My Dear Friends,
We are fast approaching the greatest changes that have happen since the advent of mankind on this planet. For those that are preparing for this it will be the final victory of this age. The dark energies that have controlled mankind with their lies and corruption will be exposed for what they truly are. It does not matter that the dark forces have so cleverly destroyed the evidence. Everything is recorded in the Akashic Records and so in effect there truly are no secrets and lies to hide the truth from mankind. Everything will be exposed, only Love will prevail and therein lies our greatest victory.
How much I look forward to the times ahead. God is One with every being on this earth, God is All. It is in this inseparable union that we have been the co-creators for this great event that is the victory of Light over darkness.
With God's Love for all,
Carl Azcar
Ker-On 29-February-2008
Nothing can quite prepare you for the coming changes that will totally transform your life. They will address those problems that have been holding you back, and have kept you in an era that you should have moved past many years ago. Now these times are being brought to an end, and the level of your rising consciousness is a strong factor in that connection. Had you not desired changes our role would have been somewhat different, as they cannot be forced upon you. For many years you have realized that Man has stagnated, and must move on if his dreams are to be fulfilled.
What would have looked to be impossible in the latter part of the last century now looms large and is the cause of much confusion and contention. It is the sweeping away of the influence of those who do not wish you to move forward. They still hold power, but can no longer fool you into a false sense of security, by taking draconian measures to prevent the very conditions they have brought about quite intentionally. They have broken your trust so many times that you now question their actions, which have resulted in the creation of a police state. They have taken every opportunity to increase the threat of terror, to the point of creating their own scenario that has been conveniently blamed onto others.
The game is up, and those who have deliberately misled you will soon answer for their actions. Absolutely nothing can be hidden from us, and we can support our allegations with undeniable evidence as to what has taken place. If necessary, we can take you into the secret clandestine meetings where the attacks on the WTC were planned. No one involved has anywhere to hide, and you may be sure that they will be revealed for the attacks on their own people. Our way is not to seek revenge, but it is our duty to put the record straight so that your history is correctly recorded. In the past countries have manipulated your history to show themselves in a better light, and it is quite different to what you have been led to believe.
There will be much cleansing taking place in many different ways, and it is not just confined to the physical damage that has seriously damaged your Earth. Your minds have been polluted by being fed so much misinformation, and not least of all where your religious teachings are concerned. Once the truth of your spiritual evolution is clarified, the erroneous teachings can be discarded and it will clear the way for a coming together that you could not have imagined. Hatred and separatism have prevented you finding the common ground that will yet put your feet on the path to unity of purpose.
Life can be fun, easy and fulfilling except that you are regularly confronted with the problems that are self created through lack of understanding. We have emphasized many times that you are One, and it is a good basis from which to work towards breaking down the barriers. Most people have the same conscious longing for peace, and desire to live out their lives without the fear that has been placed in their minds. Fortunately, many now see how they have been deliberately misused and controlled to boost the power of the dark.
Your media that is largely Illuminati controlled has long played upon your fears, and their focus has been on violence and death. They have contributed to the news black out that has kept you from learning about those who offer a different way forward. Ron Paul is one such person who has been denied the coverage he deserved with his new and enlightened approach to the future. The Illuminati know that he speaks a truth that appeals to you, and that his vision for the future fulfils needs that they otherwise ignore. These true and godly people are amongst you, and their day will come very soon. They have sparked a train of thought, that has brought with it the realization that there is an alternative to the life style you have been experiencing. The energy for change has been given a powerful boost, and it will continue its rapid growth.
Decisions being made now by the Galactic Federation are determining how quickly we can come out to openly greet you. The scene is set for a momentous step forward, and the fall of those promoting the dark agenda is almost at an end. They cannot go beyond these end times, and the remaining years are to be used to restore you and the Earth. You will understand that any attempt to prevent the Light fully returning, are doomed to failure. It continually descends upon you and has entered the grid system that surrounds your planet. As it does so, it also penetrates the earth and it is cleansing away the negativity that has built up over millennia of time. Consequently it results in physical changes and some surface damage is unavoidable. As far as possible we direct the energies away from areas where there is a concentration of people, and minimize the effect upon you.
That you are in a state of immense change is to put it lightly, as your Sun is a prime mover as it beams powerful energies to Earth. These are not intended to be disruptive, but in transmuting existing energies there is bound to be repercussions. Also being experienced is the powerful effect of the Photon Belt, which is an essential part in bringing about the changes. Destruction is an unavoidable and unintentional side effect, as the old must be removed. Otherwise you would not be prepared for Ascension, which is the whole purpose of what is taking place in your solar system.
I am Ker-On from Venus, and can tell you all that is happening is under our control and that of Great Beings who oversee your evolution. It is coordinated to make your transition as smooth as possible. Do not fear change and know that any loss of life due to physical changes is not permanent, as life is infinite and you simply move to another level of experience. The specter of death worries so many people, and that is because it has been clouded by superstition and fear. It is a most natural change that you have experienced hundreds of times, and deep inside you know that it is no more traumatic than falling to sleep and waking up again. Ascension is not preceded by your death, and your physical upliftment is the unique feature of this grand process. All that is taking place is being done with great love and understanding, and this will become readily apparent when we can present ourselves to you.
Thank you Ker-On.
Mike Quinsey.
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I like the fact that the bs is about to be uncovered but I don't like not being able to plan for the change that is about to happen. I like to be able to plan. Is this just me reacting from fear? Will it be as easy as visualizing what we want and having it come about?
Anything hopeful helps to confort my soul.
Will it be ascension of our soul or descent of the light?
.Since 30 years, I am preparing to something I cannot define but at least I have enough space in my consciousness to receive the change.
Dear Brian,
FIrst of all, there is no reason to fear anything. The reason this is a problem to prepare for is that comparing the new paradigm to the present 3rd dimension is not relevant because the parameters are so different.
The 5th dimension is based totally on the concept of Unconditional Love. Compare that to earth where it is based on competition corporate takeovers, profit, materialism, lies and corruption. The closest you can come to planning for life in the 5th dimension is to began right where you are at living in unconditional love towards every person, the environment, all animal life and every facet of your daily life. Your intuitive abilities in 5th dimension will be your ability to know what people are thinking, what they feel about you, and they will know that about you as well.
I will give you an example of what that is like. In 1967, I was living in Los Angelus and I met a young man who became my closest friend while I was there. He was the most psychic person I have ever known. He knew what I was thinking, how I felt, even to the point that very often when I would go to ask him something he would answer me before I had vocalized my question or comments.
He even knew well in advance where I would be so he could contact me, and distance was no problem for him. When I left California and ended up in Prince George B.C. Canada. He decided to come up to work with me. I made an unscheduled trip
of 450 miles early on a Saturday from Moberly Lake B.C. to Prince George to pick up some supplies for the camp. Jim had gotten to Prince George from L.A. at 3 o'clock in the morning and was waiting for me when I got there. When I wondered how he knew I would be there, he just said, "I knew you were coming, so I knew I could ride back to the camp with you." I once asked him why he didn't like going out much and he said, "Carl, you have no idea how difficult it is to go into a room full of people and know what everyone is thinking." The very day I first met him, he walked in to the room on a very hot day dressed only in a bikini bathing suit because the weather was so hot. I said "hello," he looked and just glared at me, turned around and left the room. Yes, I remember thinking, "what a beautiful young man this was" and he picked up on that immediately. I rented the room at that house. Three days later he knocked on my bedroom door and apologized for the way he had acted towards me. He said, I have checked you out, your OK, I want to be your friend. And we became the best of friends from that day on.
So, how could I plan for that type of thing. That demands a whole new parameter of thinking, attitudes, and way of relating to another person. Jim, had learned through his life to cope with that, but for me it was a whole new ball game. I simply did not have any references for that. I liked the fact that he said, "I have checked you out, you're OK." Yes, he sensed my gut reaction to the way he looked when I first met him, but he also realized I was not a threat to him in any way and that I was actually a person he wanted to get to know. So yes, there might be some adjustments to get used to when we go to the 5th dimension, but we will all be experiencing that adjustment together, so I think it will proceed quite naturally for us.
Also realize that one will not even go to the 5th dimension unless they are willing to live by the "Law of Love" to exists there. So, if that is too difficult for a person to accept, they can just stay at a lower level until they feel that adjustment is possible for them. I hope this explains this somewhat for you. At least that is my understanding of this.
If you want to discuss this further just send me a personal reply. Thanks for you questions.
With God's Love,
Carl Azcar
Dear Denise,
That is a wonderful question. In the old religious concepts, we were told that we "go to Heaven after death", so in that sense the body died and the soul ascended to Heaven, Nirvana, what ever you want to call it. If I was to die today, then in a manner of speaking that is what would still take place. However, it was the WingMakers material, that is part of this Transformation Course, that has helped me understand the greater meaning of this.
In the case of the Earth's rising to 5th Dimension, it is the decent of the light that will bring this about . In that respect, we will not have to die and go anywhere. In that sense we are seeing this happen at this very time. Yes, there is still a great deal of fear and corruption here on earth, but we are also seeing, as we have within this group, people that are thinking and acting in a totally loving way towards others. So the Ascension process is simply when the dark forces are banished from the earth because they are completely rejected by the light that has come into the world. It is not the world that will reject them, it is their own darkness that is incompatible with the light. In that sense the darkness will remove itself from the light. FIne, if that is through an act of conversion to the light, but it that does not happen then they who live in the darkness will be given what ever time they need to accept the light. I guess that is why some of us are still here. Are we ready to accept the light this time, or are we going to wait until later. The choice is ours. It has always been our choice to make.
With God's Love and Blessings,
Carl Azcar
Your comments bring me some light, thank you.
In the daily life, I found 3 problems with the light.
The first one is easier to concile but need a great vigilance of my part. I can see the light through most of my actions, and I try the best to correct them according to the truth. I do not succeed all the time but at least I see it.
The second problem is harder, it is the one I have with one member of my family (luckily I have mainly good relationship with the rest of my family). This family member is a son-in-law.I tried a few times to bring the light to this member and it is categorically rejected. I have decided to do nothing more and I am using Dr Len's words for the healing. But I am sorry ....
The third problem is extremely difficult it is what happens in the world, when I see all the corruption of politicians, the wars, the poors, the environemental problems, the cupidity of the corporations... It was there before but with the light I see those more accutely. It is difficult to see and to stay "neutral" .
Do we get used to it and respect the choice of others who do not want to see the light? Respecting this choice is very hard.
I realize I have to cut attachments I have with the 3rd dimension. Sometimes those attachments include people I love dearly.
I am in the phase of "detachment".
My gratitude to you.
My Dear Denise,
I understand your problems far more clearly than you may realize.
My own family situation is a write off and there is nothing I can do about it. It is about pain that I caused many years ago, divorce, and even a prison sentence on my part. It is a very dark part of my life that goes back thirty years in my past. I hoped that if I repaid the the wrongs I had committed that at least we could be on speaking terms, but such is not the case.
I have only one thing I can do and that is to simply love them all, and I do more than they will ever realize, even tho it has now been 23 years since I have spoken to them. I have promised myself I will do my part, and my Spirit Guides have assured me there is no Karma owing because I have kept my part of this bargain. And yes, it was a Karmic situation to start with.
Realize that Light and Love are the same thing. Do not expect another person to have the awareness that you have. SImply love them, why, because they are just as much a part of God as you are. All that may be different is their awareness of that fact.
Yes, The corruption in the world is abhorrent to me as well, and there is no way that I can excuse in anyway what People like Chaney and Bush represent. To me they are among the worst criminals that this world has ever known. I could never have any desire to even meet any of these types of people. So how do I keep that from becoming a stumbling block for me. There is an old saying that goes, "Hate the sin but love the sinner." You never have to accept the actions that are against your principals that are committed by another person, but yes, the greatest challenge for us all is simply to love them. You do not have to talk to them and certainly you should not try to convert them to your points of view because it most likely will only inflame their attitude toward you. So the only solution is "Unconditional Love." Yes, we must accept them just the way they are, just as God accepts us just the way we are. True Love is not, "I will love you, if" or "I will love you, providing." This is what separates us from the 5th dimension. That is the greatest challenge that we face.
Be thankful that we are being given the chance to work this out here on the third dimension where we can go through the learning process of literally putting this into practice under the types of conditions we have here. And I want to assure you I have to work as hard as anyone else on this and sometimes I get very emotional and break down in tears over the problems that we all face. I am absolutely sure God realizes all this, why, because each of us is what God is. Yes, even the worst most vile person on earth is a part of God. I realize that is a very hard thing to fully understand. Mainly it is because the 3rd dimension is the hard stuff the most basic elements on the Universe. Animals feed on other animals, mankind kills animals and eats them and people kill each other. Pretty gruesome stuff. At least now I am a Vegetarian and eat 90% of my food raw. I can't stand killing anything.
I hope this all makes sense to you. Thank you for your comments.
With God's Love and Blessings,
Carl Azcar
Thank you so much for your good words.
I am vegetarian too.
Another question "Is it possible to improve the 3rd dimension or is it an irrealistic project because it is meant to be like this for our evolution?
I am a person of action, and I always have the impression I can bring some change in this world.
Dear Denise,
Think of the 3rd dimension like clay. Mold it and sculpt it to create what ever world you want this to be. Be very careful if you find you are trying to mold others. Other than to guide a child, we cannot make of them our own image, we can only help them find their own path which they then will walk.
In my profession I am a designer. My greatest challenge is to take very ordinary materials and make them into something useful and beautiful. Often times I must rely on the help of others who will either work with me to learn or to bring their own experience which then teaches me in the process. We constantly learn from each other.
Think of your question this way – if everyone in this world were trying there best to build a better world, we would be in the 5th dimension, possibly even higher at this very moment. If at least some of the people in this world were not trying to improve life in this world, it would stay right in the 3rd dimension right where it is, where it has been for 100's of thousands of years.
If you understand who we really are as a human race, you will realize that we are simply god in the third dimension. It has always been the plan that this new planet would develop and rise to the higher dimensions. It is the natural evolution that both we and this planet have in the Cosmic order. So you might say, everything is going as planned, and those who have been instrumental in fostering this change will accompany earth when it rises. Those that are not instrumental in this will simply progress to another 3rd dimensional world where they can continue at what ever level of progress they are at. From the reading I have done on this, they will not remember the mess they made of things on this world, just as we do not remember past existences when we come into this world. Every soul either progresses or stays at what ever level they are at from life to life, whether in the flesh or the spirit. It is an eternal process and we are all part of that.
That is what I have come to know about this. perhaps someone else can give their own understanding of this if they want. In that sense I am happy to share my awareness with you, but I am also limited, given my own level of understanding.
Thank you for you interest in this fascinating subject.
In God's Love,
Carl Azcar
Hi Denise,
Your comments highlighted and expressed very well things I have had to deal with, too. Like you, I have family members whom I love dearly - my two sisters - and yet our relationships have always been strained and it looks like they will always be that way. I have let it go after many years of being dysfunctional and trying to deal with their dysfunctions. I accept that some relationships are toxic and should be avoided.
As for the state of the world...sometimes it is hard not to slip into despair and fear. And yet, isn't that what they want? I have always recognized that Indigo spirit in myself - fractious, independent, rebellious and angry. In the last decade or so, I've been able to let the Crystal side of my energy join in and temper the angry guy. Needless to say, the TC has been of enormous help, although I can honestly say I was on the road already when I found it, and that it came to me at precisely the right time.
Do we get used to it and respect the choice of others who do not want to see the light? Respecting this choice is very hard.
Yes, it can be. And yet, what is the alternative? We are all sovereign integrals, some more integrated than others but all struggling with our higher selves trying to speak to us. Those who have a strong need to "be right" have a harder time, especially when being right is more important than doing right. The opposite of detachment is attachment of course, and everything we are attached to is a potential stumbling-block. The description of a human being as a sovereign integral is one of the most profound and at the same time simple utterances I've come across. We all understand the sovereign part, and in fact the cult of individualism has been one of the great blights proceeding from the so-called Enlightenment of a few centuries ago. Why? Because we fail to internalized the second part, that which concerns being fully integrated. This means to be one with our higher selves, with our fellows, and with God. We are nothing in one sense, and everything in another. Integrating the two is what activates our sovereignty - not simply claiming our "rights."
This is very mystical, it seems to me, and yet it is also very simple and basic. It is our conditioning that makes it so difficult to understand for so many. I have - or had - a very close Baha'i friend who exemplifies everything we're talking about. Dale is a loving, giving person, and a talented musician. He has also struggled all his life with depression, rage and despair. Instead of reaching within for the solutions, he looks to outside love affairs and at the same time the Baha'i Scriptures for the solutions to his problems. He's had this horribly destructive and dysfunctional relationship with a woman in another city for the last several years, which has torn him to pieces. He spends hours reciting Baha'i prayers and the Tablets (essays and letters) of Baha'u'llah, and blames himself when this fails to address his problems. Using them in this way is like chanting spells. And doing the same thing over and over, expecting to somehow find a different result than the last time, is a definition of insanity, neh? Most of his Baha'i friends have had to let him go for the sake of their own sanity, and yet everyone loves him. I used to drop everything and drive 150 miles to his cabin in the mountains whenever he was feeling suicidal or in one of his black rages....it seemed I was the only one who could calm him and bring some order into his disordered life...and yet, what was I doing? I'd take him a few joints to smoke, and we'd sit out on the porch watching the raccoons and bears, and just talking. I was glad to share what I could, and yet he would take my blanket of calm and yank it off me so that I was freezing, and he never could stay warm. And eventually, I too had to let it go. I don't consider the friendship over, but there is nothing I can do for him until he realizes that he deserves to be happy and integrated, and until he lets go of his powerful attachments to his illusions.
Ironically, many of the Baha'i prayers concern detachment - and Dale repeats them endlessly. They don't work for him because he won't let them, but he can't see it. This to me is more tragic than a death.
The traditional prayer of detachment....God grant me the courage to change what I can, the acceptance of what I cannot change, and the wisdom to know the difference...is equivalent to the Baha'i prayers. And yet courage, detachment and wisdom are not things that are handed to us. They come from within, and all we can ask the Almighty to do for us is to open those channels within ourselves to lead us to the core where all things are possible.
The Light IS. We cannot extinguish it. We can only draw ourselves into Divine Harmony, or refuse to do so.
Thank you 8-D
By sharing your experience with your friend, you helped me to understand my disappointment with some members of my family. It is true, love is unconditionnal.
Thank You. Have a good day
Thank you Carl,
You brought me some light on the dimensions of our evolution. If I see it this way, I do not feel "stuck in the 3rd dimension" even if I am part of this 3rd dimension. This is the challenge.
There is something that "opened". I need to integrate it.
It is good to share the experience with others like.
Have a bright day!
Greetings fellow traveller !!
I've been following your post here...and am in total alignment with your thinking...and it is funny how our paths are so similar...(read my history if you will).
I, too, have a family that is so far from reality that I hesitate to say much more than "How ya doin'....have a great day", cause any time I try to introduce them to higher learning or thinking...their eyes gloss over and they start channel surfing !!! Exceptions were Grandma , and wife Marti who still listens when I go off about this or that !!
The biggest disappointment(spiritually) has been my son...hard to believe he's the fruit of my loins !! His world revolves around working a menial job 50 hours a week to pay for truck, tush and tequila and never quite having enough to make ends meet...goes to the gym twice a week, but when I suggest the mental and spiritual body also need exercise...and send him a book to read or a movie to watch...he fires up an angry retort, and I don't see or hear from him till his funds are low! Daughter samo samo...
We just love them, despite themselves !!
Unconditional love....yes....learned this at WingMakers...guess I was a late bloomer ! And I too hate and avoid killing anything these days....(but still eat meat...go figure..).
Anyway, it's nice to meet someone who's past and present is so similar to my own, I had to comment !!
Nice to know you !
Dear Dave,
Well, here is another thing that might also fit in. I am also very dominantly Left Handed.
Here is a little antidote about being Left Handed. "Science tells us that mentally our body crosses over from right to left
and left to right. Therefore, "Left Handed people are the only ones that are in their right mind."
Also, the left mind controls our horizontal or linear thinking. The right mind controls our vertical thinking. Therefore, where left dominant people will be more Analytical, a right dominant person's thoughts will tend to be more Spiritual. That sounds just fine to me.
With God's Love,
Carl Azcar