Dear Friends,
I was a little unsure about posting this because I have a self-interest here, so I contacted a few of you and Fred B to sense what you thought about it. I got positive feed back and then I realized that I actually have a self-interest in everything I post! And besides, the importance of this info for each of you is also in my heart as a part of my self-interest. So here it is; enjoy:
I've been learning about electromagnetic pollution and its health
effects; it
has been shocking to me. With wireless and cell phones everywhere now,
we all
live in a sea of electromagnetic chaos with far reaching effects on our
nervous systems and psyches. All the research indicates we need to
ourselves, especially young people and children, who's brains are still
forming. Unfortunately, none of this information is getting any press
in the US; although there is more public awareness in Canada and
I appreciate being able to share this vital information about the
research and
protection from cell phone and
wi-fi! I hope that you will take the time to learn more about this very serious
and rapidly expanding problem and the research-backed technologies that offer
life-saving protection. Please take a look at this resource website:
You'll find that there are links to other important websites on the left of the
page and that the site has informative audio, video and written material in the
body. As an introduction please view the
"Power of One" video.For more background, please watch the Australian
news report and the "Bio-Initiative Report: Cindy Sage" video and
take a look at the Bio-Initiative report; it is an informative, if somewhat
scary, report of the current research and recommendations of about twenty
renowned scientists from around the world. Tamara Mariea's audio on the EMR/autism
ADD link will most likely be important to you. I also recommend Dr. Sellman's
audios and articles. (If you have the time and your interest is piqued, all the
information on the site is up-to date and useful.)
If this sounds like something you'd like to discuss or pursue further, please
feel free to contact me by phone, (510) 301-8578, or email. Also, if you want,
you can check out the variety of useful products at:
In addition to some of the other products, I think you might find the i-H2O
flash presentation interesting. When the Chernobyl
nuclear accident occurred, there were a group of people living in the mountains
nearby who were disproportionately, minimally effected. It turns out that the
spring water they were drinking had an unusual structure which protected them
from the radiation and which the i-H2O system replicates. The effectiveness of
the system has been successfully tested.
If you'd like to explore this more deeply, you can listen to
the recorded options on the 24 hour phone line: 512-505-6877. Option 1
tells you simple ways to get started with
this business. The recordings of the prior week's Monday and Wednesday conference
calls are options 4 and 5. Option 7 on the i-Water is also excellent.
The conference calls take place at 6PM-PST Mon, Tues. and Wed. You can tune in
to them directly by dialing: 512-225-3224, pin 892168#.
I hope that you will share this information with those you care about, so they
too can get protected. Children and teens are particularly at risk. If this
seems like something you'd like to share with your associates, friends, and
family, you may want to go to the Opportunity
link. Of course, I welcome referrals of anyone you know looking for a
worthwhile, mission-based and lucrative business opportunity. The
company rewards, those who help educate others about the problem and those who
share our very effective and affordable electro-pollution solutions, very well.
Please contact me by email or phone (510) 301-8578 so I can answer any
questions you may have. I'd be happy to guide you to other resources as
I look forward to speaking with you again in the very near future!
May many fine blessings fall at your feet,
Cell Phones and Other EMF Pollution
Cause Harmful Effects to Living Systems.
For the Proven, Cost Effective Solution
that Saves Lives, go to:
Please Help Spread the Word!
Thank you,
John Lumiere-Wins
I am unable to look at the pdf files on the site...because of my computer.
From what I have read, I am interested. Because, I have long suspected that such is the case. I see wires and antennas everywhere I go. Some areas seem to ''feel funny'' I would like to learn more about it. I will go to the library where I can read all of the links.
Misty, it is really worth looking into both because we've been censored from informatiion about this ubiquitous problem which that profoundly effects all of our lives and because there are simple and reletivly inexpensive ways we can protect ourselves.
relatively inexpensive......music to my ears....haha...sorry...
i do think about how much of our world is wrapped in cable and paved and fenced. I think about all of the satellites in orbit...spitting out their waves....i like having technology, but i can't help but wonder about the unnatural effects that it has.
Thanks for the Heads up.
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1- there are two technologies in the Biopro devices. One was developed by a Russian scientist after studying the spring water drunk by a group of people who did not get ill after the Chernoble nuclear accident. It is called MRET and it is infuseed into the polymer and it interfers with the dffect of EMF and EMR on the organism rendering its effect neutral. The second is called ERT and it is a subtle energy technology which is infused into the Biopro devices; it increased the communication between and among cells. If you go to http://www.mybiopro.com/The_Validation.aspx?ID=thequietmind &
you can look at the patent and the research.
2- Polymer means a kind of plastic, to the best of my knowlege; beyond that, I don't know what it is made of.
3- The two principolal in Biopro, purchased the rights to uses the technologies
4- I am using these devices, including the i-water, and I have much less discomfort in my head whil using my cell phone and my wife has recently been getting a number of spontaneous compliments on how good her skin looks. She and I both think that my skin has gotten smoother and softer...Also, I feel like I am doning something to protect myself and my loved ones whereas before, I knew there was a problem but I felt helpless in the face of it.
I hope this is helpful.