Mobile Phone Radiation to Unleash Epidemic of Brain Tumors
Wednesday, August 20, 2008 by: David Gutierrez
A new review of more than 100 studies on the safety of mobile phones
has concluded that cellular devices are poised to cause an epidemic of
brain tumors that will kill more people than smoking or asbestos.
The review was conducted by neurosurgeon Vini Khurana, who has received
more than 14 awards in the past 16 years, who made headlines worldwide
with his warnings. He called upon the industry to immediately work to
reduce people's exposure to the radiation from mobile phones.
According to Khurana, research demonstrates that long-term use of
mobile handsets, more than 10 years, can double the risk of contracting
brain cancer. While a number of studies have concluded that there is no
such risk, Khurana said that most of those studies only examined
short-term use. But because a brain tumor can take 10 years to develop,
studies without a long follow-up period are largely meaningless.
"There is a significant and increasing body of evidence for a link
between mobile phone usage and certain brain tumors," Khurana said, a
link that will be "definitively proven" within 10 years.
Khurana urged people to minimize their use of mobile phones,
particularly handsets. He also urged the industry to act immediately to
reduce exposure to radiation from the devices.
While mobile phones may save lives in certain emergency situations, Khurana said, brain cancer is "a life-ending diagnosis."
"It is anticipated that this danger has far broader public health ramifications than asbestos and smoking," Khurana said. While one
billion people worldwide smoke tobacco, three times as many now use
mobile phones.
Smoking is responsible for five million deaths each year.
While the United Kingdom's Independent newspaper described Khurana's
study as "the most devastating indictment yet published of the health risks" of mobile phones, his warning is not the first. A Swedish study
in 2006 concluded that people who used mobile phones for an hour or
more each day had a 240 percent higher brain tumor risk than non-users.
Tumors were significantly more likely to develop on the side of the
head where the phone was most often used.
Inspired in part by such studies, France has warned against mobile
phone use (especially in children), Germany urges people to minimize
their use of mobile handsets, and the European Environment Agency has
called for minimizing exposure to cellular radiation.
The mechanisms by which mobile phones increase cancer risk are not well
understood, but several possibilities are suspected. Electromagnetic
radiation (EMR) is known to directly heat up the head and brain, and
can also cause thermoelectric effects on cells and DNA. According to
Khurana, even bluetooth devices and unshielded headsets merely turn the
head into an antenna that bombards itself with radiation. Children,
with thinner skulls than adults, are particularly at risk.
"EMR rays in general cause irritation, concentration lapses and in many
cases even proliferation of cells which cause cancer," said Dr Rajeev
Ranjan, a New Delhi neurologist. Radiation can also interfere with the
functioning of medical devices like pacemakers.
EMR also "affect[s] the DNA and cause[s] problems in cell recovery and cell growth," said New Delhi neurologist Anshu Rohatgi.
Khurana warned that if immediate measures are not taken, mobile phones will soon be responsible for a massive public health crisis.
"We are currently experiencing a reactively unchecked and dangerous situation," he said.
Because mobile phone use began in the mid-1980s and it can take up to
20 years to diagnose a malignant solid brain tumor, he said, "In the
years 2008-2012, we will have reached the appropriate length of
follow-up time to begin to definitively observe the impact of this global technology on brain tumor incidence rates."
"Malignant brain tumor incidence and its associated death rate will be
observed globally to rise within a decade from now," Khurana said, "by
which time it may be far too late to meaningfully intervene."
Sources for this story include:
www.independent.co.uk, www.dnaindia.com, www.stuff.co.nz
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Lovely, just lovely. From what I read as well, the evidence just keeps piling up. If there's any hope it's that most of the younger folks I know - and more and more of us old farts as well - are sending text messages instead of holding the demonic little things up within a couple inches of our brains. Of course a lot of us still wear them on our belts, right up close to other vital organs.
My kid even surfs the web and gets his email on his. It's got a regular phone on one side, but it's like those transformers he used to play with when he was a kid. You slide it open sort of, and then it turns into this little nanocomputer. I hate to admit it but I was a little scared of the thing. I could imagine THEM tracking my every move, every word I said, 24/7.....all of a sudden I knew how my inlaws felt in their 80s when I offered to set up a computer in their home so that we could all chat online. I tried to demonstrate how easy it was but no dice. I get it, now.
Me, I didn't even really want a phone with a camera - although my 18-year-old being a connoisseur of footwear it was pretty cool to send him a hot shot of my new blue-and-white running shoes. It was pretty cool a couple of winters ago, to be able to send my daughter a 15-second video I shot of an animated Santa on a Harley. Cell phones are only part of how we are connected in ways that were unimagineable, not a generation ago but well within living memory.
Maybe there'll be a tumor tsunami and maybe there won't...I have a feeling we won't be using them as much in a few years anyway.
there is a lot of infomation on the two sites,
which give evidence of the scope of the problem -- i.e. even if wedon't have a cell phone or a computer --we are still within the field of our neighbors' wi-fi and our neighborhood cell towers; not to mention the soon-to-be everywhere wi-max (its wi-fi on steroids; just google it). And there is a simple, inexpensive, scientifically demonstrated way of protecting ourselves and our loved ones.
I've never been a phone user. I've never even owned one of my own. I have put a cell phone to my ear and felt a warmth from it....that made me dislike them even more.
haha....perhaps I can check that one off of the list.
Dear One,
You can check that one off your list if you don't live anywhere near a cell tower (check here: http://www.antennasearch.com/ ), if you dont live, shop or drive by businesses, homes or merchants with wi-fi and, soon, if you don't live anywhere in the US (and eventually, planet Earth) where Wi-Max is expected to be everywhere in a few years. We are all at risk from this and there are a few practical, inexpensive things we can do -- see above.