


I have taken a break from here and had some interesting experiences once again.  I went through another "awakening" that led to the hospital once again, but am doing much better. 


I hope everyone out there is doing well.  I just wanted to pose some questions.


Has anyone had any experiences with synchronicity?

What do you know about archetypes and how they affect our lives?

Had anyone ever seen a fairy or angel?

Why is everyone so negative even on here?

How do we change the world for the better individually?


That's all for now.


Love and peace,






esrw02's picture

  Great questions and the one that sticks out the most is, Why is everyone so negative, even on here ?  I have noticed this as well. I often wonder ,if you must take the Inspirational or Transformational course to get here, then what have people learned from those very valuable lessons ?  . Sometimes I feel like I am on a conspiracy fear spreading site and that people are just caught in the Illuminati web . We are taught as a society to talk about negative things and not positive things, again there lies the problem . The solution is for every negative thing you talk about, there is a good positive thing that exists but wasn't mentioned, so let us start mentioning it.  I love all the positive stuff that I read on this website . Let us ask questions about life and help each other learn new and fantastic things .


I love you, I  am sorry , please forgive me , thank you . Obama and the rest of  the Illuminati


     I Love You All , Eric


     Oh, one more thing I would like  to breath sacred love with all of Illuminati members right now and send my love to them  maybe we all  should too.

Why is everyone so negative even on here?
Why is everyone so negative even on here?
Why is everyone so negative even on here?
fredburks's picture

Wow, Nick! That sounds intense. How are you doing now? It sounds like you went through a spiritual emergency. You might be interested in a good book on this, which you can find at the link below:

For a short piece on archetypes that I wrote, check out You might enjoy some of the other essays on that website as well. I've had a lot of experience synchronocities, too. Always asking for higher guidance, I open the the messages they carry.

I sometimes sense negativity and pessimism here, but others times I hear a lot of love and support. Maybe it's what we choose to focus on. I know in the past some have said they simply pick and choose what they want to read here, which is what I do, too. I wish you all the very best in integrating your recent intense experience,

With much love and support,

lightwins's picture

I'd like to take a pass at your question, "How do we change the world for the better, individually?"

Beyond the initial discernment of what "better" means to us individually, I see the issue in concentric circles similar to what, I believe, Lao Tzu said, (and I am paraphrasing this) When a person of wisdom is balanced in himself, his household is in balance. When the home is in balance, the village is in balance. When the village is in balance the region is balanced. Etc.

For me, when I am resting in openness/presence, I am spontaneously beneficial to myself and everyone I encounter. This involves allowing and fully experiencing my thoughts and emotions as they are. When I can do this, they move through me like a wave of energy and my conditioned, reified ways of labeling and describing them fall off; they are now experienced as energetic fuel for beneficient expression.

I can't tell you how many times my responses to my reactions have spontaneously resulted in more harmony, more kindness and more love when I have had the presence of mind to rely on my open intelligence. Whereas, when I haven't done this, my reactions have always resulted in discord, distance, reduced trust, and damaged connections that may or may not be reparable.

The more I have learned to rely on the openness to source at the core of my being to resolve all my personal, familial, community problems, the more confident I am becoming in its infallibly inclusive solution orientation which is always beneficial to myself and everyone involved.

For what it is worth, Nick, this is what is working for me.

bless you more, dear one,


esrw02's picture

    I agree with John openness has changed my life altogether . In all aspects of life .



          I love you all, Eric

Hi Nick

I'm glad that you are feeling better.

I too have seen that there are some negitive expressions here and it caused me to doubt the "rightness" of this site. BUT I remembered how I got here - through the enlightened information of the Insight course.

So, as we are all going through our own stuff, and it is expressed in so many different vibrations it is important to keep focus on the web of Love and the Ho' exercises, to send sacred love to all and to forgive the pain and hurt for everyone.

I really found sending sacred Love to my past selves and future selves especially helpful.

I found a site and movie called Thrive and thrive movement just AWESOME! Some of it may be a review, but there is a wonderful community there that you can hook-up with and get involved in, in any area that excites you - sorry I'm not giving you a direct connection here, but just google it - you'll be glad you did.

Again, I'm glad you are feeling better,

Much Love & Light to you,


esrw02's picture

  Was a weird one the guy starring in it is a Family member  Foster Gamble  of proctor and gamble corporation.  I am sure you know about this evil corp. Just letting you know it might not be what it is cracked uo to be.  The whole thrive thing anyway. Let us be the movement of mankind not a corporate shill.  There is lot to look forward to, everybody is starting to wake from the great slumber.





       I love you all , Eric

Noa's picture

I see some negative comments in your above post, Eric, so I'm wondering what makes your words okay in your view, while "everyone [else here] is so negative"?  How do people "wake up" without first seeing what is really going on in the world?  The big picture contains a lot of negative things; should we deny what is happening and pretend it doesn't exist?

Shouldn't those of us who know tell other people so that we can collectively do something to remedy the situation?  Or should we spend our time meditating only on positive things? 



esrw02's picture

   There  is a defining difference when you are warning someone of a shill and  just posting ramdom scary type Alex Jones stuff. That was the only point I was trying to make . I am sorry, if you misunderstood my post.  I am no better than anyone else and I am sorry if it came off that way . I always try to live on the side of the glass is full and spilling over . IJ that was for you .



    I love you all , Eric

Unite's picture

A quote that resonates with me from one of my favorite books 

"think of the solution, not the problem."

i interpret it in my own way, knowing if there is a *problem* can be great, and not ignoring it can be as well, but once you know about the perceived problem does it help to keep your focus on the problem ?? or is it more helpful to focus on solutions ??,

exp "i'm lazy" i see this as a problem let me focus on it --> "I'm lazy, I'm lazy, I'm lazy, I'm lazy, I'm lazy, I'm lazy..." very helpful lol focusing on a problem is like wallowing, if anything it has a way of strengthening the problem, the more you focus on it the bigger it seems the more paralyzed you feel.

Solutions is the wave of progressing, think of the solutions and the problem becomes smaller and smaller, well im not always lazy, certain things excite me, maybe i should do this cus it excites me, i can do this or that or this and that... an infinite exploration of how to be the solution you become :) its a choice thou and its yours always  

and my currant belief that althou that are many ways to change the world fot the better individually, i reasonate with the best way to achieve this is to --> changing yourself individually for the better :) 

Much love all  

esrw02's picture

    Hey Thomas ,


     Thank you for sharing that !


      I love you all , Eric

Noa's picture

Thank you for helping me to understand, Eric.  No need to apologize. 

I'm by no means, a huge fan of Alex Jones, because he tends to be an alarmist in his delivery.  But I'd like to say something in his defense.  Alex is a true American patriot and a historian.  He has a vast knowledge of the globalist agenda and has devoted his life to revealing the truth to the masses.

Each of us has our own gifts to bring to the world, as well as some weaknesses, which brings me to Nick's question:  "How do we change the world for the better individually?"

By doing what we do best.  There is only one you.  No one is better at being you than you.  Share your passion with the world.

lightwins's picture

I agree we are most beneficial when we are living from the actuality of our own being. Then, by being who we most essentially are, we are being ourself...For most of us this seems to be a gradual learning of learning to rest as and act from our intrinsically beneficial nature and unlearning our habit of acting on behalf of our old mind's habitual, polarizing reified labels and descriptions of every "thing."

esrw02's picture

   There is a natural balance ,  all things vibrate at different frequencies and the ones that have a low vibation or frequency I try to avoid. I create my own reality .



I love you all, Eric

Starmonkey's picture

Hello there, Nick.  I'll add my three cents in regards to the OTHER questions you asked.  I'll avoid the redundancy of the others as that's what the transformation course was meant to assist in.

I have had some amazing experiences with synchronicity.  Besides the intermittent "deja vus" and "vuja des" or whatever...  During the holiday season of 1999-2000 I was in a vortex for several days while living in Ann Arbor, MI.  Things kept happening that seemed fraught with meaning and all leading up to a night where I was hurriedly trying to finish a story I had written to share with my family.  There was a moment in the kitchen where I was reflecting on recent events and I had the realization that "God" or Spirit is always communicating with us or trying to get through to us but we aren't usually open/listening.  I was near my father and brother who are both clergy/ministers of the Christian faith, and I don't remember sharing it with them, or if I did they didn't get it.

So, I think "coincidence" and "synchronicity" (coined by Jung, check it out) and "accidents" don't really exist as such but it's the closest we can come from our limited view of the world.  I think there's a level of communication and interaction with the world that takes one into another realm of existence.  Because then it becomes CONSTANT and all-encompassing.  Most of us just flirt with "the edge" because we're not ready to "take the plunge" and give up our notion of separation.  You would have to accept the fact that all of your thoughts and emotions and deeds have been witnessed and experienced by more than just "you" and eventually give up selfish and self-serving behaviors to be of service to "everything else".  So, I think that synchronicity is those moments where we briefly catch that everything is inter-related and our concepts of time and space may be faulty or that we're only seeing part of the picture.  It's when a "divine breeze" or breath momentarily stirs the veil and offers us a glimpse of expanded perception.

Archetypes are a tricky business because so much definition and labeling is done on a cultural and social level and not necessarily applicable to the whole globe under the same pretenses.  It's generally believed there are from seven to nine greater primal consciousnesses.  You could look at the tarot, kabbalah or other similar systems for the basis of some of our "stories", and I think the ultimate application of the concept is more appropriate when aimed at one's own particulars.  So, when looking at "archangels" or "ray types" or the ideas behind the "Overself" or "sovereign entity" one can begin to see how to explore and engage in that arena.  The sovereign integral or higher self is the goal of our drama here on earth.  Plugging back in to it all and then using that to help the balance.  There are many opinions and viewpoints on these subjects.  It is important to keep one's "head out of the clouds" as it were, because the real place to turn one's attentions is below one's feet.  You need to "root down" and ground in the earth because that is the matrix we live in and where to connect to the rest.  There's nothing "out there" and it becomes wasted energy or endeavor if unfounded or misdirected toward...  There has to be a focus.  Also indispensable information regarding prayer.  It is only powerful or meaningful when one commits or sacrifices oneself toward something greater.  Beseeching only implies lack or separation (something missing), so it fails before it even starts.  And it can be glaringly selfish and petty.  There's problems all over!  What makes you think yours are any more important than mine?

Angels and fairies and the like?  A lot of that all has to do with beliefs and what your mind and imagination will manifest for you when stimulated by a place or circumstance on the edge of "reason".  I don't believe gods and demons and angels and fairies, etc. exist in toto, but they represent forces and beings just outside of our frame of reference.  Since all of our frames of reference are different, people experience those things differently.  Smaller children and some animals or "simple minded" folk have a better chance of seeing because of that fluid intelligence that's less fixed on "reality" (whatever that is for someone).  I have only caught shimmerings and flittings out of the corner of my eye, but I have definitely felt presences and shiftings of energy that can't be imagined or argued with.  Usually benign or helpful or joyful, but there have been a few not-so-much.  There underlies the question as to whether or not we still project these things and they are inherently part of us and are reflecting back our sensitivities at us.  Of course like "gods", etc. you can create them and give them life through your belief and if that has been handed down racially, culturally or through family, those beliefs are stronger and reinforce those beings existence.  When "religion" starts to die or is no longer believed it needs to change or transform.  When there are no more believers, there are no more "gods".

The "72 names of God" or the "72 djinn" are a clue into this and our own astrology can also provide a key as well as the idea behind reincarnation and multiple lifetimes of experience to become whole.  I think the embodiment of our Self and being true to our "programming" (and it's ALL programming) is the Great Work and toward where we are all headed.  You have to get past all the "conditioning" and "sub-patterning" that shaped us throughout life and become more open to the experience being "out of your control" and enjoying the ride in delight and wonder as to it all...  Surrender and trust.  So hard because we've been taught SO WELL not to.

The other questions are your own to wrestle with and I've noticed you've posted similar sentiments before, so...  Be careful not to project your issues on the world and good luck in the owning up to the fact that you are 100% responsible for your experience and no one else's.  But you are responsible for the effect you have on others if you are acting when out of balance or disturbed and expecting the universe to take care of your mess for you.  And, don't worry, you are not alone in all of this!  I love and hate myself on a regular, daily basis, so I'm still a work in progress as well.

Aspiring to be that which I KNOW I can be and believing you can as well,


Starmonkey's picture

Our names also hold the key to a lot of our dramas throughout life.  Meanings and sounds...  The Sepher Yetzirah and probably many other sources refer to the sounds made by certain letters and the movements of our mouths and which parts are employed for the making of the sound.  So, thank you for being "Nick" this time around while I get to be "Christopher"!  Our holiday of our name-relations is quick at hand!  Enjoy and be joyous, whatever your beliefs, for ours is the shared belief in humanity rising from it's ashes to shine a hitherto unknown light back to creation and beyond.  True a bit daunting and overwhelming, but SO exciting as well.  What have we got to lose?

Starmonkey's picture

And also the universe requires our ACTIVE participation in the co-creation.  It's good to open up to other's truths and realities and in turn to more possibilities, but it's up to us to bring the potential.  Our imaginations will be a big part of that.  And the majority of us will decide the next paradigm based on what has been, what is and what COULD be.  That won't need to be over 50%, mind you, because 10% can't even agree on something...  Just because someone is a "Muslim" or "democrat" doesn't mean they agree with most others of the same label.  Labels are just reference points for people so they can find common ground and be more at ease in their lack of inidividual identity.  So, it might only take a few thousand of us with enough focus (144,000 some say) to begin to shift things in a more definitive measure.  And, given the open-endedness of the transformation, what do we want to manifest?  Maybe it's partly/mostly already here in another dimension.  Like the natives not being able to see the Spanish ships at first because it didn't fit with their reality.  Or the Pleiadean suggestion that we envision what we want "first contact" to be like individually, because it will be different for different people.  And the evolution/saviorship model is out, so it might be more like at-one-ment or becoming whole individual beings...

And also on the angel/faery/other beings tip...  There are spirits of a place or ecologies and cities and towns also have a personality, so getting into the feel of different environments and situations can help elicit the unseen...


Starmonkey's picture

what DO you do with your time besides drinking and smoking?  and then ending up in the hospital...  i guess we're just the "special reserve", when you have the time.  so many victims out there.  victims of their own lack of presence.  bring it.

fredburks's picture

Here's a powerful quote I found that resonated deeply for me along these lines:

"When the masses are made to believe something negative, they may create what they did not want. This is how, for instance, the "NWO", as you people call it, works. You believe it is taking shape, so it will take shape. And conspiracy theorists are major players in helping this taking shape by bombarding you with "facts" that it is taking shape. They claim you are giving up power everyday, and that "they" control you more ... while in reality you are in full control. So the very people who are "waking up" to it are the ones who are creating it. Visualization works for both positive and negative thoughts."

With much love and warm hugs,

Bob07's picture

That's a pretty insightful quote, Fred.  Whose is it? 

Here's a presentation and discussion of this issue (including the responses to the post) -- just scroll down the page a little:

And here's part of the original post:

What To Do

Again, disconnect and thereby disobey. Don’t even be part of it. Point it out to others the best you can but let your life be the message. The bullshit machine is on full throttle so don’t even engage it, walk away. Be who you were always supposed to be -  a free and sovereign being.

At this point the world’s in a race to the bottom. It can hardly be more surreal. Our conscious awareness is our tool, our guide, our strength, and our refuge.

Know we’re up against a very cleverly orchestrated take over that we simply need to step aside from. That’s our strength. Our realization of this fabricated reality draws power, conviction, peace and a resolute knowing. That’s where to operate from, no matter what arena you’re called to in this fight.

Resistance is a fight. Awareness is a fight. Standing free and clear from this bullshit is a fight.

Do it. However you’re called, just do it.

Much love,



My Comment:  While ultimately we're in full control and need to focus primarily on our own personal lives and evolution, we do need to be aware of what's going on "out there" so that, out of ignorance, we don't unwittingly make choices or cast votes that help move along the NWO's agenda (for example, regarding gun control and the global environmental movement).  So the image comes -- of focusing our eyesight on the main thing, while being aware of what appears in our peripheral vision.  Blithely going along as if the Powers That Be didn't exist or or had no power or were a total joke would be a big mistake -- as big a mistake as buying into the fear machine in whatever way.  It's a variation on walking the razor's edge.   In order to "step aside" from their machinations and thus disempower them, we have to be aware of them.  "Zen" says as much above -- I just wanted to underscore it and say it more fully becaue it's important.

In my spare time, I try to hang out with family and friends now since I will be moving down to Mexico to start a pizza shop called World Piece.  It's a global pizza place with a portion of proceeds going to charities around the world.


Also, I play volleyball, surf, dance, have fun, etc.  I feel like I live my life pretty full, although I don't have a wife and children to show for it like most people my age. 


I believe in the co-creation and I really like Fred's quote.  It seems we shouldn't be unaware, but at the same time not focusing on all the negative. 


My problem seems to be that the synchronicities take control of my life and pump up my ego.  I begin to think I am causing them and then my ego gets inflated more.  It's something I'm working on with my counsellor, but it will take time.


And yes drinking and smoking take up some of my time.  I feel like I was made to be social and to get others feeling good as well as myself.  I just don't get why people can judge these things so harshly depending on their backstories.


Thank you for all your replies.  They were very helpful.

fredburks's picture

The source of that quote was the deep and intriguing "Revelations of an Elite Family Insider" at Have a beautiful holiday season.

With much love and warm wishes,

Starmonkey's picture

it's my curse to sound judgmental (june 20th, my tarot card is 20!), so sorry it came off that way.  just trying to have some ongoing conversations with people, and i get sick of just hearing myself talk and like to hear other viewpoints.  i turned 40 in june and was married a year before that, but no kids as of this time.  i do believe "it takes a village", so i'm holding out and may or may not procreate.  there's plenty of children (young and old) out there already, so i'll just help with them.

i have a friend with ego challenges that sound like yours.  something that popped into my head when i heard it, and don't know if it really means anything or not, but maybe when the synchronicities start picking up and you feel swept along and empowered, turn that awareness INWARD and look closer, even.  besides noticing and responding to the effects, seek for the cause which isn't outside yourself and isn't really yourself, but may be working THROUGH you.  if you try to analyze or figure it out or even stop and chronicle it, you lose it.  you just have to go with it and be swept up, but still aware and using your physical because that body is still in this density and may suffer if you neglect it.  it's why the intiates would put their body in a tomb or have someone else watch over them while they went "out and about" because then they wouldn't drown or walk off a cliff because of temporal displacement between this reality and the other realms they were experiencing.  walking around in traffic isn't a good idea when engaging other senses and dimensions.

dig your plan for mexico.  sounds exciting.  i need an adventure in travel as well... ;)

and yes, fred, i agree wholeheartedly and have known for quite some time that we have co-created that monster and now just need to stop believing in it from either side, positive or negative.  reading a great children's book with my wife right now called The Iron Ring by Lloyd Alexander in which the main character does that very thing (unknowingly) to create an adventure and find companions...  he conceives an antagonist that may or may not exist and then goes on a journey to confront him.  i love lloyd's books and if ever there was any author that resembled his imaginings, it is he.  looks like henson modeled the ur-ru in The Dark Crystal after him

Noa's picture

Isn't the point of and the PEERS courses to wake people up?  If so, then aren't you also creating the problem, Fred?

Some of your comments confuse me, Fred.  It's like the right hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing.

esrw02's picture

    One thing I have learned from my experience is the process of what I call being on the path of awakening.  A lot of people get stuck on all the problems,wars, terrorists ect....  conspiracies, if you will .There  is so much more, if you continue to progress on the path it leads to love and spirituality and you find out there is so much more love on this blue ball than you ever could have imagined . It is great to know the truth but a lot of these alternative sites  spread fear which is a low vibration. Which is where they want us, running around scared and upset !  I want to start spreading love and gratitude we need to let our intuition guide us and trust ourselves. 


       I love you all, Eric

Starmonkey's picture

and we can only do our own time down here.  so, even though we might feel the weight of the world, that only matters in how it applys to oneself.  and we are polarized beings.  so whatever the definitions...  good vs bad, positive vs negative, blah, blah, blah.  doesn't anyone realize the very simple fact that with no polarity, no existence!  we wouldn't be here!  so our whole challenge is how to balance those forces in our being and become "whole".  and i, for one, am not going to sugar-coat my words for over-sensitive types (of which i can be one), but am going to attempt to get BEYOND the words and labels and definitions to the essence beneath.  judge that however you like, but you're not judging me, you're judging your own inability to really interface with people.  there's an issue there beneath your responses/reactions that comes forth in the emotionality of those posts.

and i realize that without an outlet for our musings besides just regurgitating words at each other, it's hollow and without any real foundation in the world.  that foundation would be in community with actual living beings.  this global family thing is all fine in theory and as long as we have this medium of exchange, but in the long run, you people on the other side of the planet have almost no relevance to me here in the U.S.A.  especially if travel and communication become more challenging in the future thanks to how everyone wants to paint us as the scapegoat for all of the problems they've complicitely created for themselves.  let me tell you this.  the U.S. (melting pot) is the only place that can resolve these global issues, and if war or terrorism (real or staged) comes to our soil and takes away the current grace period we have to get some things going, the planet is in REAL trouble.  cuz none of y'all have the balls to do anything to really upset the status quo, but that's what this country was founded on.  too bad for some they tried to create or bring along a stale, comfortable status quo...

even on this continent, i don't feel much relation with those living in heavily populated areas or on the coasts, because their futures are even more uncertain being in proximity to areas more likely to suffer disaster (flood, earthquake, people losing their shit and getting even more desparate), so our time here together is even more precious...  my family lives in the midwest and my wife's in the south, and every time i go visit, upon parting i always wonder if that's the last time i'll see them.

anyway, words, words, words as those sages of wisdom beavis and butthead would say.  and, no, i don't take any of this seriously.  about to do a three day fast with some sleep deprivation thrown in and seek out some guides and connections.  bits of my mental might be eroded in the process...  gotta knock a little harder (cowboy bebop).

blessings to all and to all a good night

esrw02's picture

   Hey Chris ,


  We are barking, you are  right  but it is nice to hear barking from like minded people .  But with these barks are message still goes out to infinite and the Universe ,Omniverse ,Triverse or whatever your name for it is, will listen. Good luck on the fast and you are going to try for 72 hours without sleep , you might make some connections and meet theLaughingAyahuasca blue serpent queen .  It is funny eveyone who drinks Ayahuasca sees her .  


   I was thinking this might be trickery ,the whole duality thing; from a certain level or aspect , I have never in my life met someone who does to much good or thinks to positive where does it backfire?, I have never seen someone get a bad result from being to positive : EVER!! in my experience .  I don't think the energy makes negative stronger because look at the news and all other main stream aspects are completely dominated by negativity, so if that is the case where is all that positive going . We all have are theories,I am going for what works for me  positivity.


    I love you all , Eric






fredburks's picture

I'm sorry if my words confuse you, Noa. That is not my intention. For me there is a difference between trying to make people wake up and inviting people to wake up. I don't want to try to convince anyone of anything, but I do want to invite any who are open and interested to consider possibilities that might make their life better.

Despite all the craziness going on in the world, my life is incredibly rich and blessed. It is very clear to me that every being in the universe is divine and that on the deepest levels the universe and every being love me. These core beliefs continually shape my perception of the world. I have no doubt that this is what allows me to have so much love and richness in my life even when so many others seem to be suffering.

So the purpose of for me is not about making people wake up, but rather it is an invitation to those who "want to know" to consider that somehow we have co-created things in our world that are calling out for our love and compassion. It is an invitation to bring unconscious parts of myself/ourselves conscious, so that we can more concsiously co-create the world I/we want. I know that we all co-create everything that happens. By shining light in the shadows, I have no doubt we can create a better world for all of us all the time. Does that make sense?

With much love and warm wishes,

fredburks's picture

Yes, yes, yes, Eric!!! Thank you for that.

fredburks's picture

Beautiful, Chris. May you have a rich and meaningful time during your fast. Much love and support, Fred

fredburks's picture

"There is a simple method to check upon your progress. Despite what appears to being going on in the world around you, how loving and harmonious are your personal relationships? How many arguments do you find yourself engaging in? The quality of your relationships is an excellent mirror from which to gauge the quality of your output, or in other words, that which you are creating. Remember that the world is your mirror. It casts back at you the reflection of that which you have projected into it."

I love this powerful quote from the Hidden Hand material, which you can find at this link:

Noa's picture

that makes a lot of sense, Fred.

esrw02's picture

    WOW;;;;; Fred that was awesome, you got  that right !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


        Mirror Mirror on the wall SmileSmile         

  Hopefully Nick this has answered some of those questions for you man !

A lot of powerful stuff  in all  these posts.


        I love you all , Eric

The Gathering Spot is a PEERS empowerment website
"Dedicated to the greatest good of all who share our beautiful world"