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A few people expressed interest in DNA frequencies. I thought I'd post the chart I use when doing this work although the colums haven't lined up straight. The first four frequencies on the chart are the amino acids in DNA when sounded together via sine wave sound quite beautiful and create a very nice buzzing sensation. This sensation is the acids resonating harmonically with the stiulus tones via the process of entrainment. I can explain more if people are interested. I have collected these frequenices from a number of sources and I play them using a sine wave generator I created in a program called MAX-DSP. There are good freeware sinewave generators on the WWW. I know these work very powerfully but because I'm not medically trained I don't exactly know how to use them in a healing way. I almost put myself in hospital messing with heart resonance so a little warning. Using the principle of octave equivalence you can build beautiful chords that are great for meditation and stimulate various charkra points. If anyone is interested I can send DNA, Planets and 12 Chakra tones for the cost of a blank CD and postage...Anyway it's fun doing it yourself. If you want to balance left/right hemispheres in the brain you could geneate the tone first and then use an auto pan between 5-9 Hz I often use 7.82 Hz Schumman resonance. Have fun...As one, Rob.
Chakra Frequency (Hertz) musical note Rel to =temp
Guanine 550 C# -13.686286
Adenine 546.6 C# -24.421677
Thymine 543.4 C# -34.586750
Cytosine 537.8 C 47.479478
Violet-Red 493.3 B -2.045884
Adrenals 492.8 B -3.801521
Spleen 492 B -6.614000
Crown 480 B -49.362941
Phosphorus 480 B -49.362941
Zinc 480 B -49.362941
Violet 466.2 Bb 0.134577
Copper 464 Bb -8.054462
Third-Eye 448 A 31.194520
Unknown Chakra 1 445 A 19.562175
Blue-Violet 440 A 0.000000
Iodine 424 Ab 35.872889
Bone 418.3 Ab 12.441369
Psychic Center 416 Ab 2.896006
Iron 416 Ab 2.896006
Blue 415 Ab -1.270625
Unknown Chakra 2 410 Ab -22.255537
Manganese 400 G 34.995772
Green-Blue 392 G 0.020157
Throat 384 G -35.676655
Chromium 384 G -35.676655
Unknown Chakra 3 372 F# 9.358917
Green 370 F# 0.026096
Thymus 352 F 13.686286
Bladder 352 F 13.686286
Yellow-Green 349.2 F -0.139958
Heart 341 F -40.263053
Molybdenum 336 E 34.179441
Yellow 329.6 E -0.144737
Muscles 324 E -29.811653
Blood 321.9 E -41.069136
Solar Plexus 320 Eb 48.682058
Calcium 320 Eb 48.682058
Kidney 319.88 Eb 48.032723
liver 317.83 Eb 36.902140
Brain 315.8 Eb 25.809177
Diaphragm 315 Eb 21.417966
Orange-Yellow 311.1 Eb -0.150155
Potassium 304 Eb -40.118640
Fat Cells 295.8 D 12.542234
Orange 293.7 D 0.207690
Unknown Chakra 4 293 D -3.923431
Polarity 288 D -33.721654
Intestines 281.6 C# 27.372572
Red-Orange 277.2 C# 0.108480
Transpersonal 273 C# -26.323087
Selenium 272 C# -32.676247
Red 261.6 C -0.169179
Root 256 C -37.631656
Lungs 220 A 0.000000
Colon 176 F 13.686286
Gall Bladder 164.3 E -5.405252
Pancreas 117.3 A# 11.239388
Stomach 110 A 0.000000
Schumann Resonance 7.8
In reading your article i think experimenting could be dangerous unless you have sources to tune in to the frequencies. It not only afects your chakra centers but every cell in your body. I am looking at purchasing a frequency machine that is being sold by Dr. Len Horowitz on www.healthyworldstore.com , it sells for about$2000 dollars patterned after the Rife machine. It comes with the frequency settings that you would program into the unit to treat what is ailing you. I think experimenting could do more harm than good. It might sound good but what do you base it on for which chakra. Where did you get the frequency information? I am very interested in healing techniques and could use more information if you have it . I plan on teaching and practicing holistic medicine and am persuing more info on this application. with sacred Love to you, Mark
Hey Rob!
Thank you for posting those frequencies. It's funny - as I was reading them I felt a calming effect. Is the 7.82 frequency basically the same resonant frequency of the planet? Also, are you familiar with the extra low frequencies they are experimenting with with the HAARP ionospheric heaters? They run the microwave transmission to create a bulge in the ionosphere which gives them an accurate directional control to then begin pulsing the HAARP array which creates extra low frequency waves that go right through the earth. They have been using it to look for oil, but have also been able to create earthquakes and cause mood swings, memory loss and a bit of a dumbing down effect in targeted populations. They must be pointing the damn thing right at the White House! But this is all just crazy talk! They would never do anything like that...
Dear Mark, thanks for your post, yes, there may be timesor situations where using any treatment can be dangerous to the untrained. I would say that my primary use is for composing these tones into clusters like more traditiona musical 'chords so I guess I come at them from the perspective of a musician, not a physician, exploration and experience not an empirical knowledge base. The tones are gathered from various articles, net posts channled information etc there is no single source although I do find the Cousto book on planetary frequencies fantastic, I did neglect to include those frequencies in this chart. It's probably becuase I'm cheap, and I'm attracted to the notion of Linux programing, freeware, shareware, and information being available that I post these tones so that people can use them, or not, and its great that we can talk about them. I'm interested in for example the work of DR. H (thank you for the info, more to explore!) but personally $2000 seems like an awful lot of money to me. My pet dislike is all the patented machines and gizmos that do this and that, where knowledge is the exclusive domain of the person or company that holds the patent. No, I'm probably just cheap. Thanks Mark, look forward to talking again on this subject, asone, Rob.
Hi Chris, yes 7.82 hz is known as the Schumann resonance a very important frequency for the planet which is apparently now shifted up to about 12-13hz giving cuase for concern. I have heard of HAARP but I never new what its operating principle was. I didn't know that it is based on extreme ELF. I assumed is was just about high frequency micro wave radiation. What it must do to poor old Mother Earth...I must say. It amazes me that everytime I read one of your posts I get this amazing energy surge! I think you are projecting some sort of love frequency Chris...feeling the love...! As one, Rob.
Couldn't resist the Bob Dylan/Johnny Cash reference! Thank you for your very kind words Rob. It is good to know that I'm not getting in the way of my intent of availability to the One. So many ways to put that, but I know you know what I mean. Wow, the earth is really up to 12-13hz? I believe that means the magnetic field has been weakened or has naturally attenuated down - isn't that the way that works? I think that is what I read years ago. That is nothing short of phenomenal historically isn't it? We could be in for a axis shift with the magnetic field doing that. About the ELF - even though the microwave frequencies are ultra high, "they" pulse the array to get the earth-penetrating s-waves or "standing waves" at the extra low frequencies. Tesla was on to some very interesting science/physics and these guys have been continuing the research since the 40's I believe. What the public doesn't know would fill a..... Dr. Rosalie Bertell's book "Planet Earth: Latest Weapon of War" is a great source for finding out what they are doing with the HAARP ionospheric heaters and other similar technologies (iicph.org). And Dr. Nick Begich has covered the subject very well since he lives near the HAARP array in Alaska (layinstitute).
Here is a link to a posted article from Nexus that does an excellent job of describing the Earth's base resonant frequency, its fluctuations, causes and effects on our minds and physical bodies. Very interesting stuff. http://www.nexusmagazine.com/articles/schumann.html
In Love, Light and Wonder!