Hi all....
i recently found this posted on another forum.....very interesting on what's going on with TPTB( or the powers that were depending on how you look at it)
and a possible prediction on the American shadow government...
watch them in order:)
then if that gets you interested...this video is amazing as well
Benjamin Fulford interviews David Rockefeller
i love you all:)
Great stuff from Benjamin Fulford!!!!
Listened to all four segments of the interview - so right on the money (literally!)
here is a link to those ten questions for the "Zionists" who are not really Jews at all and are giving the real Jews (like the pious, oriental, sephardic and the wonderful black jews in Africa, etc.) a bad name
Fulford gives me hope that these maniacs really will be left in the dust of their tired ways!!!!!
I listened to all for of the videos with Ben Fulford and Rense . I was intrigued with his thoughts and predictions and his assessment of the state of affairs with the TPTB. I have had the same feeling that their steam was running down and that there was a frantic scurrying around to keep their control. I would love to hear what he has to say now that August 8 has passed. I am also curious just how sincere those "assasins" are in getting rid of those who they perceive to be the Cabal which is disrupting the progress and advancement of the world. In any case the theory that Japan has such a big part in global rebellion is a new thought for me.
Thanks for post this Shaun.