
When i look into my mind behind all the motions, thoughts, and sounds what have i found Presence. The center of my mind is Presence,When i look into my heart behind all the motions and feeling what have i found Love. The center of my heart is Love, if i ever need help i can connect to the center of what i am, its always willing to receive me, Always in Acceptance.


With presence, love, and acceptance your brother.

Viveka's picture

Thank You Unite.

The Truth is Known only when it is seen

Sri Aurobindo

Peace and Love

Bob07's picture

... there ain't nothin' more.  All the rest is just elaboration and entertainment. 

How many people actually turn their mind's eye back to see what's behind it all?  It's that old, ever-new "Who am I?" question -- the only answer to which is the experience of Awareness (Presence) and Love (not two things).

Thank you.

fredburks's picture

Thanks for sharing those beautiful and inspiring words, Thomas. The deeper I go inside of myself and the deeper I dive into the heart and soul of those around me, the move love I see and feel.

With abundant love to you and to all,

lightwins's picture

Clear articulation of absolute truth. Thank you!

Unite's picture

iv got no words that describe, how grateful i am to know you all, as I'm getting to know myself, With LOVE your brother

lightwins's picture

this clear, cognizant openness is our Self!


"Short moments, repeated many times become continuous!"


Nynia Chance's picture

What a fantabulous way of putting it!  Great articulation of a true way to transcend the illusion of Separateness, and into Unity... which makes your username perfect! <3

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"Dedicated to the greatest good of all who share our beautiful world"