I just spent several hours, first on the C-Span Internet, then on TV (which I have not had on for several months, now) watching Dennis Kucinich delivering his 35 Articles of Impeachment of President George W. Bush to the US House of Representatives.
Now, we all know this is a futile exercise, but somehow, I experienced a long lost sense of patriotism. Watching this man put himself through the agony of standing there for hours reading this long, legalistic document with expressive passion worthy of a poet, to a mostly empty House Chamber, the very sound of that language, the calling forth and the language quoted from our Constitution, was awe-inspiring. It reminded me of the vision of an honorable, honest, just, compassionate nation that I learned about as a little girl, and how proud I felt then to be a citizen of The United States of America.
This past year or so, Ron Paul seems to have become the favorite maverick of those of us who yearn for a better world. Still, I feel such sadness that so much ridicule has been leveled at Kucinich: his stature, his beautiful, new wife who stands a head taller than him, his "unreasonable" ideas of universal medical care, quality education, etc. But, no matter the roadblocks and all the dirty tricks leveled at him, he just keeps on keepin on!
Ya just gotta love the man.
Dear JoyAnna,
I was lucky to attend a talk given by Dennis K.,it was a very small group,before he gave a speech at SO University.His ideas were so good, and progressive,that it was sure he would not win presidental nomination.(.4yrs ago) I was happy to know that someone like him holds a government office! Love,Mary
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Right on JoyAnna! Thank you so much for posting this!
More info...
I am so happy and grateful that we in the US have congress people like Kucinich who have the persistence and courage to call for peace and justice in these dark times. Kucinich, Conyers, and Wexler are shining the light indeed!
Shining Lights in the US Congress
Thank you for the link.....and the sparkle! Love,Mary
my pleasure love... btw - how r those sparkle lessons going?
in joy, b.
Dear Bodhi,
Soon to sparkle,have not yet begun my lesson. I am almost ready to begin.Stay tuned! Love,Mary
Dear Elizabeth,
I agree with your calling us all pioneers, it is not always easy being ahead of the pack...but our intent and our personal compass keep us pointed in a forward direction. I bless us all on our journeys. Love,Mary
"Under circumstances that can best be described as "suspicious," the www.kucinich.us website was crippled early this morning a few hours after Congressman Dennis Kucinich introduced 35 extensively documented Articles of Impeachment against President George W. Bush.
Until we can restore the website and implement additional security measures, you can find the full list and detailed Articles at
and http://chun.afterdowningstreet.org/amomentoftruth.pdf"
Also: Congressman Wexler has co-signed the impeachment bill stating, "The Articles present a stunning narrative of offenses that have go well beyond previous crimes committed by any US chief executive. In fact no President or Vice President in history has done more to undermine our constitution." He asks for support at: WexlerWantsHearings.com
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I personally believe Kucinich is the greatest hope for the planet since Gandhi. There have been occasions when there was 1 vote against war, and that lonely voice in the darkness was Dennis. I'm now reading Robert Wexler's book Fire Breathing Liberal, and I've added Congressman Wexler to my short list of heroes who may be able lead us out of this time of much darkness.
Thanks for these postings; when we find someone like Dennis among us, we have to give him a chance to shine for us.
Tampa DAve