
attention: fellow U.S. citizens.
This is great news. U.S. Rep. Robert Wexler, who sits on the House Judiciary Committee, is calling for our support to begin impeachment hearings for Vice-President Dick Cheney. I urge you to read his message below, lend your support, and forward the message to anyone you think will listen. We have an opportunity to make a difference if we stand together.
In gratitude, joy, and love,
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Message from Rep. Robert Wexler to the people of the United States:
We have already reached 100,000 supporters. Thank You.
Now We Need Each of You To Send an Email to Ten More People to Get 250,000 Signed Up at WexlerWantsHearings.com by the End of the Year.
I can guarantee that your 100,000 voices calling for impeachment hearings will now be heard in Congress. Together, through our new Quarter Million Person Challenge, let's now set a new goal of 250,000 Americans signing up to demand action.
It has been just 5 days since I called for impeachment hearings for Vice-President Dick Cheney and already over 100,000 people - including you - have answered that call by adding your name as an impeachment supporter at www.WexlerWantsHearings.com. This is a truly remarkable response that demonstrates the power that average, everyday Americans can have when we come together to pursue justice and accountability.
Never mind that the national media ignored my call and rejected an op-ed that I wrote along with my Judiciary Colleagues Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-IL) and Tammy Baldwin (D-WI). The Netroots and citizen activists like yourself are spreading our message and demanding action.
We must make a stand and do what's right for our country and the world ~ we need to impeach Cheney and then Bush NOW!!!
Love & light,
Penny :-)
...from this movement although I fully understand the sentiment. I view Cheney/Bush as a symptom, not the disease itself. Yes, they are criminals against humanity and I would not be sorry to see justice measured to them in full, along with all their toadies and sycophants. But then what? Is there an honest man or woman somewhere, anywhere, that will step up and right wrongs? We know there is not.
It was George Wallace, of all people, who said there isn't a dime's worth of difference between the parties, and he was right.
The fact is that the structure of the world as we understand it is falling apart. Let it. Every prophecy says it will be, MUST be swept away. We cannot expect it to be an orderly process, much less a painless one. Our work is rebuilding and nurturing unity, not encouraging more divisions.
We would gain world standing if we impeached Cheney/Bush, much more if we actually prosecuted and imprisoned them. But who would replace them? What if a states(wo)man could be found? Could the timbers and joists of this rotting house really be shored up? I say, stand back and let it fall.
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...impeachment was created for just such an eventuality as we are witnessing today, but I don't think our forefathers envisioned the totality of what is happening today or if they had, could have designed a protocol to deal with the enormity of it all.
I agree, and it's interesting that many of the Founding Fathers, from Washington to Jefferson to Madison and others, all foresaw and warned against the very abuses of power we have let slowly turn our nation into something that was not intended. Jefferson didn't mince words: he said the people have a DUTY to resist and revolt under certain circumstances.
I also agree that impeachment would turn into a media circus. But in a country that will impeach for an extramarital fling while allowing another president to destroy nations and peoples, I don't see it happening. Besides, we should have impeached the bastards years ago. I return to my original question: who will do it, and if they succeed, what then?
I think it may be possible to use the energy & focus impeachment would take to shine the Light and work on things even more deserving of our attention.
That's my point, too.
Here we are, a month later. We are still engaged in an illegal war with Iraq which has all but bankrupted the country and we are preparing to start a war with Iran. How many lives must be lost, how much human suffering must we endure before we stand as one people and demand justice? Are you content to wait until all your Constitutional rights are revoked before you decide to speak out? What will you tell your grandchildren when they ask you what happened to our freedom? Will you say, "Well, there was a time when I could have helped the people who were trying make a difference, but I didn't do anything because I didn't think it was worth the effort"?
I admit it's no easy task to buck the leadership of the roughly 4000 US citizens who comprise the Council of Foreign Relations. These leaders are intelligent, well educated, accomplished, powerful, and very, very well organized. Through their wealth and influence, members of this elite group control much of the government and most of the national media. They have done an excellent job of selling the war, and have been positively brilliant at keeping their opponents out of the spotlight and most of the country sound asleep. But there are a few left among us who speak for the truth, who refuse to buy their deceptions, and who dare to resist their authority.
Judiciary committee members Rep. Wexler, Rep. Gutierrez, and Rep. Baldwin have demonstrated unprecedented and exemplary courage in forcing the impeachment issue. They are asking for our support to bring the crimes of the CFR supported Cheney-Bush cabal to light and remove this rogue administration from power. With our support, we empower these brave souls to work for justice and truth, for the virtues our country was created to uphold. These heroes aren't begging for money. They aren't asking for hours of volunteer labor. They simply want to see a show of hands from the people who still believe in freedom, from the people who still believe in peace, from the people who still believe that the dream of reclaiming a fair and just government is worth the effort, from the people who still believe the citizens of this country have something good to offer the rest of the world. For our grandchildren's sake I pray you are among them.
In compassion and love,
"that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain; that this nation shall have a new birth of freedom; and that this government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth."
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Thanks Darlin', you rock! B.

...and I admire you for it. I do. I think that we all have different functions. I was a young and fiery idealist once. Now I'm an old idealist, not so fiery and a lot more inclined to choose what I will do, and where I will not invest my energy. I choose to detach from the impeachment issue for all kinds of reasons. I guess the simplest way to say it is, I think it's way too little, way, way too late.
And that's not to say you're wrong! I'm not sure I'd even waste tax money on a trial for those guys. If it was up to me, I'd just drop 'em off in downtown Tehran and walk away. If we can collar those rascals, put 'em on trial and really make them pay, I'd say that's great. But still....what then? We simply do not have the integrity in Washington - not in the courts, not in Congress, not in the intelligence community, not in the lobbying community, and not in the corporate community - to put someone capable into the ensuing void and have a prayer that they'll be able to turn things around. If by some miracle Ron Paul or some honest candidate wins the White House, he won't live six months. I don't care who wins the election, because nothing besides the bedroom curtains will change.
The only way I can contemplate the gravity of the situation we face, its implications for my children and grandchildren, and the country I hold dear (I am descended from the Adamses, and believe it or not, Sam Adams' chest of drawers is about five feet behind me as I type), is to insist on balance - I don't know any other way to take Full Responsibility for this horror in My Life. I have to focus on the positive, to see it clearly, envision it in minute detail, before I can be dispassionate about what's happening among the nations. Before I can pick my way through this minefield of emotions, opinions, and déjá-vu.
And once I find that balance, I find that all is as it should be. The Divine really is everywhere and in everything, just like mama said. I know the present order is being swept away, that it cannot possibly endure. I know my work concerns what happens after. The only reason I hate signing the petition is I hate making my mark for something that tears down and divides when I'm seeking the opposite. And when that something is sure to fail, no matter what.
By the way Bodhi, that's an awesome photo! Did you take it?
Dear Dave,
>>I know the present order is being swept away, that it cannot possibly endure.
I know my work concerns what happens after.
I couldn't agree more. I simply want to do everything within my limited sphere of influence to avert the continued spilling of innocent blood in the process. If seeking removal of Cheney and Bush from office has even a prayer of a chance of slowing the rush to war with Iran, and unite us in a hasty withdrawal from Iraq, then it is worth the effort for me. Even if our efforts fail, as you suggest, I'll know did my best to speak out for the truth and for justice, at a time when most of the country preferred to look the other way. I think Gandhi and King would have done the same.
Toward Peace and Truth,
"I simply want to do everything within my limited sphere of influence to avert the continued spilling of innocent blood in the process."
God, how I wish to see it stop! During Vietnam, I was a medic. I spent my first two years in a stateside hospital. When a guy got really blown apart in country they put him in a helicopter and got him to base, where he was hurriedly stabilized if he wasn't already dead. Then they got shipped to Okinawa. Then, if they still weren't dead, we had them 24 hours later in San Antonio. My ward had two sections. One was kept dark, that was where the guys whose eyes had been burned out were kept. The rest could see, which was perhaps worse. Most of these guys had stepped on mines. Some had been hit by napalm. I've seen worse than that, too, but that'll do. Sorry, I still get kinda verklempt over that stuff.
So you go, dude! Here's a very important point: I could be wrong. This country might not implode. Honest, courageous people like you just might come together from all over and take this nation back, make is strong again, and put a chicken in every pot and a Detroit-made Chevy in every driveway. I'm being a smartass, I know. But yes, I could be wrong. And if I find that I am I will roll up my sleeves and pitch in. Because one thing I can't stand doing is nothing.
Hey Bodhi, I'm impressed. I like photography and digital artwork myself, it's great fun.
We must find our voice, stand up, and be heard! We must support the politicians, like Robert Wexler, Dennis Kucinich, and Ron Paul, who stand for freedom and liberty.
Love & light,
Penny :-)
Dear Penny,
I very much appreciate your continued support!
Thanks and blessings to you dear sister!
In gratitude, joy, and love,
I will sign in support of impeachment, but with a lot of deep felt reservation on several counts. IF such action could even get started, it would serve mostly as another distraction to help cover over even more criminal action by those with the power. Even our most sacred national treasure, the right to vote, has been turned into a charade and a distraction from the most important events of the day, and has lost all meaning. I'll pull the age card on both of you. I see both of your points so I will sign and support the work of the few political figures who risk all to stand up and be counted for the life of our nation. I will also continue to work for groups such as our own Transformation Team which I found as answer to my longing for some way that I, and old woman, in poor health, and unable to contribute financially to the good work many are trying to do, can make a difference. My two grown children live in extremely vulnerable cities with my two tiny grandchildren, and they really have not yet seen what is ahead. That is heartbreaking, but I must hold to the truth that each of us must make our own choices. The only real changes will come as more and more of us join together in the Web of Love to bring about the spiritual energy changes that are the only hope left at this late time, no matter how hurtful the transition may be. Still, I will support any positive actions for change. Even if impeachment turns out to be ineffective, it can still serve to uncover some of the crimes that have been committed and thus more citizens may begin to understand what we have lost. With abundant love of peace, JoyAnna
JoyAnna, I love the way you express your wise and sweet spirit! I remember what you quoted from Mother Teresa, and how it struck a chord in me: I won't march against war, but I will march for peace.
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Dearest Aquene and JoyAnna,
I have tears as I write this. Thank you so very much for your support.
In deepest gratitude and love,
I'm with you Bodhi. (I also love your artful posts)
Thanks John, for your support!
In gratitude and love,
The big pic is do we need countries and borders , if there were no borders would there be war or a corrupt person that we gave power to start the war . Remember technically we gave them the power, we are always handing over our solo power to someone or something else . I think we all missed what 8-d was saying in this old post, which is very relavent . Bush and Cheney were symptoms as Obama is , of a greater world disorder of society, money, borders ,seperation ,religion , and politics . The point here is I have to agree with 8-D is the way we run our world is totally broken and we each need to take the responsibility to make the change not on political level , on the world is ours level. This world is all of ours equally and we let them steal it out from underneath us. I am willing to suffer a little, so I can live for free again . I have an experiment for ayone up for a challenge . I live by one of the biggest forests in America come here to the Kalmiopsis Wilderness and go deep in it and try to live and see how long it takes to get arrested, if you are human but dear and elk can forage and live. When you try to do that on with the cuffs we will see you in court . I got your message 8-D and I am a young buck. I say we go back to villages and our goal is not to work but to live and enjoy the beauty of Earth and eachother.
Love All < Eric
Impeachment would just put a fresh face on an old song and dance.
Sometimes I want just want to leave the rat race behind and go off somewhere and raise sheep. But maybe that's just a pipe dream.
In every part of the world, in every country of the world, it is becoming increasingly difficult to live off the land as our ancesters have done for millions of years. It's either illegal, as you said Eric, or it's darn near impossible.
Take Australia, for example. The oldest living indigenous culture -- the aboriginees -- have, until recent times, lived off their motherlands for 40,000 years. Since the coming of the white man some 200 years ago, they've been ostracized, poisoned, imprisoned, impoverished, and nearly wiped out. The oligarchs who have stolen and exploited their lands have made it impossible for Australia's first people to adequately house and feed themselves.
The right to live is no longer a matter of whether one is self-sufficent or lives in harmony with nature and one's neighbors. Rather, one's survival has become an issue of compliance with the Establishment. All others be damned.
Though I doubt I'll live to see it, I long for the day when humanity wakes up and realizes that government doesn't represent us, they don't even like us, and they only serve to serve themselves to whatever they can take from us.
We don't need these blood-sucking parasites.