Hi all...some cool events coming soon...
Galactic Freedom Day
Raw Spirit Festival
next year...in Arizona
much love to you all
Hi all...some cool events coming soon...
Galactic Freedom Day
Raw Spirit Festival
next year...in Arizona
much love to you all
The Gathering Spot is a PEERS empowerment website
"Dedicated to the greatest good of all who share our beautiful world"
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same to you:)
much love to you all
I join with all of you, and the rest of us
throughout creation, to celebrate our oneness and to petition the end
of self-serving, fear, and secrecy. May we take our rightful place
joining together with all aspects of Love on this Galaxy Freedom Day.
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Here is part one and two of a four part series of messages from the Pleiadians on youtube that are a perfect balanced message for today (and everyday for that matter)
a beautiful and inspiring quote from part two:
"imagine a world without violence,
without military, without politicians,
or sanctimonious priests,
without superstition, without belief systems and without lies.
imagine a world where only love rules,
where everybody has everything they need,
where knowledge is available for everybody
and the contact to a higher-evolved planet is a natural thing."
"you have to build this strong inner wish to live in such a world"
"The more people can imagine and send these thoughts, the easier
you can steer the evolution of this planet in a positive direction."
Here is a youtube video called The Conscious Universe
Didn't catch this one until too late for Galactic Freedom Day (story of my life ;-) ...I like the AZ events. Something tells me I'm going to Sedona in the next couple years, at least for a visit.
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From what you have told me Dave, where you live, you are already surrounded by the cosmic energy of our Galactic Family and their positive energies. You, I believe are having your Galactic Freedom Day every time you go to those rock formations and meditate on Oneness with All that Is.
Brother, you didn't miss anything just as Elizabeth said.
Love and Light to you,
Party's at Dave's house!!!!
and then MistyBlue's in October!!!!! Haaahahaha LOL
I totally agree about the 080808 date - it is a place we cannot miss because we all crossed over and the 080808 is simply a marker, so to speak. We are all there because we cannot not be - we can only be asleep at the wheel, but everyone here on the TT portal seems to be wide eyed and bushy-tailed, anticipating phenomenal times ahead and now, everytime now happens which is always now.....
See ya'll in "Nowsville"! Coming soon to a conscious moment near you....