The following is a story from my personal experience that I wanted to share, as although much of the material we see on these forums and on the internet is incredibly important and interesting, I think our personal experiences of forces beyond ourselves are also very important to talk about. In the "outside" world many people would look down upon such discussions in our modern day and age, but regardless, here is some thoughts I've been having lately.
I've always had this feeling that there is a guardian spirit or possibly more than one positive force helping guide me in my life. On occasoin, I believe these spirits make their presence known, and possibly even intervene in the physical sense. One of the first experiences was a kid playing baseball, I was pitching to one of the biggest kids in the league, and he hammered the ball straight for me. I basically ducked for cover and when I looked up, the ball was in my outstretched glove. The reflexes required were beyond what I thought I was capable of at the time, and people in the crowd (and on my team) cheered at the sight of it. Ended up getting a double play out of that one haha.
Other experiences in my life have occured over the years where I think I was guided by another force, sometimes acting through other people, and sometimes through a mechanism I won't try to describe or understand. I've come out of a reasonably scary car crash unscathed, and found my way home from pubs in strange towns safefly, sometimes even without a memory of it (mostly in my younger days).
Recently it seems things have been stepping up a notch, both in the protection, and in the negativity which sometimes leads to the need for it. This time things were not so "self induced" as some of my younger drinking expereinces, though this one did take place at a pub:
Some old friends and I were catching up and having a few drinks and decided to go downtown. We got the pub for last call and sat with a couple of drinks and were talking about all manner of things. A large man came up to us and was really trying to start a fight. I did my best to calm him down and be peaceful, I was in a very good place that night, and felt strongly that I could help this guy let go of his randomly directed rage (I imagine the fact we were all noticeably smaller than him was his trigger as we hadn't been talking to him before he accosted us...)
Anyhow, the pub staff threw the guy out and explained to us that he was a known troublemaker. One of the mans friends actually sat down with us to apologize and chat, and brought up the subject of how "we're all going to die in 2012."
Well that certainly got me off on a tangent, trying to convince him that 2012 is just a galactic alignment and only good things will come of it, though at first things may look bad, and that the changes are already starting etc. etc (see David Wilkcock's website for the gist of what I said to him haha). Anyhow I failed to convince him of anything significant and the pub was closing. I think he and his friends had gone to see the movie earlier and were brimming with fear, hence the violent outburst.
This is where the protection came in. The same large man from before was outside waiting for us. In fact one of the bartenders had been watching for him and wouldn't let us leave until he was gone. They ended up sending us out the back door after turning all the lights off, and we saw no more of the guy on our walk home (in a pretty small radius of the pub mind you, chances he would have found us had we walked in a different direction were high).
Anyhow, the next morning I felt the effects of my late night partying, pretty badly, but I knew the experience had happened for a reason, and I tried to 'enjoy' it as best I could, as a learning experience.
This all happened on Friday night.
The second recent encounter was not actually my own, but with my parents. They were narrowly missed by a car that crossed the median on the highway just yesterday. This happened shortly after I had pondered out the events of the previous paragraphs, and I knew there was a connection. Perhaps these forces are looking out for my family as a unit, as their connection to me is strong and harm to them would certainly be harm to me.
In the past my experiences with help from the divine have been very random and spaced out over time. This is two noteworthy experiences, one directly associated with my recent interests in 2012, and spirituality. Perhaps time as we know it is condensing, and the stakes are getting higher, or maybe I'm just becoming more aware of how things 'really' work. Either way I am thankful to whatever higher beings or forces are helping to guide me through these times.
Cheers, Josh
Thanks for the sharing. I can understand what you have experienced completely as I also have had some terrifying experiences in my life that I had to stop and give great gratitude for afterwards, as there would have been no way for me to have survived if it hadn't been for higher intercession. We do indeed have "angels" on our shoulders, guides, protectors, spirit companions, whatever you want to call them. They are most likely our Higher selves guarding our steps as they know what we will be exposed to.
We never walk alone.
I would add to Berry's comments (in total agreement), that you may want to begin consciously asking in your angels and guides. You can begin calling on them for protection, thanking them for their presence, acknowledging that you feel them near (or would like to if you don't) and asking them to make themselves known to you if you're comfortable with that.
A Hebrew prayer came to me long ago, it just poured out while guiding a meditation with my Sunday group. It came to me before I knew it was Hebrew. I am not Jewish in this lifetime-nor have I ever been in a synagogue to hear it. So I take it as something I am supposed to know. One of those 'gifts' to use and share. It is an invocation of the Angels. I ask them in often, not only when I am troubled.
Hashem, B'shem
elohai yisrael
Miyimini Mikhail
mismoli Gavriel
ulifani Uriel
umi-acherai Rafael
V'al Roshi,
V'al Roshi, shekinat el. (don't fault my spelling-i don't write or read Hebrew either!)
In English it goes like this: In the name of the Holy One, Archangel Michael is on my right, Gabriel on my left, Uriel in front of me and Raphael behind. Above my head, above my head, the Divine Feminine Presence.
When you ask, always ask for only what is of Divine Light. Another prayer follows, if you're so inclined.
Open my ears to the Universe-to all that is.
Open my eyes to all that is of Divine Light.
Let me be cognisant of all that is Light around me now and at all times.
Let me feel and understand the vibration of those I love
so I may be attuned to them.
Let me extend that vibration to those outside my immediate circle of Love, that they may also understand and be attuned by the Light.
Extend that vibration out into All the world, now and at all times.
Let me be surrounded by the frequencies of Divine Peace, Light and Love, so that I may be fully receptive to those around me as well as fully protected now, and at all times, from all that is anything less than Truth and Light. kristyne
I don't share these things with many in the 'outside' world, walking between two worlds is challenging enough without everyone you work with thinking "WOW she's OUT THERE!" lol.... We are all connected. :)