The private ownership of the US Fed is a closely guarded secret. However, it is generally believed that the following banks/families have at least some stake:
1. Rothschild Bank of London
2. Warburg Bank of Hamburg
3. Rothschild Bank of Berlin
4. Lehman Brothers of New York
5. Lazard Brothers of Paris
6. Kuhn Loeb Bank of New York
7. Israel Moses Seif Banks of Italy
8. Goldman, Sachs of New York
9. Warburg Bank of Amsterdam
10. Chase Manhattan Bank of New York.
Now, the long answer is more complex. Have a look at these charts:
According to the information presented there (assuming not much has changed since 1976) it would appear that the Bank of England actually owns the Federal Reserve and the IRS.
The Bank of England is, in turn, almost certainly owned by the Rothschild family, though if they saw fit to sell shares, they would not be required to report this, since these are privately traded companies we're talking about.
Please note that to determine who controls these institutions, it's not enough to simply list the shareholders, one must also take into consideration who, in turn, owns the shareholders themselves. Furthermore, the influence and connections of the chairmen cannot be ignored, as these men are the ones making the decisions
I saw a T-shirt the other day that said, "Same Shirt, Different Day"
That was clever!
Don't know what to say to this forum except noted, agreed and understood.
This very old monopoly has been financing both sides of wars for a very long time and very few people pay much attention to this very old game of who controls and manipulates money supply worldwide. I guess one way to look at this is the beauty of knowing this so we know how to pray more specifically to expose and enlighten while remaining very aware that conflict serves their agenda, so that route is definitely a loser.
While witnessing the ongoing collective dream, we must continue to remember what is real and continue to work upon enlightening the masses until the dream is forced to disappear in the warm rays of the morning sun. After learning about all of this a while back, I don't know how else to approach this matter that seems so insurmountable within the confines of the dream.
Love, Chris
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Already bored with the trivial pursuit of old toys and looking forward to a world of unassuming comas to wake up and join us. In the mean time, mental/spiritual discipline to dismiss hate and disapproval so I can see more clearly the world I wish for.....
Unassailable Love, Chris
Yes, If I remember correctly that long 3.5 hour video, "Money Masters" mentioned that at the turn of the century (1900) the "House of Rothschild" owned half the total wealth of the entire world!
That was then. Since then one might assume the addage: "The rich get richer..." applies. They would have had a minor setback during WW2 as they had to flee Europe and lost their mansions - which the Nazis plundered, but I am thinking to a banker that would be a very small percentage of the whole fortune.
Since it was they who were financing Hitler's rise to military power, I would imagine they managed to survive the minor setbacks as the "Red Shield" types have done throughout history. The Money Masters is such a great documentary!!!!!!
Here are two links to track, from its origin, the Rothchild (Redshield) family from the patriarch, Moses Amshel Bauer
covers much and leaves some info on the table (can be seen in the Money Masters documentary)
This interactive web site has the directorship info of hundreds of corporations. By simply clicking the mouse, you can see how corporate control expands into interlocking directorships. See how Coke and Pepsi or Ford and Chevy are connected by interlocking directorships. See how many boards Sen. Sam Nunn sits on. Create your own map or spend hours viewing the many interesting and sometimes clever maps created by others. See how closely the banks and the weapons industries really are related.
Tampa DAve
They Rule is a great resource for me. Thanks Dave.
Thanks for the link to this excellent website Dave!!!