For those on the path

This quote is in response to a letter to Abdu'l-Baha about a century ago.
Thou hast described thyself as a student in the school of spiritual progress. Fortunate art thou! If these schools of progress lead to the university of heaven, then branches of knowledge will be developed whereby humanity will look upon the tablet of existence as a scroll endlessly unfolding; and all created things will be seen upon that scroll as letters and words. Then will the different planes of meaning be learned, and then within every atom of the universe will be witnessed the signs of the oneness of God. Then will man hear the cry of the Lord of the Kingdom, and behold the confirmations of the Holy Spirit coming to succour him.

Abdu'l-Baha, Selections from the Writings of Abdu'l-Baha (Haifa: Baha'i World Centre, 1982 Imprint) p. 58. E-text from Ocean Library,

"Then will the different planes of meaning be learned, and then within every atom of the universe will be witnessed the signs of the oneness of God."

That is a very cool idea.  It is a very possitive way to look at the end times.  I much prefer this outcome.  I also like the oneness of God, although I don't like that term very much.

I prefer the term creator.  I don't believe our creator is the highest, but I do believe there is only one at the top, bottom, and in between.

The other cool thing about this term is that we are all co-creators.  We create things every day at our job, in our family, etc.

I haven't mastered co-creating yet, but who has.  It's a process with a lot of variables.  That's all I have for now.

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