It is interesting that I was presented today with a small article on Morgellons, indicating that the medical and scientific community was avoiding the subject. Then another article regarding chemtrails and the spraying of chemicals and who knows what else. And then I discovered this article which put the two together with some interesting results.
Gwen Scott is a natural nutritional practitioner. Her article in the link below is very enlightening.
First I had heard of it was some time back in an article describing and showing pics related to the skin condition and the odd seemingly polymer-laden hairs (still don't know if that is really true yet) growing out of the irritated areas. The article was related to citizens in California that were seeing these chemtrails in the sky and wanting to do something about it.
Some time later I came across the scalar wave related energetic healing video of Dr. John Michael Mallon, founder of The Healing Universe. In that video he shows "up close" the viewer (because he was revealing the many uses of scalar waves, including and primarily the military) these air force planes spewing out the chemtrails, and explains that the reason for the "chemtrails" is to lay those visible lines up there to verify whether or not Russia has its HAARP type Woodpecker grid turned on, a geo-grid that allows the Russian military to accurately direct scalar waves (Russia calls them torsion waves) or longitudinal Extra Low Frequency "standing waves" to the designated target via the Woodpecker system (gets its name from the sound it makes when detected by our military installations).
I had always wondered why the Air Force was doing it (since I am seeing these chemtrails almost daily now in the skies above the Spokane, WA area). Whether or not there is truly a link, chemtrail fallout to Morgellon's Disease, is still something I have not been able to verify. Another interesting thing that came up recently (since completing assembly of my Rife-Bare related square wave "energetic healing" scalar wave generator designed by Dr. Mallon of The Healing Universe) is that I found an entry with specific frequencies for addressing Morgellon's Disease in the CAFL standards frequency list.
What really surprises me too is how little attention these so brazenly obvious and literally in your face from (usually around here) east to west chemtrails attract in the general public or in the local press, at least around here anyway....
Morgellons - Morgellons Disease
LLP, Chris
I heard about it about the same time you did. I didn't give it much attention as it seemed to be some rare condition with no known source. In fact I considered it one of those created instances to cause fear for those who read about it in the mags on the check out isle.
I since have been hearing more about it, and its connection to nanoparticles and the chemicals from the chemtrails. I was surprised in the report when she mentioned metalic composition of those fibers.
We here in North Texas don't have a great deal of chemtrails at least to my knowledge. I keep watching the sky and seldom see these cross hatches of trails which identify the chemtrails. But I am certain that there have been some that we are not aware of.
What triggered my attention is that I have been having very small, almost miniscule pustules coming up in the inner skin of my elbows. Clusters of tiny bumps which cause irritation for no reason at all. I couldn't figure out what was going on but when I read this report, it occured to me that this may be the cause. From the symptoms described it may have a great amount of influence on many of the complaints people have with no obvious cause.
I am going to dig a little deeper to find out more information.
the metallic particles make more sense than the plastic ones I had originally read were part of the mix with the metallic particles, but when I think about it, that would not work well since the particles are being blended into the jet fuel, thus the plastic would burn up and most likely be problematic for the jet engines, where the metallic particles would not "apparently" present such a problem.
Berry, Thanks for the link. I've been having sores on my head for over a year & my intuition said, "heavy metals." I'm going to explore his protocols. Chris the chem trails are not from jet exhaust--there are separate sprayers.
see http://www.fourwinds10.com/siterun_flv/?VID=www.fourwinds10.com/photo_archive/video/071120954xakn.flv
& http://www.carnicom.com/anomalies1.htm
Chris, would you let me know about the Rife machine you assembled.
Blessings all,
accompanying this revealing audio link are photos which show the insides of planes used for chem trails. It seems obvious that the system is not released through jet exhaust.
Hi John! Good to see/hear you! Here is the following links - one discusses scalar technology and shows an AF jet spraying chemtrails up close, and the other is the website of the physicist you will see in the video at Dailymotion, Dr. John Michael Mallon MSc. Email me at [email protected] and I will send you a pic of the assembled s-wave generator with a quick description of the other elements of the working system. LLP, Chris
Dailymotion - Scalar-Energy in Healing ... from The Healing Universe - a Tech & Science video
The Healing Universe Home Page