I thought I'd pass along an email I received from Tom Kenyon. If you´re not familiar with Tom or the Hathors, you can find a lot of super free stuff on his website: www.tomkenyon.com
The Hathorian Stream of Light Sound Meditation was excerpted from a longer sound meditation that appears in a set of workshop CDs called Biophotonic Human.
This Hathor/Arcturian workshop took place in 2014 and explored ways to activate one’s own Biophotonic Network. You can view, free of charge, the class handout that lists various scientific and lay-person-friendly websites, which discuss the science of Biophotonics. To find this class handout, go to the Articles section titled Biophotonics – Class Handout.
For more information about this unusual and thought provoking set of workshop CDs, click here or go to the Store at www.tomkenyon.com
A Livestream Hathor Sound Meditation
The Conscious Life Expo in Los Angeles will be offering a free livestream of the Conference Opening Ceremony, which will be honoring the legacy of Masuro Emoto, author of The Hidden Messages In Water. As part of this presentation Tom will be conducting a ten-minute sound session where he will be channeling the Hathor sounds/energy to the waters of the Earth using his nearly four-octave range voice and crystal bowl. As part of this toning session, the Hathors and the whales will sing together for the birthing of a new Earth.
The livestream will take place Friday, February 6th at 6 PM PST.
We hope to record Tom’s session and offer it free of charge in the Listening section in the future.
For information on how to access this free livestream event, go to www.consciouslifeexpo.com and click on “livestreaming” and then scroll down to Opening Ceremonial Tribute.
A Livestream 90-Minute Video Presentation with Tom Kenyon
Tom will be presenting a rare 90-minute sound healing presentation called On Wings of Sound at the Conscious Life Expo on Sunday, February 8th from 4:00PM – 5:30PM. This workshop will be livestreamed for a fee of $25, and it will be archived for viewing at the Conscious Life Expo website for 10 days.
To sign up for the livestream for this workshop, which includes the additional ten day viewing period during which you can watch the presentation as many times as you wish, click on the link below or paste it into your browser.
Once the page opens, you will see my photo on the left side along with the other presenters. My name is under my photo. Click on the photo and you will be taken to a signup page. Scroll down until you see the phrase, “Purchase live stream ticket.” Click on this to sign up. Please note: A robust Internet connection is required for viewing live streaming events.
Sometime after February 18th, we hope to offer this presentation as a Video On Demand (VOD) on our website.
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