Sincerest Apologies to Fred

Some time ago I wrote Mark Hempel, webmaster of WingMakers, to ask him a few questions.  Shortly thereafter (after Fred found I actually got a response), Fred, having thoroughly studied and absorbed the original WingMakers material and Ancient Arrow story, submitted his own set of excellent questions.  Fred, with good reason, had lingering concerns that Mark's and James' answers did not fully satisfy, while I ultimately dismissed my concerns in favor of the material from old and new that I had come to treasure very much.

One thing is for sure - the WingMakers, Ancient Arrow, ACIO, Lyricus story is shrouded in controversy.  Fred, my main reason for posting this forum is to publicly apologise before my peers for being such an arrogant and sarcastic horse's ass during our recent discussion of this ongoing controversy.  The last person I need to do that to is someone working so faithfully and diligently for a better world and tomorrow, not that I should be doing it to anybody, LOL...

That said, here is the link of those emails that Fred made available at, and a link to a page that has some very interesting hoax-related comments about this ongoing controversy (especially see Ambrosia's backround info. when you scroll down a bit).  Fred, you may have already covered this somewhere, and if you have anything to add, please do so we can keep updating and consolidating a record of all this concerning a story so many are so fond of, regardless of origin...

WingMakers: Mark Hempel and James

New interview with James / Wingmakers 10/28/09 by Conscious Media Network

Fred, what you may find interesting (and maybe you have already come across this info) is what Ambrosia's info strongly alludes to - that it is Mark's creation from the very beginning, including the old website material, and that he has plagiarized some other material mentioned in Ambrosia's post.  I am not saying that I believe everything that Ambrosia is saying for she or he does not remain completely objective in the post, and that is always somewhat suspect.  I do think it is worth the read though.

So at this point, for me anyway, it appears it may be all or nothing instead of old versus new.  I leave you with these two docs to really confuse the issue.  In the end, I don't think Mark and/or Sarah and James are meaning to perpetrate a hoax, but truly believe they are doing something to help humanity stop looking for a savior or ET's to save them, look within, and find that God is not out there somewhere, but right there within all along, and who could really blame them for that.  Then again, it could still be very real essentially while being presented within a mythological story as mentioned in this email from Mark Mark Hempel Email to Kerry Knight .  One way or another, very interesting stuff, to say the very least...

Lyricus - The First Ten Years


Again Fred, my sincerest apologies for not staying with fluid intel and humility....

and just to end with something that is verifiably true (as in true story), the movie "The Soloist" with Robert Downey Jr. and Jamie Foxx is on cable now (or rent it), and it is very inspirational and heartwarming...

Oh, and FYI, I emailed Jon Poor at poordesigns to ask him if Mark actually hired him to design/build the original WM website since SIGHTINGS alludes to something altogether different.  Will get back to you if and when I get an answer...

Event Strings

JoshERTW's picture

Project Camelot did an interview with James as well, and he essentailly said taht mythology is being used to present a representation of real material, but its up to the readers to take away truth and feel what resonates from the material. I found it to a be a very interesting read:




fredburks's picture

Hi Chris,

Thanks for that fascinating information. Having researched this quite a bit over the nine years since I first came across the WingMakers, I'm very thankful for some new information here. And I am extremely thankful that you are the one who got me in email contact with Mark and James in early 2008. You are awesome!

I have a rather different view on all of this than Ambrosia or most of what you find on the Internet about the WM material. I very much agree with the last statement on the webpage you posted with Ambrosia's material - if the material touches your heart and makes you a better person, how awesome is that! The veracity of the sources, who the author is, whether the WM story is real or a myth -- for me, all of that is much less important that how the material touches your heart and inspires you to be a better person.

When I first read the WingMakers philosophy nine years ago, I was deeply and profoundly changed in a most wonderful way. That is by far what matters most to me. I initially believed that either the WM website was a myth created to spread this powerful philosophy, or it was real. I was about 50/50 on these two.

Yet about six months later in July 2001, for the first time I learned about a major cover-up around UFOs that I had never known anything about. I became convinced that huge, important matters were being hidden from the public. Where I was once a debunker, I almost overnight became a strong proponent of the movement to expose the truth about UFOs.

At the same time in mid 2001, I saw the WingMakers website begin to change. The new material did not move me. In fact, quite the opposite, it alarmed me. On the original website, the WingMakers were never painted to be militaristic or superior in any way, yet the new changes clearly stated the WingMakers had military intent with their time capsules, and that they were descendents of a central race in a far away central galaxy. In the old materials, the WingMakers were simply a future version of humankind communicating back to itself through the ethers. For more on this, see the rich comparison of the original and changed WingMakers interviews at the link below:

Because of all of this, I became convinced that the ACIO had somehow taken control of the website and corrupted it. I was definitely biased against any of the new materials and very skeptical of James, who appeared on the website in 2001 claiming that it was all a myth and he was responsible for all of the materials. I continue to have some of that bias to this day.

Over the years since then, I have watched the writings of James evolve. I have been thrilled that with each passing year, he seems to focus more on teachings of the heart. Where I once did not trust him at all, I find James' writing in the last year or two to be quite inspirational. His last interview on Conscious Media Network was awesome! It was deeply moving and inspiring for me. I plan to promote it widely. I am thrilled with how James has changed.

I know that you and many others find the writings of James to be as moving or even more moving than the original WM philosophy. That is awesome! I totally encourage everyone to follow their own heart and spiritual guidance in moving towards whatever inspires and empowers them most. Yet even though I very much support the most recent writings of James, for me the original WingMakers philosophy continues to be by far the most profound writing I've have ever seen.

Soon I will post something about my own conjecture on all this. In a nutshell, I suspect that the original WM materials relates a true story and that James is actually the man who defected from the ACIO and released the original WM materials. He did not write them himself, but rather translated them from the WM time capsule. I suspect James was then captured by the ACIO and brainwashed to believe that he made the entire thing up himself. I know that sounds bizarre, yet it is what I suspect may have actually happened.

Yet all of this is not all that important. What is important is what most touches and inspires you and each of us. That will be different for each of us. And how awesome is that! It would be boring if we all believed the same thing. Many people are not moved by any of the WM material, and that is beautiful.

Thank you for sharing your passion and your viewpoints, Chris. I share your deep interest in the WM materials and am enjoying our different views. I particularly love reading about how all of this has touched and inspired you. We are all growing and learning more all the time. Yea!!! I think we are in for a very exciting year and decade ahead. Take care and have a beautiful day.

With sacred love and joy ever flowing,

ChrisBowers's picture

Looking forward to your coming post of your "own conjecture on all this" too Fred!!!

And for anyone slightly curious about what James' (Jamison's???) voice actually sounds like after reading Ambrosia's blog comments mentioning the possibility that the interviews are actually Mark interviewing a script by Mark, with Mark speaking in a "Spanish" accent while having his voice altered electronically, take a listen...

I highly doubt that this is the case, but if by some slim stretch of the imagination it is, what an absolutely brilliant and perfect production by Mark Hempel, for the whole 2-hour interview sounds perfectly flowing and spontaneous, and very informative...  I think we may always see these kinds of "over the top" subjective opinions about information like this - comes with the territory...

YouTube - James Wingmakers Interview Part 1/12

Oh, and Josh, the mythology angle is well covered in much of the newer material, and one primary reason that Lyricus uses mythology for the resonant distribution of encoded sensory data to humanoid species evolving toward the grand portal discovery and scientific discovery of the human soul and individuated consciousness is because it works so well to keep the information assisting humanity flowing under the radar of the status quo ruling class controllers that will ultimately attempt to suppress such liberating information...

and anyone who has seen the movies, The Cell and Dreamscape, those going into the dreams of others were working within an illusory construct where anything being used to assist was and is illusory.  This is a perfect analogy for how anyone attempting to help us to wake up from our dream (especially when most don't even believe they are lost in a dream) would quite naturally be using the stuff of this illusory nature.  So using a mythological methodology can be much better understood to be a perfect fit...

The Truth is the Truth.  Truth can only be surpressed for a moment in time... it still remains the Truth.



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