Actions Do Speak Louder Than Words, When it Comes to Living Your Truth

Dear Friends,

St. Germain covers a subject that I am sure we have all had to contend with – realizing that our path to the Light has separated us from our Family and Friends who simply do not understand where we are headed with our beliefs and ideas. This subject can be the cause of many heated discussions and the break off of friendships and family relationships because it strikes at the very core of our beliefs – not only about our selves, but about the path that this world has chosen. Somehow, Love must be the healer of these disputes. Everyone must have the right to believe as their level of awareness dictates. God gives each of us that right with the freedom on our own consciousness. And every person is at a different level or understanding about the path that they feel must be followed. Love must be the one common denominator in all of this.

We simply cannot live with the expectation that everyone else will embrace our own personal point of view. The fact is, all points of view are valid. They are a reflection of where each of us are at in our understanding of this whole mystery of our existence. I hope you will find St. Germain's words reassuring on this subject.

With God's Love and Understanding,

Carl Azcar

St. Germain 07-March-2008

Some of you on the path of Light are troubled through not knowing the fate of your dear ones. Family or friends, you like to think that they will share your understanding and join you on your journey to the higher dimensions. Possibly you cannot approach the subject with them, and seek indications that they are open to guidance. These are some of the most difficult circumstances that you have to face, as anyone who has advanced along the path of evolution, will have to make allowances for others and their choice of which path to follow. As much as you would like to empower them with your understanding, you must let them proceed at their own pace. Too much knowledge, too soon can have the opposite effect to what you intend.

The time to encourage another person to consider your truth is when they invite you to answer their questions. Take it easy, and do not feel the need to go beyond exactly what you feel they can handle. People like to mull over ideas that are new to them, and they are held in their consciousness for future reference. The seed of knowledge will grow, or be rejected if it does not fit in with their current understanding. However, once within the construct of their consciousness it will lie there until it is connected with further information. You cannot know when someone will experience a sudden comprehension, of something that was previously confined to the memory bank. It is sufficient to say that no matter how long it takes the truth will emerge in its own good time.

Actions do speak louder than words when it comes to living your truth. Words will carry energy with them, but so do actions and they enhance the image that is conveyed. Is not a kind act carried out in a pool of love, more potent than one without? You can engender faith in you by not trying to impose your views on another person, and by showing that you are non-judgmental. That is vital to someone with whom you are trying to create trust, so that they can come to you in confidence.

At this most important time you are moving into two well defined groups, and those who have understood want it means to be on the path of Light inevitably gravitate to one another. It is the Law of Attraction and they will seek each other out, notwithstanding the fact that your life contract will also create the circumstances in which you can come together. The more difficult group to define are those who may not even be aware that they seeking the purpose of life. Even if they are, there is so much erroneous information about that it is confusing and often beyond their understanding. This group are what you would call “the don’t knows” and they tend to be more materialistic.

Do we care about those who are not yet prepared for the future - of course we do and each one is loved every bit as much as anyone else. However we do respect their freedom to determine their own future, but will give them every chance to move fully into the Light. Like everyone else they have many unseen helpers, and they guide and direct their lives so that opportunities come their way where possible. Every soul that awakens is a victory for the Light, and be sure that each one is loved beyond measure.

You sometimes become impatient because you know that a new beginning runs alongside duality, and you want to see it manifest. Yet your present circumstances are conducive to creating extra time, that may yet see more souls rising up as they recognize the false creation they are living. The dark resort to every trick in the book to keep you under their control, but as their deeds become more obvious and blatant they are revealing their ways of manipulation and denial of your rights. It requires a new look at life and what your priorities are, as some will still content themselves with an introspective view of what is happening around them. If that is their choice it is fine, and no one will deny them their right to live in a reality of their choosing.

I have spoken about the material life that is your experience, and many find little time to pursue their spiritual life. The two should run side by side but usually materialism takes up most of people’s time, as they toil and labor for often a simple existence. There is clearly nothing wrong in aiming to lead your life in such a way that your cares and worries are taken care of, but at times it is to the exclusion of your evolution. Whatever else first and foremost you are Spiritual Beings, and you may be certain that when all else falls away, that is what will remain. It is therefore important to set aside time for that part of your life, as your experiences are for your spiritual upliftment. Lessons ignored or not learnt will return until you do so, as otherwise you cannot progress.

It is within each persons grasp to understand the purpose of life, and it does not require that you specifically join any one group for that realization. You have all knowledge within albeit it may be dormant, but when you sincerely and honestly seek the truth that is where it will be found. You can be led by others if that is your desire, but far better to follow your own intuition which will know exactly what you need. As you are all at different stages of evolution, clearly you cannot necessarily walk straight into another’s beliefs and find it suits you and fulfils your needs.

You have never had so much guidance as you are now getting, and the importance of these final years has brought many higher souls to Earth. Some are already able to help you, because they have brought great knowledge and understanding with them. They are your Star, Crystal and Indigo children, old and wise souls who are waiting to guide you the last few steps to Ascension. Beyond them are even higher Beings of Light, that beam rays to Earth that are raising the vibrations so that your consciousness is able to gently expand. Great Beings are converging upon Earth from all over your Universe, to witness your return to the Light in a most exceptional and spectacular manner. Heaven patiently awaits for your arrival, so that you can proudly join the Star Nations of ascended civilizations.

I am St. Germain, and see your Light permeating around the Earth, holding it in a grid that will soon draw it into its new dimension restored to its original pristine condition, in the Golden Light of perfection. Welcome home Dear Ones to your rightful abode.

Thank you St.Germain.
Mike Quinsey.

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davelambert's picture

Carl, thanks for posting this. I always enjoy your posts. I've remarked to a couple people how much I enjoy the diversity of views here, and how it expands my horizons. Your posts consistently stretch me, and are always worth the effort.

The brightness of integrity that shows in those who actually live their truth is something that's unmistakable. People are drawn to it. A man or woman who really walks their talk becomes a teacher and a beacon. This is something I've thought of again and again as I've watched those who seek to convert others to whatever religion...they mostly have a dismal rate of success, and the reason is so painfully obvious to an outsider, I never could figure out why they hardly ever get it.

My other comment was regarding the inevitable fact that each of us has to deal with at some point, that of losing friends and loved ones over our "woo-woo" beliefs. Family members may decide we've "lost it." If we belong to a church, we may find ourselves fitting in less and less over time. These can be very uncomfortable changes, and I think they keep many people from looking as deeply as they otherwise would at the reality they define for themselves, versus the possibilities. What we need a lot more of, I think, is detachment. I don't know of many approaches outside of some religious ones that truly emphasize detachment, and certainly it's something that has its dangers. What I believe about detachment is that it is NOT defined by not caring or by a lack of love. It MAY be characterized by either, but neither defines it. Detachment is a willingness to let go. Detachment is a surrender of sovereignty, and so is not to be taken lightly, but it is a surrender that is undertaken willingly and for a reason. One thing we will have to deal with at some point is the fact that something's going to happen that will be very costly in terms of our lives, and the lives of people we know and care about. I don't know what it will be - but there are plenty of contenders, and I suspect a series or combination of catastrophic events will occur in many parts of the world. Ours is not immune. Then will come a time when detachment is a matter of survival, because we will have to be at the top of our game.


Carl-Azcar's picture


Our range of human emotions can on one hand seem to be that which draws us together and also the chasm that denotes our separation. We have a very poor understanding of what is called "Unconditional Love." If we truly understood what the term implies, we would also understand that each of us is absolutely free to express ourselves in any way that we want, as long as what we say or do does not infringe on the rights of another. This really becomes a mine field in human relationships. Especially in marriage and family relationships, it is implied that we must all think and act alike if we say we love each other.

One of the greatest stumbling blocks in my own marriage was that I just did not think or act like my wife, and I never asked for or expected unquestioned obedience from any of my family. Boy did this cause problems. It was said at many times during that 25 years that I had no right to disagree with the authority of my religious teachings because it involved our bond as a couple, as a family unit and of course it centered around our religious practice and beliefs that we were told to live by. Talk about hierarchy, it was all based on blind obedience. I saw no love bond in that at all.

I agree with you on your comments about detachments. It is one of the dangers of our consumer based economy and the way we have been programed by our life style in our western society. While the ads keep blasting us with more, more, more, I counteract with less, and even less. While people are spending more and more and going farther and farther into debt, they strangle themselves with interest rates and threats of foreclosure. I just shake my head in disbelief at what I see. Yes, I have a credit card, but in all the years I have had this card I have not paid one penny in interest, why, because first I do not buy what I cannot afford, secondly, I pay off my entire balance at the end of every month. So I think you can understand from that, that I am not a consumer dependent person. It is just a small part of the detachment practice that I live by. I see what we have in this world as a very large menu of choices and opportunities we can make. Each of those choices have the possibilities of positive or negative outcomes. How important our choices become and that includes out relationships as well.

As I get older, 71 at last count, I realize more and more how much junk I have accumulated in my life. Sometimes I really enjoy just walking around my apartment naked, just to remind myself that in reality, that is all I really have in this world, my own body. In truth it is my only worth, and in that respect, to me, it is priceless. With that and my excellent health I feel like a millionaire, yet I am sure in the world's eyes, I am a poor man of very little means, especially if I am looked at through consumer rimed glasses.

Yes, it is a strange world we live in. I admit I sometimes feel like an Alien on my own planet. In many ways I guess I am.

With God's Love and Blessings,

Carl Azcar

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