Hi, everyone!
I hope you're all doing well, and that spring is sprung in your part of the world - or fall is giving respite from the heat, for the folks down under.
I'm writing tonight because I'm slogging through a lot of tough emotional stuff and wondered how everyone else is doing. And if my slogging makes you feel less alone, than that's a good thing, too.
So there's just a whole lot of stuff happening in the world right now. Big time stuff. Lots of suffering - the likes of which I'm not sure I've ever seen. With all the Earth changes, and the protesting / revolt happening all over the place, you'd think that there would be some sort of... I don't know... a reverential pause. But the US (and other countries) sneaks into a war with another middle eastern country, and damn near every mid-western state has rolled out the ground work to turn the US labor force back 100+ years... ok, and then there are these insane reproductive rights issues that are cropping up all over the place, too. In true Ho'Oponopono fashion, my part in all of this chaos feels very heavy and shaming to me. Trying to take responsibility for it is damn hard. If I truly believe I've created my world, what the heck am I doing, and why?
I truly AM hopeful for our ascension. I see all of these goings ons as last ditch efforts to keep us stuck. But when I'm not looking, this stuff all sneaks up and really grabs me by the throat and I go into a deep sense of despair for all the suffering our shadow is causing in the world. Honestly (and don't get nervous about this or anything), it wouldn't even bother me all that much to know it was my time to leave this life. I know I'm always safe and I don't really fear my own death all that much (the pain of a long slow death is a bit troublesome, to be honest, but the actual death is easy). As a citizen of the US, though, I feel like we're screwing over the whole rest of the world, just for... who knows what. More... something.
So team, what are you doing to stay out of this quagmire? I had to laugh the other day when I turned on the radio and the song that was playing was "Mmm-Bop" by the boy band, Hanson. I actually got angry that they'd play such an upbeat tune when things were so very serious in the world. LOL... Man, I need to lighten up!
My peeps here have been fabulous! You are all so amazing and together and so full of love. It makes me tear up to think how blessed I am to have you in my life! You saved me this weekend. I breathed Sacred Love with you all weekend - LOL... whether you wanted to or not!
I guess this note's a little all over the place. Hope you can follow it, and I hope it generates some discussion and community, and love.
Hugs and love and always my support, whenever it's needed.
Hi Kathy-
I totally relate- surprised you didn't mention Fukushima - that's what got me full of despair. But I totally relate about feeling despair about ANOTHER war - I only haven't processed feelings about that yet as I'm already on overload.
We, all of us US citizens that is, must do whatever we can to avoid taxes and avoid buying from large corporations. I've asked for a 4 day work week. This is something a lot of bosses these days will buy with the economic downturn going on. At least it's something to do about it all, although it doesn't feel like much - we really need to do our best to bring on the bankruptcy of the US and end this evil empire. Time to birth this baby and end the labor pains (I have a good friend due any day now!)
Take care Kathy - hope we both feel better soon.
I bless you all with Love. I too am struggling with all of this that is here in our lives now. If I do not turn on the news or read a posting or channel something... and I look around and spend time in nature--- it all seems so laughable.
I have recently assisted my husband in starting his own business and now I am starting my own... and I stopped the other day and just shook my head... with this thought:
Why am I doing this... none of this matters if a giant Tsunami came and washed it all away.. there would be no internet, no wesite, no anything. And I felt this sense of despair and at the same time I am called to share my gifts with the greater world around me.
This is what I have been working on Art Studio Gaia
This life feels so futile-- and so vulnerable and so beautiful all at once. Today I noticed the daffodils showing thier gentle green tendrils and the maple trees are budding and the lilies are peeking their green tops above the ground. The lilac has profuse and precious buds and the rose bush is perking up... the grass is greening and the dandelions are returning. The birds still sing and the robins hop around gnoshing on worms.
The geese fly overhead making their sacred spring sounds that call all that is awakening to order. Song birds are building their nests and the bees are awakening. The rain falls softly greening the flora. And I look at all of this life...
I bless you all with Love.
Hi Kathy,
I'm sorry you're feeling so torn up by everything that's going on. But if it helps to hear it, I've been feeling similarly and so has my family and several friends. I think it's pretty widespread. It's a combination of the state of the world and the state of our lives. I know I'm facing bigger obstacles, personally, than I can remember. And I've gotten very anxious and depressed at times (briefly, thank God). But then I remember the open sky the big space outside -- and inside -- and then that trumps all the dark stuff. Not that the dark stuff goes away, but it isn't primary any more. A wise woman once counseled people to be "on top" of things rather than "beneath" them; she was talking about the proper place of the spirit with respect to what life/the world throws at us. Actually that advice has saved me a number of times.
I don't know if you do any meditation (the kind that opens you up and expands you), but if you don't, going out into nature does the same thing -- at least for me. The natural scene is a direct manifestation of the Divine; it's a great teacher. It can heal you and reconnect you to a bigger Self.
Just a word about Ho'Oponopono... I don't think it calls on us to feel guilty. To take responsibility in very large sense, yes, but not with personal guilt. The words can be said with love, nothing more -- as if by that bigger Self. (I find that works.) If you can't find that Self, imagine it. Imagine that you're an angel or other wise celestial being, saying those words. (That imagining is pretty close to the truth.)
I don't know if this sounds nutty to you, but you could try it. It works for me.
With my best wishes and love,
[PS- I posted the above before reading FFG's comments about going to Nature. Yes!]
Hi Kathy, hang in there, there's no ascension minus chaotic transition mode, at least not for the "us" we are on this particular planet with this much baggage and repeated history over so many eons of time.
I look at this the same way I looked at funnel clouds in the sky (during tornado warnings in Missouri) when I was a kid. Everybody else downstairs huddled against a concrete basement wall and I am outside looking at the sky with such a sense of excitement.
I highly suggest you read, or at least begin to read George Green's first book of his recent trilogy (has been posted recently by Noa and I). This will help you feel much better about the part you play and can play with the control of your thoughts in line with the Divine way things work without force or exhausting effort.
Force and exhausting effort are our ego's creations to dramatize a process that should and can be much less taxing than we make it out to be. We have free will as Sovereign Beings, so the Divine Cosmos honors our way of going about this, even when it is a more difficult way, or one that has us unnecessarily spinning our wheels for some self-appointed duration.
George Green's ET guides have done an excellent job of conveying a better understanding of this right from the introduction of the first book....
Hang in there dear beloved...
Greet all thoughts and feelings you have in the Love and Light of the One Infinite Creator and remain calm and ready, willing, available to receive information through this very powerful protective filter where powers and principalities around you can do only good or nothing at all...
The process was never supposed to be as difficult as we are making it, but then again, that is the trademark of our ego centric left brain interpreter habitual stuck in the muck for muck's sake collective position of humanity right now.
It reminds me of what they told us when we were young. If you get lost in the shopping center, don't get scared running around looking for your parents. Stay still, right where you are and help will come to you... good advice to this day....
Kathy, I so appreciate all that you do to support others and help our world to transform. I'm sorry you have been feeling down and even feeling shame for your role in all that is happening. Please forgive me for my role in your shame. I very much love you and pray that once your shame serves its purpose, you might transform it to find the deeper love that is always there.
I feel very lucky that I was born with a deep trust that the universe is ultimately a divine, loving place. I have always known that the darkest clouds and heaviest storms bring needed rain to fertilize the land. So despite all the apparent darkness, my optimism about love and life continues unwavering, and in fact continues to grow.
It almost feels unfair how much I get to enjoy life while so many around me seem filled with anguish and apprehension. I do my best to have compassion, yet I have to admit I am very excited about both my personal life and what's happening in the world. If you really look around and pay less attention to the mass media, you will see there are soooooooo many inspiring things happening in the world around us! And I'm loving the beautiful, powerful challenges that I'm being presented with in my life. I can clearly see how they are helping me to grow in remarkable ways.
I offer one thought here. Pain is inevitable, but suffering is optional. My own deep desire is that all beings only suffer as much as is necessary to help them to realize that they don't need to suffer any more. There is always love available everywhere, no matter how dark it may seem around us. Thanks, Kathy, for tapping into our collective sacred love in the midst of your own dark days. I feel so blessed to feel deeply connected with you and others here through the sacred love that interconnects all of our hearts. Take care, and may you find ever more joy in your journey.
With deep love, support, and gratitude,
Dear Kathy:
I too, felt overwhelmed by responsibility for what ails the world when I first started doing Ho'oponopono. What helped me was realizing that there's no right or wrong way to do it. I found a level of understanding that worked for me. When I say "I'm sorry" I'm sometimes apologizing for humanity or for my role in a series of lifetimes that has brought the world to this point. That which once felt like guilt now feels more like compassion.
What has brought me the greatest relief is when I stopped trying to wake up and save the masses and fight against the evils of the world. I accepted the dark stuff as part of the divine plan -- realizing that without it, we have little motivation as a species to change the unsustainable patterns of behavior we've accepted for so long.
Our pain is a way of bringing humanity closer together, so we can realize that we are truly one people whose survival depends upon us working together as brothers and sisters. I love what Fred said, "Pain is inevitable, but suffering is optional."
Here are a few things that have worked for me...
To have beautiful roses, it is necessary to first prune the bush. This is the time for cutting back the overgrown branches in order to make way for the new, tender buds.
We chose to be born at this pivotal time for a reason. We are witnessing the birth of a new world...one which is more beautiful than anything we can imagine.
Loving blessings of courage and hope,
I like to think of our being here as all part of the Divine Plan - and that as Noa suggests, our higher selves have placed us here for a reason at this juncture. Beyond that though, I choose to believe that the two things we do not have any free will about are both the location and time of our births, and the location and time of our deaths. This makes a lot of sense to me - as we are here to experience what these changing energies are creating and to interact with them for the learning and experience that our higher selves can take from it. So in that way - there are no good or bad experiences to the higher selves who are here participating. That means that taken from a higher perspective, it's all good - no matter what the tragedy, and that while we may experience pain from something that affects us directly, we will not and can not die before our time - no matter what happens to us.
Our higher selves are that powerful. There are countless stories of people who should have been killed in some incident who came out without a scratch. And countless more where people seem to have died "before their time" who were perfectly healthy etc. We all have our times and circumstances - and we needn't feel bad that anyone has passed on from here - as it is all by Divine Order.
While not everyone will accept such a philosophy - I find that it helps put things into perspective when trying to make sense of it all. We don't need to stress out about whether we will get cancer from radiation or anything else. Our higher selves can (and do) counteract such things when necessary to implement our continued experiences. Likewise - when our time is "up" no amount of preparation will prevent our passing.
As Bashar is fond of saying - the purpose of life is to simply live it! How we do that and what we do while doing it is totally up to us - so might as well have fun while were here and do what feels right for us, regardless. We adjust, we adapt, we learn a little more, we grow a little more and we live one more day. Then we do it again tomorrow!
Thanks, one and all. I have to say that I did turn the corner on the heaviest of these emotions on Saturday night, but felt it important enough to share with you all here. It makes me feel less alone to know that there are others in the same boat - even when it's not a great boat to be in (sorry!)
Chris, my brother... I'm thankful for your suggested reading. I've been rather challenged, reading-wise lately, so I haven't been keeping up with the goings on at the G-Spot. I appreciate you pointing me in the direction of George Green.
I was wondering if, when things are all done, the very things that we want to ban and reject (ex: GMO's, fossil fuels; artificial everything; nuclear radiation, and on and on...), are accepted into our newly evolved DNA as perfectly benign substances. It makes me think back to a George Carlin skit where he talked about environmentalists, and said that Mother Earth is well equipped to turn something like styrofoam Big Mac containers into something good... just incorporate it into the natural order of things. (He goes on to say that Gaia will "shake humans off like a bunch of fleas", but we won't talk about that part. LOL) I am just sort of wondering aloud if a DNA shift is how we'll manage all of the junk that's currently polluting the earth.
Peace and love, my dear brothers and sisters!
There are many that work with Gaia and the Higher Realms that state (I am paraphrasing): As your DNA upgrades all that is of this world will simply fall away. It will have no effect on you.
When I speak with Gaia, she has this message in answer to my concern: All is well. I am well. I am expanding my awareness. We are expanding together. You are well. Be Well. Simply Love More.
I understand that it is challening to see Gaia's message as truth when entrenched in experiencing all of this that is happening around us in other lands and in our own lands... and yet, here we are healthy and still loving and laughing. The earth is still Green. The birds continue to sing.... and the Earth is still here.
Truly, the Earth is pregnant and expanding at this moment. She becomes momentarily annoyed with the shenagians of humanity... and with some well placed Electromagnetic Pulses they would be sent back to the plasma stream as neutral love... however, Gaia rarely reacts in this way... only to very very dire dangers where a warning has gone out and they have ignored.
Most of the earth-human challenges occuring now are due to several factors:
1. Human Follies in the creation of unsustainable energy sources-- unsustainable for our capacity to absorb and transform the pollution. Gaia has the ability to simply go into an ice age--- collect all the yuck in the glaciers and move it into a space where it can be recycled. This is the meaning of an ice age. It is Gaia resting, cleaning, clearing and healing herself.
2. Humans building their homes and cities in unsuitable environments for the sustainability of life. For instance if one builds on an earth quake fault and an earth quake comes all will fall down. If one builds on a flood plain and the floods come based upon the cycle of flooding, flowing and ebbing that Gaia has... expect all to be washed away.
3. Humanity is inducing earthquakes by their collective negativity and greed. This collective is a sub-collective consciousness that is playing out its game while the rest of us are moving forward into Loving More and Expanding our Awareness. The Inducement of Earthquakes and Tsunamis cause human suffering. The Earth-Gaia however is completely capable of handling the Gulf Oil Spill and the Nuclear Meltdowns that have occurred on Earth. It is humanity that can not live through this. It is humanity that succumbs to the pollution.
Thus, the problems of the day are human problems. And it is up to us to find solutions to the very messes we have created or live in the pollution. But for Gaia, she feels great compassion for us and great love. And as a good and loving parent she also knows that experience is the greatest teacher.
It all comes down to Choice. All is Choice. All choice is valid.
Gaia is patient with her children. This patience is evident by the incremental Pole Shift we are experiencing at this time. If she were to grow impatient with us and if enough of us shifted to the the sub-collective consciousness: an immediate pole shift would really and truly wipe the slate clean from her perspective. From our perspective it would be a cataclysm.
I no longer worry about Earth-Gaia. I used to worry about her health very much. But I now understand that she will always be here. It is my own evolution I must concern myself with. And this means working and endeavoring to live softly upon the Earth for the comfort, joy and love of my own life and the lives of humanity.
I bless you with Love.
There are many that work with Gaia and the Higher Realms that state (I am paraphrasing): As your DNA upgrades all that is of this world will simply fall away. It will have no effect on you.
When I speak with Gaia, she has this message in answer to my concern: All is well. I am well. I am expanding my awareness. We are expanding together. You are well. Be Well. Simply Love More.
I understand that it is challening to see Gaia's message as truth when entrenched in experiencing all of this that is happening around us in other lands and in our own lands... and yet, here we are healthy and still loving and laughing. The earth is still Green. The birds continue to sing.... and the Earth is still here.
Truly, the Earth is pregnant and expanding at this moment. She becomes momentarily annoyed with the shenagians of humanity... and with some well placed Electromagnetic Pulses they would be sent back to the plasma stream as neutral love... however, Gaia rarely reacts in this way... only to very very dire dangers where a warning has gone out and they have ignored.
Most of the earth-human challenges occuring now are due to several factors:
1. Human Follies in the creation of unsustainable energy sources-- unsustainable for our capacity to absorb and transform the pollution. Gaia has the ability to simply go into an ice age--- collect all the yuck in the glaciers and move it into a space where it can be recycled. This is the meaning of an ice age. It is Gaia resting, cleaning, clearing and healing herself.
2. Humans building their homes and cities in unsuitable environments for the sustainability of life. For instance if one builds on an earth quake fault and an earth quake comes all will fall down. If one builds on a flood plain and the floods come based upon the cycle of flooding, flowing and ebbing that Gaia has... expect all to be washed away.
3. Humanity is inducing earthquakes by their collective negativity and greed. This collective is a sub-collective consciousness that is playing out its game while the rest of us are moving forward into Loving More and Expanding our Awareness. The Inducement of Earthquakes and Tsunamis cause human suffering. The Earth-Gaia however is completely capable of handling the Gulf Oil Spill and the Nuclear Meltdowns that have occurred on Earth. It is humanity that can not live through this. It is humanity that succumbs to the pollution.
Thus, the problems of the day are human problems. And it is up to us to find solutions to the very messes we have created or live in the pollution. But for Gaia, she feels great compassion for us and great love. And as a good and loving parent she also knows that experience is the greatest teacher.
It all comes down to Choice. All is Choice. All choice is valid.
Gaia is patient with her children. This patience is evident by the incremental Pole Shift we are experiencing at this time. If she were to grow impatient with us and if enough of us shifted to the the sub-collective consciousness: an immediate pole shift would really and truly wipe the slate clean from her perspective. From our perspective it would be a cataclysm.
I no longer worry about Earth-Gaia. I used to worry about her health very much. But I now understand that she will always be here. It is my own evolution I must concern myself with. And this means working and endeavoring to live softly upon the Earth for the comfort, joy and love of my own life and the lives of humanity.
I bless you with Love.