The Bridge ~ Reminder #62
Negative Emotions
Nothing good can ever come from a negative emotion
Most people are unaware of the effects of their negative emotions. Not only do these emotions - anger, hatred, sorrow, self-pity, greed, worry, grief, and so forth - do us no good whatsoever in our lives, when expressed, they always make matters worse. Indeed, they are the chief contributor to the aging process, and if we would refrain, for a time, from indulging in them, our youth would begin to return and we would rejuvenate.
But these things are not taught in school. Instead, we've been taught to guard and protect our right to feel sorrowful, for instance. We feel grief over the parting or loss of a loved one, never realizing that nothing positive can ever come from our grief, that feeling bad is a lower manifestation that opens us up to all sorts of unwanted repercussions. We simply do not realize that grief, worry, sorrow, self-pity, etc. have the effect of weakening our body's immune system and aging us prematurely. If we truly knew how much we harm ourselves, not to mention others, when we act out our negative emotions, we would reevaluate our behavior immediately.
Our negative reactions have never had one positive effect on anyone, ever! Unfortunately, most people think, for example, that it's fine and dandy to hate others, and that if someone else does something hateful to us we are perfectly justified, even obligated, to hate or harm them back. The simple truth, however, is that not only do our negative emotions harm us personally, they actually make every situation worse because they feed the flames of our enemy's anger and make them want to retaliate all the more. Our negativity catches us in a vicious cycle from which there is only one way out.
The only way to defuse our arguments, hatreds, and wars is to love our opponents. Love removes the negative charge from our conflicts, leaving them to disappear and disintegrate due to lack of sustenance. The fires of hatred and war automatically die out when we stop feeding them.
BJ used to liken our negative emotional reactions to the way Velcro works. He said that when you look real close, Velcro has a whole bunch of tiny hooks that catch and hold fast to thousands of little eyes. He explained further that when someone else is angry and yelling at us, if we react it is because they hooked into our own fear and anger. But, if we are committed to loving them, it's like we've sanded or smoothed off all of the little eyes so there isn't any way for them to get their hooks in us. Our arguments would fade away because there is no negative reaction for someone else to grab onto. There is only love.
My Intention for today is:
I Intend that I am catching myself before expressing my next negative emotion and that I am acting out of love instead.
I was thinking about how my thoughts/emotions/communications impact and influence others and the reality of interactions when I realized the more important impact was upon my self. What I say and do and feel is more influential upon my reality than it is on that of others for this creates the attractor field which becomes the world in which I find myself being. As I become aware of the power of my vibrational field of energy which emanates from there to here I am becoming aware of the power to create the world in which I prefer to live. I need to focus on my own sphere of Now and then project that vibrational field into the universe. Concenrate on the Heart Center and then breathe that loving energy from my center/HeartGate into the Multiverse. This is difficult for me to express with mere words. Forgive my fumbling. The Heart feels but the words won't appear. Namaste.
One of the points Braden made in his book and 3 1/2 hour presentation called Awakening to Zero Point relates so very well to all of this from a holographic perspective. Sometimes people think that their seemingly small gestures of nurturing love and kindness are of little consequence when the truth is, they are fundamentally paramount to affecting the whole holograph of Creation. This is something science is beginning to fundamentally understand. For the world of physics, quantum mechanics is the "down the rabbit hole" revelation/experience that let the genie out of the bottle with no hope of returning said genie to said bottle, LOL.
Another thing Braden touched on was the frequency of Loving gestures vs. hate and fear gestures. Love has a much higher frequency, so it touches many more points of activation in DNA and proteins. Hate, anger and fear have much longer stretched out waves, so they touch fewer activation points. Right now there are some 64 possible configurations of proteins (of which we are currently only experiencing the use of 20) and so called junk DNA. I have to believe that the raising of frequency, individually and collectively, toward the much higher frequencies of Love/Light will play a very large role in our very natural ongoing transformation.
Hate, anger, self loathing and fear have had us stuck in the low frequency mud for far too long already.
Holding you in the Love and Light of the One Infinite Creator... Adonai
Thank you, Fairyfarmgirl, for this meaningful reminder about those all too familiar, "natural" (negative) emotions which we so often feel. That is a fine message!