Piercing the Veil to Find Our Deeper Interconnectness

Hey beautiful friends,

I thought some of you might enjoy a number of rich realizations I had early this year as a result of a sacred medicine journey. This fascinating journey dove deep into questions of consciousness, the veil, and what we are doing here on this planet. Enjoy, and thanks for playing your invaluable part in the planetary transformation team.

With sacred love and warmest wishes,

Rich Realizations From 2011 Sacred Medicine Journey

Exploration With Sacred Medicines

Sacred medicines (aka entheogens or consciousness altering substances) are a touchy subject in our world. Many people have very strong opinions about them. I take sacred medicines with the intention first and foremost of opening to what's best for all beings in the universe. I also embark on these journeys with a clear intention of wanting to better understand who I am, who you are, and who we are, and what our lives here are about. 

I only recommend the path of sacred medicine to those who feel called and ready, and to those who have the support needed to integrate these powerful, sometimes highly challenging experiences. I understand why some of these medicines are illegal, though I am also glad that the courts are finding even some otherwise illegal medicines valid when used in sacred ceremony, as with peyote in the Native American Church and ayahuasca in Santo Daime. I have used a wide variety of sacred medicines, yet always with the same underlying purpose -- to open to living in greater service to all beings, and to bringing more love, healing, and empowerment into my life and the lives of those around me. 

I see these consciousness-altering medicines as a sacred gift to be treated with the utmost care and respect. Yet interestingly, I find the medicine itself in a strange way to be neutral, just as the tools of a mechanic are neutral. They seem to respond to the thoughts and feelings (both conscious and unconscious) of the person they interact with. And as with any tools, in the wrong hands they can cause damage just as easily as they can bring healing and transformation. 

Because these medicines are so powerful, the potential for damage and for healing are both tremendous. This is why I recommend a very healthy caution to any who are considering this path. For those who do embark on this path, I highly recommend setting clear intentions and calling in sacred guidance when using sacred medicine. I believe this makes all the difference and can lead to consistently powerful healing experiences. 

One time in 1991, I did a journey where I didn't set clear intentions or call in guidance. Suffice it to say that I learned my lesson in a big way and have never forgotten since. I continue to be amazed at how when I set clear intentions and call in sacred guidance and support, I am almost always led to many powerful realizations and openings, though not without encountering some big challenges at times, too. It is often through facing and moving through these challenges that I am most able to grow and transform.

I am truly blessed to have developed a rich connection with a variety of sacred medicines. I find it is generally best for me not to partake of these journeys more than once a month. It is highly important to me to take the time to integrate these experiences back into my daily life. I've found that for a few powerful medicines, the integration continues strong for months! I am extremely grateful for all that sacred medicines have shown and taught me over the years. Some of my most powerful experiences of this lifetime have occurred on sacred medicine journeys.

Intentions for This Journey

Here are the intentions I wrote down before embarking on my most recent journey with sacred medicine:

Whatever is best for all beings.
Clearly identify any fears that come up and welcome them as much as I am ready.
Explore the veil between the worlds.
Explore how consciousness is anchored to a physical body.
Invite connection with other beings - the WingMakers, Founders, spirit guides, my sweet Zora...

And here are some of the realizations and experiences from this most rich journey:

On Physical Reality and the Veil

We did it! We created worlds of unknown mystery in which to explore ourselves! And in the process, we created real drama with the likes of pain and pleasure, sorrow and joy, agony and ecstasy, torture and sharing of love that goes beyond bliss. And now, here I am! Here we are!!! Now we are choosing to unravel the fathomless mystery we co-created, yet which also seems to be co-creating us. When I say we here, I mean all who are engaged on this amazing, divine journey.

Some people in this physical world are fascinated with developing the ability to do things like change the resonance of their hands so that they can move them through walls. Yet I'm seeing how it's actually fun for us to have co-created something this solid - to have these walls that we can't put our hands through! We've created a solid world which allows us through the use of beautiful human bodies to explore in an amazing variety of ways both our self-imposed limitations and our ability to transcend them to find ever deeper love and connection.

We, as divine beings, once were fully aware of our divinity. We co-created the veil between the worlds with hopes of experiencing something new and fresh which might surprise us. And we have succeeded beyond our wildest imaginings! Maybe we even went too far in some respects. Yet now it is time to pierce the veil, to reconnect with those parts of ourselves that we shut off in order to make all this happen. 

Though quite successful in creating fascinating new mysteries, our little experiment in shutting off memory of our own divinity with a veil between the worlds seems to have gotten quite out of control. Yet we can join together now to make it work for everyone - for every single being in existence. With our initial intention now complete, it's time now to transform the veil. It's time to make the veil increasingly transparent for all who choose to see through it. We can now even see how this veil served and continues to serve a great purpose in helping the grand mystery of life to unfold.

It is divine intention for expanded consciousness to now descend through the veil into these beautiful physical bodies so that we can find ever more meaningful ways to explore, create, and love together in this fascinating world we have co-created. We can work together to make this world the paradise we would like it to be.

On Birth and the Veil

Every human baby comes through the physical birth canal of its mother (except those many who come by Cesarean section these days). We are born into a state of total helplessness, completely dependent on our surrounding environment for physical survival. Though we may not remember it, all of us shared this experience. And when some choose to be mothers or fathers, we take on the incredible, awesome responsibility of helping these beautiful, helpless newborn beings to maintain a physical body and to learn to grow, adapt, and explore in the world into which they are born.

It's like we've taken this wild, fun, and scary ride at the amusement park. But to make it fun, we had to agree for the ride to attach our consciousness to a brand new physical body which is ours to use. As soon as we drop down that chute, we also completely forget who we really are and where we came from. And so this wild ride begins!

On the Fragments of the Divine

As unique divine beings each of whom are holographic fragments of a divine force far greater than ourselves, yet also with many fragments within ourselves, how do we both stay connected with all parts of ourselves, and fragment into gazillions of pieces to explore all of who we are? Perhaps it is simply by remembering that the divine connection is always there. No matter how thick or seemingly impenetrable the veil may seem to be, the connection is always there. It's in every one of us. 

I am no longer alone.
I am a we.
And that we is growing all the time.

There is a great joy to feeling free and independent in this body to do as I please. Yet at the same time, there is an even deeper joy in knowing that I am an integral part, that we are all integral parts of a divine something much bigger than any one of us. 

Beyond Duality

The dualistic paradigm still prevalent in this world wants us to find ultimate fulfillment in our perfect complement. We desire to fall madly in love with the perfect shadow image of ourselves. And we jealousy guard that amazing sacred thing called sex, so that we don't share it with anyone but our perfect partner. Co-dependency is even considered to be healthy by some in this paradigm. The new paradigm invites us to expand our love to fall in love with a variety of versions of our shadow selves. We choose to fall in love with a whole community where interdependence is the main goal, while uniqueness and independence are also welcomed and cherished.

On What Men and Women are Looking For

Many men think that women have something that they have to get. Yet even if they get it, that thirst is rarely quenched for long. To get what they want in any sustained way, men must first find what they're looking for in themselves. Many women, on the other hand, are looking for the perfect mate to whom they can completely surrender and with whom they feel completely safe. Yet they can only be deeply satisfied if they first surrender to and find safety in themselves.

On Ways of Being and Playing

Some people (like me) more beckon inward - come in and play! There are amazing mystical places in here!!! Some more beckon outward - come out and play! Let's soar and co-create together!!! Both of these are beautiful. Both to some degree are in all of us. Finding the right balance can make all the difference. I want to invite more of both into my life.

Whenever I hug someone, I want to consciously focus on sending the energy of "Hey beautiful being! Thank you for being with me in this precious moment together."

On the Power of Emotions

When we fully surrender to any emotion without forgetting our deeper intentions, magic happens. E-motion = energy in motion = space for transformation.

When a dark emotion or dark side wants to be acknowledged, we can welcome it and do our best to stay fully conscious of what it stirs within our beings. Can we accept even the deepest shadows with the intention of inviting integration and wholeness?

On the Desire of Many to Have All the "Bad" Souls Leave in a 2012 Disaster Scenario

I don't want anybody to leave. I want you all to stay with us. Every one of us is divine. Every one of us holds a unique piece of the greater divinity of which we are all a part. As there are so many of us, I may not have much time to be in conscious connection with you, but I want you to be a part of my life. You all are a part of my life. Yet in this world of free will, it is up to you whether you want to stay or leave. I invite you to stay -- and play -- and grow -- and explore with us this divine mystery called life!


Oriole's picture

Thank you Fred.  I love the word entheogens, I shall remember to use it when the occasion arises.  Gaia's bounty is part of the game, waiting to be received in its proper season, by those ready and open to it.  (Autumn in the UK, winter in lapland)   Trust in the good, the true and beautiful is the safety net. 

Did you remember all that? or takes notes, or record?  Very beaautifully put.


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fredburks's picture

Thanks for your warm words, Oriole. After any powerful journey I set aside time to write down my thoughts, as otherwise I know I will forget many of them. You take care.

With much love and blessings,

Knightspirit's picture

Thanks Fred for sharing! Having done ten ayuhuasca "trips,"- as you know - I just want to concur with your warnings of the power of the experience, and to also suggest that people explore with clear and set intentions. It is fascinating to me the experience of separating a little from the physical experience using these medicines - as one of the recurring "truths" that comes through really strongly is the sacredness and specialness of physical life here. It is immediately apparent that we are in the midst of a very special gift - something beyond measure, that can in no way be quantified. Just writing about this is bringing tears to my eyes - and I cried for hours in my journey at this realization! Yes - life here is a very special thing, and bringing that realization back in an experiencial way (as opposed to just believing it) is priceless.

In regards to intent and sacred medicines, let me share the story of a good friend of mine. He did an ayuasca journey in Portland with a reputable "ayuhuascara" who he trusted. His intention was simple, and not unsimilar to those listed by Fred. One of them was simply to "know the truth." What he was given in the journey really rattled him, and he has not done another one since. What he experienced was a separation from his physical - an out of body experience - and while "out" he saw very dark energy beings above each of the participants, attached to them and feeding off of their energy. He saw immediately that this was not a safe envirnment in which to be opening up your energy field - and they were taking advantage of the opportunity. He also interacted with them in some manner - to the point that they saw he was able to see them and what they were doing, and he was slammed back into his body and pretty much told not to come back! 

So if you participate in such a gathering - put some intentional protections in place. Surround yourself with divine golden light and intentionally bar any negative entities from your energy field. The reality is - and what my friend understood - is that this is par for the course here. These entities are on EVERYONE all of the time to one degree or another, feeding off of our fear, and uncertainty. This is what they do - and we need to "see the truth" that we are vulnarable to this. We can easily counter this as well - if we are aware of it, by simply not allowing them to create the fear and uncertainty within us that they crave. Balance counters this!

I was not aware of anything like that happening to me during my experiences - but then I can't really remember what kind of protections we were invoking at the time either. Maybe they were there, and we were unaware of them. Maybe this was just a vision for him to see as a metaphor for the bigger picture - hard to say. In any case - he didn't go back, but still valued the truth of the experience!

fredburks's picture

Thanks for that most excellent information, Jeff. Further support that setting very clear intentions on journeys like this is vitally important. And a big yes to the gift of incarnating here in physcial form. It can be heaven on Earth if we are ready to choose that. Have a great one!

With much love, joy, and gratitude,

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"Dedicated to the greatest good of all who share our beautiful world"