From James Twyman's book EMMISARY OF LIGHT. When I read this, as a "professed" energy healer, it struck a cord within my innermost being. I realized that there was an obstacle to healing others when there was no healing in the Self. I offer this quote from James' book, quoted from the Emmisary. "Imagine that someone came up to you wearing an ugly mask and asked you to heal a terrible blemish on the plastic surface. What good would you do that person if you took out a can of paint and painted over the blemish? The blemish is not the problem, the mask is . Healing takes place when you look beyond the mask to what is underneath. The beautiful face that is underneath is not affected by the plastic blemish at all. But you may not know this until you are able to see beyond your own mask and realize who you really are. Emissaries are people who have recognized the masks they wear and have seen past them. Only then can they look behind the mask of another, without judgment, and point out the beauty that has neer changed. This is the true function of healing."
Physician, heal thyself
The Gathering Spot is a PEERS empowerment website
"Dedicated to the greatest good of all who share our beautiful world"
One of my all time favs...
LLP, Chris
When I'm truly acting as a conduit for the Divine Healing Energy I'm feeling only a warm ,loving , heart centered flow. This is when the results have been most positive. If I'm focused on technique or anything that's ego related or have any judgement about the person I'm working with, I'm not as successful. There's a lot of, let go, let God, in any healing.