Hi beloved co-creators and transformers of our world!
I'm not planning to write regular blog entries, but for those who want to follow some of what I'm doing, I manage three different email lists, and I've got further good info below. To subscribe to one or more of the email lists, click on the links below:
http://www.inspiringcommunity.org/subscribegca - one email every three months, inspiring stories
http://www.weboflove.org/subscribewol - once/two weeks, inspirational & educational material
http://www.wanttoknow.info/subscribe - once/few days, largely dealing with major cover-ups
For more of my writings, you can find a number of inspirational essays I've written over the years mixed in with great pieces from many other people by clicking here.
At the end of every year, I also write a summary for myself describing all that I experienced and learned during that year. As over time my life has become much fuller and richer, this letter has averaged more than 20 pages in recent years. For those who are interested, below is a two-page summary of last year's letter (2006), which includes a few thoughts on being an inspiration and on the development of the Transformation Team website. I am very excited to have you join me and our Transformation Team in opening to the joy of both personal and global transformation!
2006 – Being an Invitation to Transformation
Life has continued to grow significantly richer and fuller in this past year for me. In the more physical aspects of my life, I'm feeling a sense of completion and the beginnings of a major shift. For the past several years, the vast majority of the 40 hours a week or more I've spent working on the websites I manage has involved the WantToKnow.info website. However, as WantToKnow.info is now better than I could have imagined -- providing easy access to reliable, verifiable information on major cover-ups and calling us to work together for the good of all -- I'm ready to shift next year. I'm ready now to focus much more on inspiring love and deep transformation from a spiritual perspective.
I'm particularly excited about developing a new website at transformationteam.net for what I call the planetary transformation team. This empowering website will be designed specifically for people who know that one of the major reasons they are here on Earth is to help the planet shift to a new paradigm based on love and cooperation. Unlike the other websites which are designed to attract anyone, this website will be intended only for those who choose to see the divinity in every one, and who are interested in inviting major transformation on both personal and global levels. I just know it's going to be a lot fun!
In my love relationships, I haven't been as active as in 2005. I've had some wonderful, deep connections with two long distance lovers, but other than that haven't spent much time in one-on-one love connections. I have spent a lot of rich, loving time with my many friends in the several communities in which I'm involved. I've also continued to do occasional sacred journeys with friends, some of which have been quite profound and helped me to open to deeper aspects of myself and all around me. I am becoming ever clearer that as my perception of reality around me shifts, the world around me shifts to mirror this. It's quite amazing! I am opening ever more to the magical flow between my inner and outer worlds and just loving it all!
From a greater perspective, for almost my entire life I secretly believed that if people only knew what I knew and embraced the life principles and intentions that I did, their lives and our world would experience major transformation for the better. My arrogance had me believe that I had deeper wisdom and was better than everyone else. And somewhere deep within was always the belief that maybe I was here to save the world from the mess it's in.
In recent times, however, I've become increasingly clear that my role here in this lifetime has nothing to do with saving the world or saving anyone. Yes, I do have some wonderful, deep wisdom, and I absolutely love life and the wonderful connections I share with all around me. Yet I've come to understand that my belief that I'm better than others and my desire to save the world have actually kept me from connecting more deeply with those around me. The more I choose to open to the wisdom, beauty, and divine perfection in each person around me, the more easily and meaningfully I can connect with them, and the more rich and wonderful my world becomes.
These clearly are very intense times on this world, so it's easy for many people to feel that we need some drastic change to avoid severely damaging or even destroying humankind and the planet. Many are even hoping for some kind of savior. Yet when I step back and look at the big picture, I know on a deep level that everything that happens here is a reflection of the deepest yearnings of the collective consciousness of the planet and all beings involved. Everything is in perfect divine order. My personal experience of this world depends entirely on how I, both consciously and unconsciously, choose to interpret and interact with this collective manifestation that we have co-created.
In looking at the hierarchical power structures of the world we live in, I've come to realize that our perception of this all boils down to who we really believe is in power. To the extent we believe that the president or the world's leaders are in power (or the people secretly controlling them), then we are largely at their mercy. If, however, we know that the real power lies deep within each one of us, then we become powerful co-creators of the world and universe in which we live!
So what I'm really thrilled now to be understanding ever more deeply is that it's not at all about saving the world. It's rather about me choosing to interpret all that happens as a divine unfolding of life. It's about me choosing deeper connections with all in my life. It's about me choosing to be an invitation to others to join me in opening to the joy of ever deeper, richer, more meaningful ways of connecting with all around us. I choose to be an invitation to love and deeper understanding. I choose this because I know it is what's best for me and for all of us, and also so that I can have more friends and people to play with in the expansive spiritual realms, even as we live here in this physical world.
Many people on Earth have little to no interest in these expansive spiritual realms, and some even fear them. I don't want to make anyone wrong or less than me for choosing a life more focused on the physical realm. I am clear now that I don't want to convince or persuade anyone to change their attitudes and beliefs on anything. I fully and absolutely trust that on some deep level we are all choosing the unique path through life that is right for us. Each person is a divine manifestation of All That Is, and we are all doing the best we can with what we've got. I choose now to accept and honor each person just as they are and to accept and honor our world exactly as it is in this moment.
Largely as a result of this ongoing shift, I so love the deeper connections I increasingly feel with all around me. It's just fabulous these days to be able to walk through life and literally see a beloved sister or brother in every person I meet! And I love sharing this joy! Without any pressure or attachment, I invite all who are open to it to join me in exploring energetic and spiritual expansion and connection. To any and all who are open and interested, I invite you to join me in the joy and adventure of living and playing in the incredible abundance of the ever-expanding energetic realms available to us all.
The physical world certainly has it's own unique beauty and joy, which I most thoroughly enjoy, and which helps me reach the energetic realms at times. Yet in the expansive energetic realms, each of us has infinite creative potential with which to play and explore. Diving into these realms means giving up the security of the more solid physical realm with its apparent stability. Yet my absolute trust in the divine expansion of life releases me from even the desire for security. The ever changing flow of the energetic realms is filled not only with empowering challenges, but also with an abundance of miracles and transformation in this ever expanding journey of discovery we call life.
I am choosing to focus on accepting and loving everyone and everything around me just as they are. I will do my best to stop disempowering behavior whenever given the opportunity, yet I choose to see and honor the divine essence of everyone, no matter what their behavior. May I be an inspiring invitation to transformation and to the expansion of consciousness both in ourselves and in our world as we explore the energetic and spiritual realms together. I give deep thanks for this fun and exciting journey! Thank you to one and to All for sharing in this miraculous gift of life and love!!!
Fred, I like your idea of writing an essay to yourself at the end of each year just to go back through all that you have learned over the year and to list the things you want to work on in the coming new year. Perhaps I will write an essay to myself this year detailing my recent "spiritual awakening" in 2007.
As always, thanks for sharing!
Much love & light,
Penny :-)
Thanks for your comment, Penny. It's really great to be able to go back and review my life when I want to through these yearly essays. I highly recommend it. I'd love to read about your spiritual awakening, too! Have a great one!!!
Wishing you an abundance of love and joy,