Welcome Home

It appears I am here to stay for a while longer, please let me explain.

Firstly I will just reaffirm one of the best quotes I have had the pleasure of finding.

“Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth.” - Marcus Aurelius

It would be good if you could sit with this a while as it is one of the foundations of my position in life.

Last night I attended a local spiritual evening, except this evening was different in its content, process and outcome. We followed an hour long meditation provide by Doreen Virtue (Google her if she is unknown to you) It was on Healing & Cord Cutting , after which we performed a sound healing circle.

After this work and returning home, I was overwhelmed by a very personal truth for me. It was just so on point that it vibrated within me; in fact, it woke me from my sleep. Now when this happens I just know I am being deeply spoken to, the message came through load and clear, it followed me all day long, so now I am at my home and am so glad to share it with you all. Ian you must not leave this place, there is still much for you to share and learn here. What you can do is post more from “your perspective”.

If I happen to push buttons in you, or you happen to push buttons in me, there is a reason and the reason is as many mentioned in my last post, what turned out to be quite a lengthy and awesomely eye opening discourse. For this I thank you all, including you Noa. I did some very deep reflection on what you brought up in me. My responses may have appeared defensive, believe me they were far from that, they were much more an awakening, and eventually a realisation that this place is my path, and I look forward to sharing my journey with you all.

Remember I do have a tendency  to disappear up some fork or another, you need not follow me, however if you do we may find something beautiful together.

In Lak'ech Ala K'in

fredburks's picture

Very cool, Ian! Thanks so much for sharing your insights and for your willingness to share your own authenticity here. Much love, Fred

ChrisBowers's picture

Excellent, Impeccable, Exciting, Soulful, Heartfelt

Bob07's picture

Looks like you had a profitable (if short) vacation from g-s.  Sure stirred up the pond, though.  ;-)   

Let no one say you're rigid in temperament. 

And thanks for the Marcus Aurelius quote.  Was new to me.  If I'd come across it in some Buddhist or Hindu writing I wouldn't have batted an eye.

Noa's picture

Thank you for those inspiring revelations, Ian.  And please, no hard feelings.  Your replies to my (rather emotional) response were very level-headed and even-tempered.  That thread has turned out to be very enlightening... even for Noa.  Yes, I do contemplate everyone's comments.

Welcome back, Ian. 

In lak'ech,


Eyejay's picture

We are all here for each other, each path we travel is the right one for us. At times our paths merge and we walk a while in each others arms and that is the fun part.

P.S. I took no offence in your words, apart from the reference to Tommy, just felt I had to post some of the correct lyrics :) I knew what you meant though, was just me being my typical some times abrasive self.


Noa's picture

Just to be clear, Roger Daltrey sang those lyrics in the movie, Tommy...


Eyejay's picture

Eyejay, slinks on over to the corner seat. I have Tommy on DVD (he thinks) and I have watched it many time's (he says to himself) how did I miss that moment ???

Well done NOA Xxxxx

Noa's picture


No slinking necessary, my friend.

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"Dedicated to the greatest good of all who share our beautiful world"