The Obama Administration is spearheading a proposal to re-open commercial whaling. If successful, Obama's plan will overturn 25 years of whale protections and lead to both legalized whale slaughter and invasions into ocean sanctuaries.
Take a look at this link and sign the petition included and then please pass the information on to your other network communities. Thanks people.
This is very sad, very sad. Protection of these magnificent creatures would not even be a struggle or challenge in the slightest with an intelligent humanoid species. The suggestion to slaughter them for money would be viewed with astonishment and unbelief.
This is the kind of thing that says much about where we are as an evolving species. I so look forward to the day when...... when...... oh, please when.......
Here is another petition to sign (see bottom of home page)
IWC proposal could harpoon commercial whaling ban
The following is the letter I posted for my signing of the GreenPeace petition
This is very sad, so very sad. Protection of these magnificent creatures would not even be a struggle or challenge in the slightest with an intelligent humanoid species. The suggestion to slaughter them for money would be viewed with astonishment and unbelief.
This is the kind of thing that says so much about where we are as an evolving species on this planet. I so look forward to the day when...... when...... oh, please when will we stop being this foolish with such ease!
Mr. President, is this really the kind of change you had in mind when you were talking to America during your campaign? Is this change we can believe in??? Are you now going to be the first black president who proves to America and the world that you are no different than any before you???
Where in the world is the courage and integrity we thought we saw and heard in you? You are making fools of all those who voted for you, but we have become quite used to it. It is the very reason so many don't even bother voting anymore. Shame on you Barack Obama, typical politician...
Very Sadly and Sincerely,
Chris Bowers
Liberty Lake, WA