A message from Celia Fenn
Thursday, 11 March, 2010 at South Africa (posted 12 March, 2010)
This has been a difficult month in terms of the Earth energies. On the heels of the devastating earthquake in Haiti came the much larger quake in Chile. The Sun has been very active with Solar Flares and magnetic storms in abundance. I also read recently that March and October are known by Scince to be the two months when Earth's Geomagnetic activity peaks. And all this leading up to the March Equinox of 2010, when the new balance for the Earth will be achieved.
The increased Geomagnetics and Sun activity accounts for why so many of us have been feeling not our best, and why the weather has been increasingly unstable and intense all over the Planet. The Elementals are dancing and celebrating and playing, and we are having to learn how to join the Dance of Mother Earth. We tend to see events such as Earthquakes as disasters and catastrophes, and in the modern world that tends to be true becasue of the way many of our cities are built and because we haev so lost connection with nature that we no hear the warnings and are able to anticipate what will occur. Earthquakes happen all over the Planet all the time, and especially in the area known as the Pacific Ring of Fire. But with the increase in population on the Planet and its concentration into cities, which are often poorly built, comes an increase in fatalities and injuries.
The recent earthquake in Chile affected me more so than the Haiti one, perhaps because I have made friends in Chile on my recent visits to Argentina and Brazil. Also, I am aware, as Archangel Michael mentioned in 2009, there is a tremendously strong current of Earth Energy running through the South American continent, up the Andes and meeting with the current that runs down the Rockies in North America. The meetiong point is Central America in the lands of the Maya. This energy in South America I like to call the "Tail of the Dragon", because it is truly the powerful earth currents that we call the Dragon energy that are involved in these movements and transformations. It is as though the "Dragon" moved its tail and the current of energy moved through the land and created the intense shifts and movements.
This was emphasized to me by a letter from my friend Anne who lives in Chillan, which is right in the epicenter area of the Earthquake. She mentioned that a few days after the major quake, a local volcano began to send out fiery lava as well. Chileans are no strangers to earthquakes and volcanoes, their land is alive and the dragon breather, and the New Earth energy is active and moves with passion through the land and the people. This recent Earth activity in Chile had the effect of moving the axis of the Planet ever so slightly. But, in Quantum Science it is know that it only needs a very small change to create a shift in the entire pattern of the whole. The Earth is indeed expanding and shifting and growing and becoming something "new". I read recently also of research in South East Asia that suggested that the sea is receding and not rising, which fits in with the concept of an expanding earth as part of the changes! We live in amazing times!
But, back to Chile. I would like to share with you some of the information that came to me from my friends Thomas and Anne who live in Chile. I met them at a gathering I did in Buenos Aires in May, and they came again when I was there in November of last year. Thomas is Belgian and Anne is French, and they have emigrated to Chile where their daughter was born. They are adventurous by nature and spiritually dedicated to thier growth and service to the light. Here is a picture of us taken together in Bueonos Aires:
I would like to share with you some of the letters that I received from them, written by Anne. After my first enquiries about their welfare on Facebook, they sent me this letter, that was surprising by its positive energy despite what they had just experienced in their lives: "Thank you for your messages. we do not have electricity yet in the village but people are offering their petrol for generators so we can connect ourselves to the outer world. We are still very tensed because in our village, the earthquake was very very strong and violent and really loooooong but we are fine. Everything that could be broken in the house is broken and we have no light nor bathroom (everything destroyed insitde) It is still hard to sleep, but we are grateful for being alive and having had the possibility to go out of the house so rapidly.
Elhaia (their daughter) is stuck to her father... "my dad who saved my life" because he went to get her in her bedroom before getting out of the house and she is still very stressed.
The earth is still shaking a lot here but less than before. And yesterday, one of the 6 volcanoes of the Termas got lava going out.
Love to all those of you who left messages.
We'll put news on the blog as soon as we can. It is good to talk about it.
But do not worry. We have lots of love in our heart and gratitude for the blessings of having known what to do in the right time though it happened at 4in the morning and everyone was asleep.
Love to you all.
The most recent letter I had from Anne and Thomas, a few days ago, also showed this exceptional trust and gratitude for the gift of life. She also mentions that there is an incredible spirit of co-operation and support among the ordinary people in Chile. In the Media you hear only the sensational stories of looting and unrest that are designed to create fear in the readers. So here, as you read Anne's letter, please see the other side of the story. The energy that arises among Family of Light when ordinary people support each other through crises. Then the fear disappears because they know they can support each other as One.
"We are so full of emotions right now..... But so full of the energy of the earth. She filled us with so much power and love, ... yesterday we were saying that it was almost like making love to the earth itself. And we fell in love with her after this. But still we are a little bit in shock.
The country react beautifully to the event, and one week after, they organised a show to collect money in the whole country and the whole country gave so much, so much money (the double that was primarily expected, to be able to build temporary houses)... you would not believe it. Everyone is helping everyone. People are going to the coast (never really far from the mountains here) with their car full of food and clothes to give it to the devastated populations there. And you can see people hugging along the way from our village to the city.
It is overwhelming.
But we'll never forget the strength and the time it lasted for this earthquake has been soooo loooong during the first shake and the earth shook like crazy for a week. We were directly in the region of the epicentrum so it was amazingly powerful. Now it does shake at times but very little. And we are used to it anyway. We were so powerful during this event, so powerful, and through the event, we kept feeling that we were equal to this mad and unbelievably strong energy facing us, through the dance of our house and the shakes of the road. We never felt powerless at anytime. But shocked yes! But we are so happy to have been able to live this experience that will stay with us forever."
Anne also talks about the way in which the Chilean people also came together to raise money for the victims of the earthquake in Santiago, in the blog that she writes with Thomas. You can find the blog at http://chileetc.over-blog.es/
. It is certainly a joy to know that there are people who are waling their talk and living their truth as Family of Light. And also to know that in Chile there is such a Spirit of Co-operation and support for each other at this time. I send Blessings of Light to all the beautiful people in Chile!
So,to return to where I started, we are living in a time of great Geomagnetic activity, in this month of March. I believe that this increase in activity is also related to the Earth's Cosmic cycles and the alignment with the Lion's Gate Stargate in July and August. At this time, in March, the new energies from the Cosmic Heart begin to be felt and the Earth aligns for whatever new impulses come through from the Cosmic Heart into the Earth's Grids. This major shift means that there are very powerful new energies preparing to be received in the July/August period after the Solstice.
The Earth is preparing to meet her Cosmic destiny and to complete her shift into a "new" paradigm and a new place that we have called the "New Earth".
© 2006-8 Celia Fenn and Starchild Global
and affirming....
Over the last little while I'm noticing a resurgence in myself of energy, positive and negative, hard to balance. I had the intention of stepping away from all this for a little while to gather my bearings but I think I missed my chance. Everything is pointing towards something big happening in the near future. I'm noticing that my conciousness is manifesting things in reality a lot more quickly now (again, both positive and negative)
Now is the time to focus our thoughts on the positive, channel our energy to it. My wife said to me today that she is getting the distinct impression that our newborn daughter is an 'old soul.' I have known this since she was born, and the fact that she is saying it means she is starting to wake up too.
Get ready folks, we have to lead the charge, by which I mean set the example of peaceful co-creation, through our actions. Don't let strong negative emotions pull at you, cause they are going to come as a barrage. Hold your ground.
Sorry if this seems a bit off topic, it just sorta flowed outta me. Had to get it on paper and into the eyes of friendly readers.
Good luck everyone, as the Beatles said, "here comes the sun."
Your comments are very inspiring. The fact is that many dependable and resonating channeled messages from various sources say that the time between our intentions and the manifestation of them is becoming shorter. Kryon said that be careful of your intentions as previously you had an extended period of time before those energies begin to manifest and you could change your intentions, but now it is only minutes, or seconds. So the time between ones emotional desires and their realization has indeed become very much shortened. This same information has been provided by Abraham as channeled by Ester Hick of the Law of Attraction fame.
So you have not only confirmed the effect of the increased energy flowing into our world, but experienced it.
You know, it seemed funny to me that during the earthquake aftermath in Haiti, I felt like those people really needed us all to help them. When the earthquake happened in Chile, I didn't have that same feeling. It almost felt like they were at peace there, and could handle it. I kind of assumed it was my own overwhelm of the two events happening so close together. From this post, I get the feeling that they do have a sense of oneness with Nature that makes it a little bit more ok for them.
Josh, I would not doubt that your baby girl is an old soul. With a dad that's awake, how else is she going to give you a run for your money? :) Seriously, I think that's much more common now. I have had so many people tell me that about my son - even people that you'd never expect that sort of language from. Really interesting times, to say the least.
Have a great weekend, all!
Much love and light,
I had a similar feeling. I donated money for the Haiti quake, as well as mediated but for Chile I only meditated, didn't even think of money.
To be honest, I don't follow any channelled material, with the exception of the Law of One (which I still havent finsihed the first book I'm sad to say, even though it resonates)
I just find that things that come to me, myself, are more important. I've been having 2-3 dreams a night for the last few weeks, and writing them all down. Many mid day feelings and intuations. Today a big negative feeling of something afoot only to come home and find an $880 denied claim from my health insurance in the mail. A positive feeling a few days ago = a raise at work. I've religiously been taking Vitamin D for months and was not sick, after years of regular illness. This week, everyone at work got a stomach bug, and I thought "damn, I'm gonna get it too" and sure enough I did (though in hindsight It may have fully been induced by my own negative thought). At the same time I decided that the Vitamin D would probably reduce the time I was sick, and I only missed one day of work (compared to 2 for everyone else). This is what I mean man, its all making sense. I was listening to Iron Maiden today at work for the first time in a while and got an email that tickets for their show in Toronto go onsale tomrorow from out of no where... I could continue. Usually I would think I'm reading too much into things but theres been SO MANY COINCIDENCES this week alone...
Thanks Berry for your post. And what is this energy that is going on and around and in and out around here? I get the impression something good is ahappenin'!
About the Chile quake-Did anybody see that TV special series with the guy Alex Boylan, Around the World For Free? They traveled thru several South American countries and Chile was amazingly more prosperous and modern than elsewhere. Very upbeat people. Way, way ahead of some poorer states. I believe they more than paid their dues for their recent good governance-they had many years of US supported tyranny and mass murder. They no longer tolerate the stealing of their destiny.