Hello, all.
I am writing tonight as I have just decided that I'd like to take a trip to Sedona, AZ in the spring of next year, and really don't know where to start in the planning. I am guessing that at least a few people on this site will be familiar with Sedona enough to help me choose the best options for my trip.
I'd really like to go to just experience being there - the energy of the land, the people, and nature. I don't need to have lots of bells and whistles for my trip, but I'd like to find a nice, safe, comfortable place to stay (I'll be traveling alone, so the safe part's a big deal for me). A few good places to eat, though that's secondary, would be nice as well. I feel I'm being drawn to the area for spiritual transformation in some way, so low key works.
If you have any thoughts, I'd love to hear them. If you have any memories or experiences of Sedona, that would be fun to share, too!
Thank you in advance.
Lots of love and light to you,
whenever you have a question, type the actual question in google... I am always amazed at how responsive and accurate google can be for what one might consider too vague a question... I typed in, "interesting places to go around Sedona, AZ" and got this listing on google
Interesting places to go around Sedona, AZ - Google Search
And you might want to bring along a few Carlos Castaneda books just to get you in the adventurous mood, LOL
Carlos Castaneda's Magical Passes
Happy Trails!!!!