Posting on gatheringspot

Okay, my two test posts appear but only on my Windows maching (using Firefox).  When I use my Linux (Ubunto OS) machine (using Firefox), my posts tonight don't show.  If anyone can help me solve the problem on my Ubuntu machine, please let me know. 

And so it does appear that the last post before tonight was a reply a week ago to Onesong's post, "a cure for what ails you."  We seem to be in a dry period.  Is there a transition of some kind happening?

fredburks's picture

Hi Bob,

That is most strange. I believe posting has just been very slow in the last week. Is everyone at Burning Man? If the problem persists with Ubuntu, please let me know at fredburks at And if anyone else is having problems, please contact me. Just FYI, Bob, I deleted your one post as it seemed redundant of this one. Take care and enjoy the weekend.

With much love and warm wishes,


onesong's picture

Good to see you Bob!

I've looked in as well over the last week or so and noticed the lag in posts.  I think it's just season change, the busy-ness/business of the end of summer, school beginning, everything catching up to us all and that sort of thing. 

I wondered as well. There have been slow periods here in the past as well though.  What I don't see are many posts from newbies, and want to encourage any/all new or old friends here to give us your two cents worth...on anything/everything that might be unfolding in your world that you wish/want/need/would like to share. 

I've been slowed down by a summer of major surgery (my own-I'm doing fine), my sister's illness, my mom's difficulty accepting it, my grandson's needs (yeah we've made it to Kindergarten now) and a yard and garden full of veggies and herbs that have been waiting for my wellness to be dealt with!

Peace, Love, Light, Abundance, and Joy as we move through this time of harvest and into a season of Reflection, sustaining Warmth and Hope for what lies ahead of us all. kristyne  

Noa's picture

Speaking for myself, I'm not as motivated to post these days.   I'd love to see some stuff from other people.   New blood keeps this forum fresh.

fredburks's picture

If we are interested in attracting new people here, I suggest we notice when a new person makes a post. I invite you to then make some comments on their post, so that they feel welcome. I have no doubt this would make a difference. Take care and enjoy the day.

With much love and warm wishes,

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"Dedicated to the greatest good of all who share our beautiful world"