People starting to choose to leave?

I've been thinking a lot about this topic for a few weeks now, and thought I'd get a sense of what others were experiencing as well.  

I just came from my 5th wake/funeral service in a little over a month.  The young woman being honored today was the 19 year old daughter of a colleague and friend of mine.  No health issues - she just died in her sleep after a dinner out with friends (no hints of drug use, and she was seemingly in fine health).  My manager at work told me that a friend of hers found out this morning that her 5 year old granddaughter passed in her sleep last night.  Then I read the news that both Farrah Fawcett and Michael Jackson passed today.  

I was just wondering if any of you have experienced this in recent weeks and months.  I read that as 2012 draws near, that there will be people who just "opt out" so to speak, and pass now, versus deal with whatever is to come.  When I originally read that, I thought it referred to people not surviving natural disasters or wars and such, but I'm rethinking that recently.  It sort of feels like that's what's happening with these folks - they're just opting out, but I have a very narrow view, based just on my own experiences.  

Thanks in advance for your insights and views on this!

Much love and light to you,


ChrisBowers's picture

In the context of the mathematics involved (that we are close to the apex of a parabolic curve toward higher complexity and point of singularity), would not seem so strange that there might be a more frequent phenomena of many things, events, and in this case, deaths (or transformation of energy to be more accurate).  If any portion of all that has been discussed the past few years bears any truth, this kind of ratcheting up of frequency (two ways of viewing that) is going to get even more interesting.

It reminds me of what the indigenous peoples say for us to do during a pole shift that could be viewed as scary to so many - they say to trust mother earth during the event and stay grounded.  Still may be some amazing phenomena that could make that advice invaluable.  I trust that all that is going down right now is quite natural and very mathematical/cyclical - a better understanding of chaos theory and the organizational principle undercurrent attractor may be helpful at this time.  I feel like I am on the 50 yard line of a very amazing event(s)....  LLP, Chris

Berry's picture

Kathy, I couldn't help but think of this thread of yours as I observed this last week.  I was struck by the number of celebrities who chose to leave just at this time: Ed McMahon, Farah Fawcett, Michael Jackson, Gale Storm, Billy Mays and Fred Travalena, just to mention a few. Of course many thousands of people transition every day but the news seemed to be busy just keeping up with these well known individuals.

I have always in the past recognized that there was an almost mad rush to transition around the end of the year, with seemingly terrible disasters like plane crashes, earthquakes, and other cataclysms, but these seem to be happening more frequently now too.  Like you, a friend of mine mentioned last week that he had had 5 different funerals of friends and family that he had to attend.

It seems that as time accelerates in these last few years before the Shift, there is a migration as it were to higher realms, perhaps in order to reincarnate before or after the shift, or perhaps to avoid the changes that will be experienced. Who knows. But I agree with you that there is certainly signs that there seems to be a mass exit happening.



ksaulino's picture

Hi, everyone.  

I was thinking about this more yesterday, in discussion about a friend's daughter who just went to sleep and didn't wake up... It sort of came to me that it was like waiting on line for this crazy new roller coaster.  We're all on line - the whole planet.  It's about now when we're reaching the front of the line, and some folks' higher selves are saying... "hey, you know, I'm not a big roller coaster fan, so I'm going to wait over there, while you take this ride".  Maybe some people will chose that early on, but as a person grows closer to the front of the line, there is more chance of that happening.  

Sort of a silly analogy, but it makes it a bit easier to think about and accept.  I don't really think I am wringing my hands about it, but more just witnessing what seems like a quickening that in some ways makes me feel reassured about the path we're on.

Take care, and have a great day.


ChrisBowers's picture

Was reading some material associated with Kabbalah last night and came across the known statistic that our subconscious minds receive approx. 50 million bits of data per second, and we choose (or don't choose according to conventional machinistic wisdom that believes the whole universe is a cause and effect machine with no fundamental or coherent purpose or objective) only 50 of those pieces of info per second as our chosen or preferred reference to what we think our world and life is, and that in accord with a whole host of different causal reasons.  But the main point garnered from that statistic is how little we percieve of the actual noumenal world while thinking we are taking in so much as it is.

Can you imagine what is possible to perceive beyond our 5 senses - the churning of rotating in and out life forms for example - a constant churning and rotating, spiralling in and out.  I have a feeling that our notions of life and death would be drastically updated if we could get a fresh sense of even 1% of all that is flowing inward and outward, contracting and expanding simultaneously.  I imagine it could very well look like a very vibrant and very alive display that would then make it very hard to even conceive of death as we imagine it now in our willfully limited perception.  I would imagine this is exactly why some get so dizzy and disoriented during a moment of epiphany that takes a quick glimpse of the bigger and very active picture.  We must be in a pretty deep sleep to not even be aware of just how asleep we truly are, in constrast to how very awake it is very possible to Be.  And then to think, to know that all our sleepy states and increasingly awakened states are happening simultaneously in a constant state of Now that is infinite.  It would seem to put things a bit more in perspective, as well as delightfully boggle the Heart and Mind...

That simple book on Kabbalah really blew me away when it spoke of this constant learning to receive all their is in Reality.  Some would inevitably view this concept as permission for all the wealth one might want in this particular and very dense physical experience, but I am inclined to believe that the science of Kabbalah is talking about so so so much more, if ya knows whatta mean.....  as in gaining the ability to kick that 50 bits of 50 million bits up a notch.  I don't even want to look at the percentage number with all those zeros indicating such a small fraction of one percent of all there is to receive when willing.  Thanks for your comment Kathy!  You always make me think outside the box...

LLP, Chris

rovin's picture

Great German contemporary dance artist Pina Bausch today, as one, Rob

ksaulino's picture

Hi, Chris.

Your post got me thinking about an advanced calculus professor I had in undergrad that was brilliant, though I very much under-appreciated him at the time... Anyway, in trying to describe the nth dimension to a bunch of us 20 year old knuckleheads, he had us imagine that we were frogs on the surface of a pond.  He explained how all we could see was the 2 dimensional cross section of the 3 dimensional pond.  He then took us further by saying that in our 3 dimensional world, we were only seeing a cross section of what is real, and in the place were n > 5, we were witnessing no more than a single point of that dimension.  Cool stuff that I dismissed as theory until pretty recently.  There is so much more to everything than what we experience.  

I expect we could talk on just that subject for weeks.  Aside from just grasping that concept, how do you think that gets "put to use" for us?  Does just knowing it change us?  I know there are things that will make me laugh out loud because I just know that more is going on than I can see.  But is there something that we could be doing with that info - besides becoming tickled by it on occasion?  Worth more thought and discussion.





ChrisBowers's picture

I first heard the concept (from a scientist) of blending the intuitive/subjective ability of mind with the objectively classical scientific approach of test and verify results.  It was Dr. Don Elkins, co-author of Secrets of the UFO and the Law of One RA sessions.  He spoke of this refreshing understanding in the introduction to the Law of One sessions in book one.  So when you asked the excellent question, "how do you think that gets "put to use" for us?", my mind soars with a mere glimpse of the possibilities!  What I have found in my personal life experience is that I do not journey far from present understanding because what is presently understood feels safe and secure.  It is pure nonsense, but the illusion is powerful.  When journeying toward uncharted territory I carry with me the very common feeling of not knowing what's next, but when I look behind me I can see this amazing trail of new understandings that would appear to be much more accomplished and successful than my initial fears were suggesting prior to such journeys toward the unknown.  What I have found is I do not know something right up until the time I do, and I now purposefully ignore the same old tired accompanying fear of the unknown that has never ever been an honest broker when it comes to discovery.  It has been more of a nagging friend who means well, but is invariably wrong about 99.999% of the time, LOL.

So my personal response to that wonderful and sincere question is that we are always so much more capable than we give ourselves credit for, from the time we learned to ride a bike until now.  I love the bicycle analogy because at the time of learning to ride, I had that distinct sensation of finding it frustratingly hard to find the balance on the bike right up to that very vivid moment when I "got it", and then never ever had any trouble riding a bike again all my life, no matter how long between rides.  One can only begin to imagine how fundamentally true that is in so many other ways concerning our ability to experience, learn, integrate and understand to a place of functionality.  The book I am reading right now about the science of Kabbalah gets into the very good specifics of just what you are talking about and asking.  If you want a copy, anyone can email me at [email protected] and I will attach a copy of Kabbalah, Science and the Meaning of Life.  Well worth the read as complementary to so many other sources we are familiar with, but in such a practical way.  Kabbalah literally means "reception", thus it is the science of expediting the ability to receive well which in turn creates the spontaneous result of Creator-like ability of reciprical bestowal.....  According to the teachings of Kabbalah, this natural and spontaneous cycling of giving and receiving initiated so long ago by Creator, First Source is the only thing we would never become bored with or find to be mundane.  Everything else is ultimately headed toward the garbage heap mental landfill of mundane-ness and lack of true satisfaction.

Anyway, there is my not-so-quick quick answer to that seemingly difficult question.  I submit that we spend much much more time convincing ourselves of things utterly untrue, than things fundamentally and inherently true, and that we are all (fractals of the One) learning to stop doing that so that we will function exactly how we were intended to function in this amazing expanding and contracting experiential infinite existence.  The goal is the same for all of us - the time we take individually is entirely up to each of us.  Therein lies the complete and utter fallibility of negative judgment and narrow-minded determinations about what we initially think some thing or some one is.  What is real is infinity larger in scope than our first guess, our second, our third.......  So it remains true that this is a journey of Self-discovery - while receiving help from others along the same fundamental path in an infinite number of imaginatively unique paths and speeds along the way.  The discovery leads to its own practical use - remaining dormant pure potential awaiting discovery.  One thing is for sure - if we had to rely on our five senses so wired for this dense physical world of illusion, we would be lost, but this is not the case.  I see Life as just waiting for us to abandon all illusory notions of difficulty and allowing that which already works perfectly to work.  No need to reinvent the wheel so to speak.

As for specific answers, there are none, nor should there be - that would be cheating the traveler and seeker.  The whole point of all this is the experiential journey away from Prime Source, and then back toward Prime Source after accomplishing a strong sense of separation from Source....  The answers we seek reside within each of us already and never go away - they simply await the very personal and intentional act of willingness and trust....

Love/Light, and Peace with no opposite and beyond measure, Chris

Good Greetings Friends:

All there is, is LOVE and the rest we just make up.  Some of us (humanity as a whole) are choosing different incarnational scenarios as this 3D game ends.  Some are going on ahead (3D bodies dying) so that they can serve as guides and helpers for those of us who are en-lightenen-ing to the unfolding 5D game... we will cross into 4D for a brief time and then onto the 5D game only embodied with 5D human bodies that are in the process of be reconnected to source energy.  DNA is activating we are chucking a lot of our junk and opening our hearts and minds filling with compassionate wisdom... Some  are so entrenched in their creations that they are not able to open their hearts so you will see many many dying suddenly from "heart attacks." 

I am in total agreement with you Jez!  This is a time of amazing proportions as we move the curtain aside to see ourSelves.  I too have never left source energy and am reveling in my heart opening and the circulation of wisdom and compassion from my heart to my mind and back again.  I am centered in my giftedness.

Bless your Hearts--





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