out of the crippling financial crisis. Polls show growing contempt for all parties and the discredited political system. Unemployment is at a record high of 16% – far higher for young people. Those lucky enough to still have a job have suffered dramatic salary cuts and tax increases.

Doctors and nurses recently staged walkouts over hospital cuts. Taxi drivers have hobbled Greece with strikes in the past two weeks, protesting at government plans to open up the industry. Their tactics included blocking ports and opening the Acropolis ticket office to let tourists in free.

Crucially, Greece's long-running "civil disobedience" movement, where ordinary citizens refuse to pay for anything from road tolls and bus tickets to extra doctors' charges, has not fizzled out in the summer holidays. The "We Won't Pay" offensive is championed as the purest form of "people's power". Organisers warn it could gain renewed force in September as the government launches a new round of financial restraint.

On the main Athens-Thessaloniki road, as drivers file back into Thessaloniki from a Sunday at the beach, a crowd of civilians in fluorescent orange safety bibs stand guard at the barriers to the main road toll into Greece's second city. Their jackets are emblazoned with "Total Disobedience". They push aside the red-and-white barriers and wave drivers through without paying the €2.80 toll. Banners read: "We won't pay", and "We won't give money to foreign bankers". Drivers gratefully drive through, some giving the thumbs up.

"We'll see a resurgence of civil disobedience in the autumn," says Nikos Noulas, a civil engineer from Thessaloniki, in a city centre cafe as he rolls out a series of posters championing the refusal to pay.

Living a 40-minute drive from the city centre, he commutes by motorbike for what scarce work remains, but avoids paying for bus tickets or tolls. He also stages supermarket ambushes, handing shoppers big protest stickers to place on any goods they consider ludicrously expensive. Milk is a favourite. Noulas and his group fill trolleys with goods and ask the manager for a 30% discount. When refused, they abandon the full trolleys at the till.

He acknowledges that a recent police clampdown has made things harder: "If a police officer is watching, there's little choice but to pay a road toll." But he says breaking the law by not paying small tolls or bus fares is far less serious than corrupt politicians and cartels which, he claims, ran Greece for decades with impunity. "This has taught us that the Greek people can resist. It has ignited public sentiment," he says.

The road-toll protest movement began more than two years ago outside Athens to counter what is seen as an extortionate and corrupt road toll system, with drivers expected to pay for stretches of road that have yet to be built. Some residents face paying more than €1,500 a year in tolls to get around their own neighbourhoods.

By the start of this year, the movement was flourishing and included refusals to pay for Athens metro tickets, with protesters covering ticket machines with plastic bags, as well as a long-running bus fare boycott in Thessaloniki after price rises by state-subsidised private firms. Others refuse to pay their TV licences.

Leftwing parties became involved, boosting the campaign's visibility. By March, more than half of the Greek population supported the "We Won't Pay" notion. The government heaped criticism on what it deemed an irresponsible "freeloader" mentality, warning that the non-payers would bring the country into disrepute and were starving the state of vital revenue from transport services. New laws were brought in on ticket evasion and police cracked down.

George Bakagiannis, an IT manager from the Athens area, has avoided paying road tolls for two years, simply stepping out of his car and pushing open the barrier at toll booths. His group stages toll-booth ambushes for two to three hours several times a week, waving drivers through without charge.

He has branched out into demonstrations against the €5 fee for doctors' consultations. He says: "We go to the hospital and close the cashier's room, telling people, 'Don't pay, we're here.' This isn't our crisis, it's the government's crisis. They steal our money; they're stealing our lives. Now they want us to believe even our savings aren't safe in the bank. This movement will grow in this autumn because things are so bad now that people genuinely don't have the money to pay."

The social commentator and writer, Nikos Dimou, says: "It's the beginning of a divorce between the Greeks and their politicians. That's what all these movements have in common: they are all about a loathing and abhorring of the political class."

In Thessaloniki, Greece's second city, feelings run high. The "indignants" had their tents forcibly cleared from Athens' Syntagma Square this weekend, but Thessaloniki's ancient waterfront fortification, the White Tower, is still surrounded by protest tents and draped in banners reading "For sale" and "Not for sale."

Northern Greece has been badly hit by the crisis. Businesses began closing long before the full force of the financial meltdown. So many people are too poor to regularly use their cars and so many businesses have ground to a halt that Thessaloniki's municipality has claimed a vast improvement in the air quality of the notoriously congested city. On 10 September, when the Greek prime minister George Papandreou appears at Thessaloniki's famous international fair to unveil his new economic measures, he will be met by demonstrations.

Thessaloniki protesters are using flash-mobbing, where crowds turn up unexpectedly to picket banks and public buildings. The latest target was the German consulate, where dozens of demonstrators chanted and spray-painted the pavement, demanding the European Union did more for Greece as plainclothes police looked on.

At the demo on 20 July, Barbara, 30, a Greek language teacher, who did not want to give her surname, said she was serving coffee in a bar for €30 per nine-hour shift on the black economy. She lives with her father, a pensioner, and mother, a shop owner who is deeply in debt.

"No one is hiring, I can't find teaching work or private lessons. There's no hope for a decent life. Half the people I know are unemployed; the other half are on the edge of it. Anyone who can afford to go abroad is leaving," she says.

At the White Tower, Antonis Gazakis, a language and history teacher, says he is struck by how novices are now joining the protests, from myriad political standpoints, left to right, many with no links to parties or any history of protest. All were throwing themselves into debating how to change what they see as a corrupt political and parliamentary system. "Political history is being made in Greece," he says. "That's why I'm staying around this summer. The last time people went out into a square demanding constitutional change like this was 1909. This is a golden opportunity, a paradigm shift. Greece has woken up."

Wendy's picture

Hi Fairy,

In your other post I asked that you dialogue with me more and I am realizing that it is I who am failing to dialogue. I should have responded to your post earlier.

As I mentioned, most hospitals have generators and are good for a week or so before the real problems kick in - same goes for nuclear power plants. I would definitely not, want to see the electricity go out for more than a week for that reason. Yes, I have lived through blackouts - we had our electric out for a week during the October surprise storm.  Frequently an elderly person who ends up with pnemonia dies from the cold and you are right to be concerned for them I understand this would be a risk.  My point is that with all the Monsanto and other causes of death that we put up with from the NWO we might actually have less deaths if the electricity going out gave us all a fresh start, away from the programming and into community. I would like to believe that there are enough well prepared people who are willing to help others out there that wonderful communities would form and existing ones would strengthen and all would be taken care of. I think people usually behave wonderfully well when they aren't caught up in the 9-5 rat race.

Noa's picture

You are very brave to voice those opinions, Wendy, considering the G-spot environment lately. 

I feel similarly about the economy.  I'd like to see the dollar and the euro crash soon, so we can get it over with and rebuild.  Yes people will suffer, but with things left as they are in the hands of the Banksters, we're just building up to a bigger crash.


Please, let's all remember to be kind with our responses.

lightwins's picture

Ben Fulford (Mar 5 2012) ~ The Hunt Is On, Cabal Arrests Accelerating

from    more links on right side, some channeled, some breaking news    This insider report coincides with the recent channelings!                                   blessings, Jeannie

Benjamin Fulford | March 5 2012

UPDATE TO POST BELOW FROM BEN: Update on the “death” of Lord James Blackheath. The just published Weekly Geopolitical News and Analysis20120305 states that Lord James Blackheath was murdered by the cabal. The source for this information was a member of the Rothschild family. The Wikipedia entry on Lord Blackheath also stated that he died on February 29th. However, a spokesperson for the House of Lords in the UK said that “as far as we know he is alive and well.” [Please note: The Wiki entry included above does NOT show a death date for Blackheath, just a short paragraph at the bottom concerning his Feb 16th speech about the cabal ~G]

* * *

The ongoing financial war is accelerating with arrests and assassinations being seen on both sides. George Bush Senior and Bill Gates were arrested last week for sabotaging the new financial system after being fingered by Timothy Geithner, pentagon sources say. The Federal Reserve Board crime syndicate cabalists for their part murdered Lord James Blackheath on February 29th, after he denounced their theft of $15 trillion in the British House of Lords. The White Dragon Society, meanwhile has put out an all points bulletin seeking the immediate arrest for questioning of former Hong Kong Police Chief Peter Stevens.

Stevens is wanted on charges of smuggling into Japan the nuclear weapon that was used for the 311, 2011 nuclear and tsunami attack against Japan. Stevens is currently located at the Puerto Galera yacht club in the Philippines.

The gnostic illuminati family and the hacker group anonymous have also agreed to join forces with the White Dragon Society with a program of attacks on Monsanto and other cabal strongholds. The Rockefellers, Krugers, Openheimers, Mellons, Warburgs, Rothschilds, Bushes, Morgans and other cabal families will be systematically hunted down and rounded up if they do not surrender within the month of March.

The Dragon Family Royal Society group, meanwhile, provided this writer with more information about the ongoing financial war. The Dragon family provided a copy of a document (which we will publish on our free website this week) that was handed over to the world’s central banks a year ago. According to this document, all 69 “first and second world countries” together with 225 other sovereign groups, have signed on to the new financial system. The main backers of this system include the military forces of Russia, China and the US, according to a Dragon family source. The old royal families of the world have agreed to finance it initially with $15 trillion backed by gold, jewels and treasure owned by the royals. These are the same families that funded the initial Bretton Woods system that got hijacked in the post war years by the families that own the Federal Reserve Board. The new system would eliminate all private ownership of central banks as well as “off the books” accounting.

In addition, the Dragon family has agreed to provide nations with funding to clear their debts and engage in new infrastructure and other spending aimed at “harmonious development.” The funding is vetted by representatives from 10 major world religions located in Rome. It can be verified through “D.T.C. Euro Clear banks or Federal Reserve Board blue, grey or black screens,” the DF document states.

The opposition to this system is being run by the Federal Reserve Board banking families and their Bilderberger, CFR, Trilateral commission lieutenants. They are still issuing fiat dollars that are accepted inside the US, Germany, the UK, Italy, France and Switzerland. The rest of the world (and a large part of the Swiss banking establishment) is refusing to accept these dollars but constant attempts are being made by the cabalists to launder their fiat money. They also have a comprehensive list of politicians and other power-brokers they have bribed and blackmailed throughout the world.

The cabalists have also tried to either kill or else freeze the assets of supporters of the new system. Despite this, a growing number of banks have defied the banking families and “crossed the picket line,” into support of the new system. Just ask a bank if they are Basel 3 compliant or not and you can find out what side they are working for.
The Dragon Family representative also said that the controversy over who had the rights to the traditional royal treasures could easily be settled in a court of law. They claim that R.C. Dam was a fraud set up by the banking families. They add that Eddie Soekarno was the legal holder of “some” Dragon family assets.

The battle over control of the financial system took a decisive turn last week when Bill Gates was arrested on charges of sabotaging the new financial system. George Bush Senior is the person who provided testimony about Bill Gates, according to senior Pentagon Sources.

The Dragon Family Royal Society has indicated they support the White Dragon Foundation plan for setting up a meritocratically staffed economic planning agency that would work in harmony with their plans.

The anti-bloodline rule gnostic group has insisted on the setting up of such an agency as a condition for them to call off mass planned mayhem and major demonstrations in Europe and the US starting in April.

The hackers group anonymous has also promised to systematically attack all cabal linked corporations, media outlets, individuals and power centers in a campaign of steadily increasing pressure and intensity.

In Japan as well, preparations for a coup d’etat against all banking cabal flunky politicians, bankers and media are nearly complete. These people already know their days in power have ended.

A delegation from China has arrived in Japan this week to discuss the transition to a new regime in Japan and the Korean peninsula. They will also be discussing the revamping of international institutions like the UN, the BIS, the World Bank, the World Court and the IMF.

Noa's picture

I want so much to believe Ben Fulford's words are true.  I know he has impressive credentials and people like David Wilcock back him but most of what Fulford says is so hard to believe.

What do you think?

kevnkar's picture

I'm thinking that Fulford id kind of out there on this one as well. I don't think any amount of MM control could stifle news of Gates, Bush Sr. and Geitner arrests. And why would they just be let go after talking? There are, however, many credible signs of the collapse of the cabal. We will see if the apparent election of Vladimir Putin gets overturned since I definitely see him as a cabalist. Hope all will keep their eyes open for any confirmation from other sources of Fulfords' claims.

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