Just checking in...

When I log in to Gatheringspot I see that the last post was a week ago.  Is this a cyber error or is this the case?

fredburks's picture

Hi Bob,

I believe the posting has just been particularly slow this last week. If that is not the case for anyone, please email me at fredburks at gmail.com and we'll find out what the problem is. Take care and enjoy the weekend.

With much love and warm wishes,

Noa's picture

If you want to see more posts, why not post something yourself?   The same handful of people initiate most of the posts here.  It would be nice to hear from other people for a change.

fredburks's picture

If we are interested in attracting new people here, I suggest we notice when a new person makes a post. I invite you to make some comments on their post, so that they feel welcome. I have no doubt this would make a difference. Take care and enjoy the day.

With much love and warm wishes,

The Gathering Spot is a PEERS empowerment website
"Dedicated to the greatest good of all who share our beautiful world"