I AM NOT MOVING - Short Film - Occupy Wall Street

Noa's picture

I suppose, if other countries are to treat America tit for tat, we should not be surprised if one or more of them invade the U.S. for "humanitarian reasons."

I'm still surprised at how many Americans say that the OWS protesters should just stop griping about the "haves" and go out and get a job... as if the American Dream still exists.

Big changes will come from this movement.  I pray they are the ones that best serve the 99%.

Wendy's picture

Holy cow - anybody have a joke up their sleve? this is sooooo depressing.

I think the scene where the American flag is being rubbed against the ground as the protester is being clobbered by the police says it all.

Noa's picture

Okay, Wendy.  Here are some political cartoons about Occupy Wall Street.  Click the bottom to see more.   http://politicalhumor.about.com/od/politicalcartoons/ig/Political-Cartoons/Demonstrators-vs--Bankers.htm

Wendy's picture

More of the same in Boston. When the police start arresting Veterans it's getting close to Revolution.

Wendy's picture

Thanks Noa,

It took me a while but I finally found something to laugh about.

Good Greetings All:

I found this short film to be extremely inspiring--- the youth are really much more savvy than most are giving them credit for.   Perhaps having more faith in ourselves and others is in order.  Peace On!



The film that I posted at the beginning of the thread is the film I was speaking of in my previous response.

It is this film

I am not moving


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