Organics mislabeled

Below is the website for Organic Consumers who put out an enewsletter. In the last one several organic/natural companies have mislabeled their products and some of the ingredients not disclosed are quite harmful.

davelambert's picture

It's on us to educate ourselves and each other, and to own our own lives including - certainly not limited to - our bodies.  Progress is imperfect:  it's forward a little, and back a little.  One of the biggest hurdles in overcoming our OP ways of connecting with the world is the fact that everyone is out to make money.  In our present reality, this is an absolute given.  Learning to reduce our dependency on fiat currency and bogus assets and focus our attention on value added is one of the most challenging shifts we must learn.

Food is becoming an issue worldwide, not whether organic or GM is available to discriminating consumer, but whether anything is available at all to eat.  And there are those who fully exploit that.  This tsunami has not hit most of us yet, but it will.  No one will remain untouched.  Thanks, Kate, for continuing this effort to keep us aware of our food supply!


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"Dedicated to the greatest good of all who share our beautiful world"