
Good greetings all,
Alls well here.  Fall is in full swing... 
Got 10 yards of leaves delivered here Wednesday, a free gift courtesy of the Eugene City Street Department...
Got most of 'em moved to the garden in back... I'm happy!  Lol!  Doesn't take much, does it?
Feeling loved, loving, and grateful...

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Bodhi's picture

yes oh yes oh my goodness gracious yes!  all that and earthworm heaven too... Smile hahahaha, i can hear the little deva's out there now just a singin' an a dancin an a carryin on so...  seein' 'em all so happy and grateful, makes my heart glad it does.  thanks for stoppin' by, love.  always nice to see your smiling face...
your grateful gardening buddy and earthworm hero,

maryc's picture

Dear Bodhi,

Why turn over a new leaf..........when you can turn over an old one?

I think that i have raked and mowed up about this many leaves!My garden space is covered with them.....and horse poo from my neighbor. I can hardly wait for spring.

I love that leaves make you happy!


Bodhi's picture

hahahahaha yes!
didn't know you were a gardener Mary, but it doesn't surprise me one bit...  we have our own special glow, don't we?  lol!  i feel so enfolded in the earth mama love when i'm out playin in the dirt in our backyard...  add the squirrels and jays and it's a regular circus back here, hahahaha.

i'm with you darlin', can barely wait for Spring Smile...  i can almost smell the hyacinths even now...  ahhhhhhh!  i plead innocent, your honor, by reason of gardening insanity...  lol!

thanks for stoppin' by, darlin, you've brightened my day!  Smile
your compost companion,

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Berry's picture

I am just about ready to have more leaves than I know what to do with.  They are just begining to fall, and I have a total of 31 trees on my property. I have a mulch pile from last year that's full and I intend to put into a garden and flower beds this year, but I will have to deal with the new ones. 


I also just today finished building my greenhouse to preserve me sensitive plants from this summers ashram/arbor and have put them all into it in preparation for the first freeze of the season tonight.   I am going to post pics on the neighborhood thread next week. Mind you it is a very moderate affair.


Love and leaves to all,


Bodhi's picture

Hi Berry!
Another gardener!  I should've known... Smile Thanks for stopping by, can't wait to see the pics.
May the deva's bless all your gardening projects!
Feeling happy and grateful,

Cirq's picture

Almost makes me want to run and jump in 'em, but there's a good chance they're soggy by now, huh?  Nice to see you're creating paradise on Earth, for the worms, the veggies and a growing circle of people too :-)

I'm working in Calif. now and travelling back and forth every 2-3 weeks-- not very connected to the land at the moment-- so your pic is extra appreciated.

Bodhi's picture

Hey Marc!
Yup they're pretty soggy right now and not much fun to play in, unless you happen to be an earthworm... Smile
Thanks for stopping by.  Safe and happy travels to you!

In gratitude, joy, and love,

Berry's picture



















































Well, I finally got them in after struggling with the photo insert program.  I took these this afternoon.  It ain't perfect but it will do the job.

I love it.


Bodhi's picture

Beautiful, Berry.  Thanks for sharing your work.  Nicely done! Smile

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Berry's picture

Thank you all,

Elizabeth, I used pressure treated lumber and clear pvc panels.  I put a layer of weedblock fabric on the ground covered with pea gravel.  I told a friend of mine in India that it is not perfect, but that Japanese artisans design flaws into their work so as not to compete with God who creates only perfection.

Fairies and gekkos, and slugs and all sorts of natures children will no doubt enjoy the enclosure.


maryc's picture

Cool Greenhouse!


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"Dedicated to the greatest good of all who share our beautiful world"