What, in practical terms, does Transformation mean to you: a questionairre and request for comment

Since we all have gone through the effort of working the Course, our motivation for Transformation, I hope to safely assume, is high.
And, many of us may have noteworthy experiences to share in this specific context. We might also have noteworthy strategies, tactics, formulas, techniques which have been powerful for us.
Since I am still a newbie, this may be old hat for some. Please bear with the curiosity of the innocent.
I am looking for specific details. Please feel free to share any experience, just please remember I am asking specifically for nitty gritty stuff. Blood & guts, hands in the dirt, sweat of the brow kinda stuff.
Thanks, one and all.
All that being said, perhaps considering the following may provide grist for the mill.

This is what I have distilled to be my sense of the "nectar" of the message of Transformation of the Wingmakers:

1. “Calling forth the divine perceptions of the soul within” is priority. So, if you agree, what strategy/strategies are you using to make that manifest in your 3D world?

2. “Soul is able to collect and store energy and redirect its purpose or application” is tactically a very good idea, so what techniques are people using to achieve this?

3. “Become an increasingly clear beacon of the divine and the architect of a new paradigm” may mean different things to different people. So, in practical terms, how is this manifesting in daily life for folks?

4. “Identity is transformed…divine essence unifies your entire being with your soul, and your soul with divine intelligence" Sounds good to me! Is anyone experiencing palpable, measurable (if subjectively measurable, great: if objectively measurable, great) transformation to unity of being with soul and unity of soul with divine intelligence?

Lovingly and respectfully,

Hey Himavat,

Thanks for the questions.....

1....I guess for me the strategy is one of being open to anything, forgiving of everything and expressing myself as  honest and as deeply as I possibly can...I also try not to be too serious about it all....to just let things happen as much as possible...none of this is real anyway......I attempt to stay calm and grounded...lol.....thats the theory anyway!

2....I think for me this is about feeling things and being able to accept and handle what I feel..., anything and everything, the good and bad....I think it is about living in the now...appreciating life in all it's forms, in it's perfection and it's diversity....

3....I think that this is about raising my vibration.....about letting go of conspiracy and shadow, about unifying myself, bringing all aspects of myself together.... about just focusing on joy and sharing, ....on rich and positive experience...this is manifesting for me in richer experiences, closer more meaningful and positive relationships and a greater respect for myself and everything around me...I seem to get more respect, I earn more money and the things I "want" seem to almost come to me now rather than me fighting to get them...

4....I am definitely becoming more unified in myself...who I am and how I perceive myself and everthing around me has been in a constant state of change for the last year and has exploded since coming in to the portal....in many ways I almost feel as though I no longer know who I am........or that I do know and am only just starting to really remember...??....and thats cool, I don't need to, or want to, KNOW as such...I just am.... and I'm not fighting it anymore...well alot less anyway!


Hope this is helpful.....


with love



onesong's picture

Calling forth the divine perceptions of the soul..for me begins with the most primary of spiritual tools, meditation. To hear the voice within the silence and understand clearly my own soul messages is an absolute must each day. Meditation and contemplation are most necessary for soul growth. 

I strongly believe thoughts are things and choose carefully what thoughts my focus is on. I consciously ask God, Creation, whatever you choose to call our I AM'ness in many times during the course of my day and in all instances where I feel in need of seeing the bigger picture. When viewing or reading the news etc, I immediately speak to the change I want in the world as I see the negative things occurring, asking for the highest good to prevail in all things- I change it up so to speak, not idyllically ignoring what I see, but visualizing a positive enlightened outcome. Each thought and each moment is a prayer, we only need to understand what it is we're asking into our lives and experience.

Soul is able to collect and store energy and redirect its purpose or application, I open myself to Source, I realize that I AM is in me and of me, that God isnt outside of us, but all pervasive and in that knowing we call up and through us power we dont otherwise have privy to. When we open to Source and ask for healing or spiritual energy to move through us knowing that it is, we open ourselves to being channels in ways we may not even understand. I allow energy to move through me and offer it freely to those that come to me, knowing God will work through me in exactly the measure each is ready to receive and allow and that no harm can ever come to me or anyone that is the focus of that energy because it is called forth in the purest of Light and intent. 

To be a beacon of the Divine is to realize your Divine Light, your connection to all source and all life, to work respectfully through each challenge and lesson you are confronted or gifted with, because I see life lessons as gifts, even when they arent easy ones, and as you work through your own shadows and experience others will arrive with answers or in need of assistance and when you accept and give both freely, you flow with the connectedness that you are and you cannot help but shine and share the Light. It is simply shows clearly through your eyes and your aura to others awakened or awakening to the wonder around them.

As one experience of this, I had a boss that was extremely domineering, threw things at her employees, enjoyed verbally abusing them in front of others, etc. Now in my youth I would have wished all sorts of evil upon her, but I'm older and wiser. Each time an episode would occur in the office I would ask in more Light. I worked with the Violet Flame in asking transmutation of the situation, I sent it ahead into our workplace each day, and in all ways I sent her increasingly more love and understanding. Within 6 months, she was terminated, which isnt exactly the outcome I would have envisioned, but a wonderful loving team building woman took her place. I find in my own life, the things that are meant to fall away do so, and the things that are of the highest good will and do prevail.

Divine intelligence is in back of all things. Since we are only limited because we believe we are, limitless good can only come to us when we change our consciousness of it. Simply knowing the material world around us isnt what we are made of and from, and touching into Source and understanding we always were connected and always will be. The hills and valleys of our existence all lead us to greater understanding of who we are and why we've come

and what we have to do here, which to me all boils down to the very universal "Love is all there is"  the rest is illusory and matters little in the Divine scheme of things.

I work with healing touch, I practice shamanic drumming, I meditate daily sometimes more, I attempt to honor others that appear in my sphere of existence, I attempt to work from my Christed center at all times and in all situations. I study the writings of Masters that have come before us, I work with an enlightened Ministry that believes in the value of all world religions as expressions of the One. I attempt to live well by living simply and with an open heart and mind.

(Don't know that I've 'answered' you, all truths expressed are simply my own!)      blessings        kristyne

 Calling forth the divine perception of the soul within: 

     My intuition and dharma informs me that a 'soul' is not independently existing and has a self-nature.  Meditation practice brings the obscurations of self-identity into the clear light of wisdom.  This unbiased luminosity as the ground of being expresses naturally when I am mindful of the inherent emptiness of all experience arising. This is the fruit of meditation practice.

  Soul is able to collect and store energy and redirect its purpose or application:

      The dharma informs my embodied self that the ability to collect, store and redirect are illusions of a self doing something.  When I sense the dreamlike quality of that statement, this energy is regarded as an intermediary body and there are trained states to acknowledge this to benefit all sentient beings without any attachment to outcome. I practice meditation and remain in mindfulness in my daily activities with a devotional quality for all sentient beings without opinion for how anything should unfold.

   Become an increasingly clear beacon of the divine and the architect of a new paradigm:

       By doing my inner shadow work with ruthless but gentle honesty so that I am aware of what I am projecting onto my experience. Clear the glass and the luminosity is there.  I participate in an authentic community group dialogue process and bring that experience into the other land use type groups I am involved with, but it is my communion with animals that brings immediate clarity to the type of energy I bring to relationships.

   Identity is transformed...divine essence unifies your entire being with your soul, and your soul with divine intelligence:

      Identity is transcended  and I perceive reality as co-emergent, arising moment to moment as experience. I understand the inherent emptiness of all phenomenon as a result of the practice of meditation.  This way of being in the world brings the spaciousness of infinite posssibilty to all of my experience.


    Thank you for this opportunity to open to new language and to clarify its meaning for me.

  Sending metta,


boliviana's picture

Hi Himavat!

1.  Following our instincts ("divine perceptions of the soul within"), even when logic contradicts, is "a woman's prerogative."  However, first I had to overcome the notion that my opinion did not count so why bother forming one?  This may be the domain of free will, but I was so rarely given a choice in anything as a child that the rare times I was asked to choose I never knew what I wanted.  Often, I still don't know.  When I am faced with a decision, be it large or small, that could easily be over-analyzed and over-thought, I flip a coin.  You asked for practical approaches- this is one of mine.  I rephrase the decision until it is reduced to a "yes" or "no" question and then flip a coin.  My higher self- the one with the direct connection to the divine and the soul within- helps the coin land on the appropriate side (heads for yes, tails for no).  Even when I don't like what the coin tells me, I have learned to go with it.  I learned that the hard way a few times!  Once, when I didn't like the answer "no," I flipped that coin eight more times- only to get "no" eight more times.  That outcome not only flies in the face of statistics, but confirmed for me that my higher self was clearly involved.  For me, flipping a coin is a perfect way to receive input to this 3D experience from the astral realm- "calling forth the divine perceptions of the soul within-" when I get bogged down with thought and ego.  And it can be done anytime, anywhere, and for anything- from "chocolate or vanilla?" to "should I buy this car?" and beyond.

2.  I'm not sure about why the soul would need to "collect and store energy," since there is limitless energy to draw upon at all times.  Redirecting the soul's purpose or application is another matter, ruled by the laws of intent, action, economy, expectation, and grace.  Each of us comes into this life with a purpose, but the veil of forgetfulness causes us to wonder what that purpose is.  Those lucky enough to remember often do so because they have redirected their intent, expectation, and action so that they move with the flow and are blessed with the unmistakable feeling of grace.  Practically speaking, what I seek to do at any given time is the next right thing, whether I feel up to it or not.  If it is indeed right (sometimes guided by that coin flip), the energy is there, a way is made, and it just plain feels better.

3.  I feel invisible on a daily basis, so becoming "an increasingly clear beacon of the divine and the architect of a new paradigm" is a challenge.  Paradoxically, it is when I let go of the desire for attention that I realize others have noticed me all along.  For example, strangers on the commuter train know what stop I get on and off of, what car I ride in, and whether I usually stand or sit.  Living from a place of love, which is evident wherever you are and whatever you do, attracts like a beacon.  Even people who haven't awakened yet to their spiritual connection are attracted to that aura.

4.  "Identity is transformed..."  This may be misleading, as a person's core identity remains true always.  It is free will choices and the baggage piled on by the karma of this 3D experience that diguise it.  And "divine essence unifies your entire being with your soul and your soul with divine intelligence" always.  This happens on a sub-atomic level- otherwise we wouldn't be here in this body, period.  The only "transformation of identity" possible is brought about by shedding the disguise.  Dannion Brinkley died (the first time) an arrogant jerk with almost no spiritual awareness, and returned to his body a "changed" man.  While his core identity remained, the uber-macho, insensitive disguise left and he made different free will choices to relieve the burden of his karma.  I don't want my identity to be transformed, but rather unburdened and revealed.  When we choose "the next right thing," live in love, and remain aware of our connection to the divine as we move through this life, our true selves come through.  I leave the subatomic stuff to God.

Just my two cents-
With Abundant Love, Deb

ChrisBowers's picture

It is somewhat humorous to try to answer this questionaire because I know, from past experience, my answers and questions are developing as I move along the winding road in this journey of rediscovery.  What I really like about this is we will have the opportunity to go back in weeks, months, years to read our old answers and see how far we think/feel we have come.  That gets a little sticky/tricky too because we all have egos that would aim to have us believe we have progressed for the sake of self-satisfaction, when we might not have, in reality, evolved at all.  So I look at this journey as a wonderful rediscovery of the "infallible and unassailable", a redirection of intent, from thinking I already know something toward allowing what already is real to just Be and trust that we will never ever be fooled by what is already real.  May I discover that being fooled is a self-inflicted conscious choice we must learn to take responsibility for.  The moment I do, its alleged/assigned "power" is vanished and banished without any effort whatsoever by my simple willingness/intent to just let what is real reveal itself.  All it is asking  is for me to be in agreement with that plan.  I think we do not ask that of reality enough because an ego loves to be in charge.  We are going to laugh very hard when we find out how simple it all was all along, and all perceived difficulty was the intentional making of an ego that loves drama.  Kind of makes me think of the Beatles song, "Let it Be" as inspiration for how very much what is real wishes for each of us to see clearly again.

Love, Chris

fredburks's picture

Thanks Himavat for those wonderful questions. Fore me “calling forth the divine perceptions of the soul within” has meant that not matter how crazy things get, I continually choose to see and experience the divine essence that I absolutely know is there within every person I encouter. It's a matter of remember that every person in the world has a heart.

What has been most transformative for many years in my life is my unwavering commitment to choose based on what is best for all beings. Asking for divine guidance towards this end has also empowering this deep intention. I believe it is largely because of this that my life has been filled with countless miracles, including that of finding the powerful WingMakers material. Thanks to everyone here for sharing their thoughts on this.

With much love and gratitude,

JaiMe's picture

1, for me, everything connects through the heart. That is the center of emotion, which is all I can really percieve of the soul within, mind is sort of different in that space. So all action and interaction being channeled through the heart is my "practical" way of doing that :) Feeling with people rather than thinking, and it does change the way I talk and act.

2, again, channeling everything through the heart. The different emotions, if one can "detatch" from them, can be powerful tools for moving energy in one direction or another. It's this old idea that energy is neutral by itself, it's just how we move it with our intention and our hearts.

3, encouraging heart-centered thinking in people and situations around me. Usually I do this silently and it often actually has an effect! Things as basic as breathing divine love with everyone in a room or supporting those who want help in some way. Of course part of that is being clear and heart-centered myself, which is where some of the most exciting challenges are, for me :)

4, yes. I had a connection with a group of people that I speak of on my profile which transformed something in my heart. After that I had the usual transformation "symptoms": I felt like I completely understood myself in my completeness, no judgement, no pride. Everything became divine synchronicity and I was no longer surprised by it, it just felt natural. I've had this happen before, it is the sign, for me, that I'm connecting well with both my own divine nature and the rest of the universe :)

I Love You! Thank you for posing these thought-provoking questions!


davelambert's picture

Himavat, your questions are great ones - I'm glad someone put them out there in just the way that you did. I caught this post when it first showed up, and I've been thinking ever since how best to field those questions. And I'm struck by both the versatility and the common threads in the responses. I found myself really resonating with what Triciascapes said. I'm still not sure I have very good answers.

1. “Calling forth the divine perceptions of the soul within” is priority. So, if you agree, what strategy/strategies are you using to make that manifest in your 3D world? "Calling forth the divine perceptions..." I'm not sure I even know what that means. My strategy is to fully be, and to learn to do it better. Whatever it is that's happening to me these last few years - and something is fer sher - it's something I've been being prepared and schooled for. How does one call forth the soul's glimpse of it's unity in the Divine? Does it not mostly burst forth more as an epiphany than an evocation...or is it in the end, the same after all? Awakening is priority - so we say - but awareness is generally called forth with some kind of a reminder. An alarm clock of some kind, a string around the finger.

We may each see the dawn at different times and places, but it's the same light that illuminates our day. I hadn't thought much about strategies per se here in 3D-land...but I doubt if anyone has spoken my wish better than Gandhi: Be the change you wish to see in the world. This works both ways, inwardly and outwardly. You live who you are, live your core. Challenge yourself endlessly and you reward yourself sparingly but meaningfully. Even that is too much attention to self in my opinion, but
we all vary there.

2. “Soul is able to collect and store energy and redirect its purpose or application” is tactically a very good idea, so what techniques are people using to achieve this? Tactically? Again, I must be missing something. Collecting, storing and redirecting energy is something even plankton can do. We are sovereign integrals, and it is up to us to find out what that means. We aren't integers, but integrals; we are part of something without which we literally would not exist. Redirecting the purpose of energy presupposes a number of philosophical variables, which gives the question a rather broader scale than that of plankton. Nevertheless, it seems to me that the question of will or intent is what we're left with when this is pared down to its core. Which brings us to the sovereign part of what we are. The taming of the will is the taming of the ego, and the setting-free of the soul. Thus the integral part of the equation balances the sovereign part in the best expression I've come across of the miracle and mystery of our consciousness.

3. “Become an increasingly clear beacon of the divine and the architect of a new paradigm” may mean different things to different people. So, in practical terms, how is this manifesting in daily life for folks? In practical terms - the very idea of which warm this Capricorn's heart - I must be doing something right. I'm more conscious of all the times I blow it, but I must be doing something right and if that's so, then it's something I do without even knowing, which seems to me the way it should be. I especially notice that young people seem to be drawn to me, and to just want to hang out and talk. Most of my hiking companions are folks less than half my age, who've asked if they could come along. And we have really deep, far-ranging discussions. It's good for me to know that not all the slouch-jeaned, dreadlocked, tattooed and pierced young folks are shallow and asleep. I'm not sure the ratio of the awake to the sleeping is much different than it's ever been. But there's definitely a different vibe in the air, not quite apocalyptic but definitely a big anticipating....and it feels good to be part of a connection between the generations.

4. “Identity is transformed…divine essence unifies your entire being with your soul, and your soul with divine intelligence" Sounds good to me! Is anyone experiencing palpable, measurable (if subjectively measurable, great: if objectively measurable, great) transformation to unity of being with soul and unity of soul with divine intelligence? Glad you asked. Yes, and yes! Whether we call it transformation, awakening, ascension or whatever, none of those terms really is adequate to describe the reality. I've known people all my life that were far, far further down (or up) that road than I'll ever be, and yet the consciousness of being ON the road is somewhere between sex and nirvana. In all of this discussion, the soul is being spoken of as something separate like ego or body, yet to me the soul is the the very essence or model - the paradigm, if you will, of who and what we are. Sovereign, and yet separate in no way other than the theoretical - a mystery scarcely perceived by the physical neurons of the brain, yet acutely felt throughout our immediate field.

I've learned several specific techniques through the TC that have been very helpful to me, the most important being ho'oponopono. Also the specific method used in the exercise of breathing sacred love. These have integrated well into my path and helped me forward. I've posted a couple of things here at the portal about stimulating the amygdala. This exercise fits well with the larger picture of awareness-stretching, too. It involves very pleasurable sensations, and when the amygdala and the frontal lobes somehow snap into synchronisms it leads to some really mind-blowing experiences. In my case, I have had some incredible experiences with the spirits of the earth, with trees and with other kinds of entities, since learning to synchronize the amygdala with the forebrain. To me, what this does is show how we can flash into a wider integration of our selves, souls, whatever - with and into the larger field or matrix...which leads not to sci-fi mind control but to living water.


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