Am i Enough ??? The Answer--> You are always enough

a trap i fell into that a lot of my sisters and brothers have fallen into is this, when am i enough ?... see the hidden implication behind this message, im not enough unless ... all of a sudden in order you you to be a success, in order for you to feel worth within your self, to be happy about who you are, you must achieve, become, do something, that question puts a persona that judges you unfit at times cus so and so, its a trap when you let go of that pressure and be yourself, you love yourself for who you are right now with all of your wondrous and beautiful nature.... and accomplishments and perceived faults... all of it even that silly little persona, Ill Tell You A Secrete--> You Are Always Enough ♥ and you will always be enough, you a beautiful and unique from everything else with in this great awesome( my name for the cosmos or everything) special and connect to all of existence... i know you are always enough, no matter what, i will have love for you (a silly nice quote "the universe thought you were a good idea" ) in peace and love your cosmic brother

Just think, the universe has been growing, evolving, developing for 13+ billion years just to create you!  You're damn right, you are enough!  We can't spit in the face of 13 billion years of hard work, now, can we?  When the universe was finally ready for you, you appeared!  Hallelujah!

And that goes for all the rest of you!

Peace and love.


Unite's picture

thats a great way to put it :) thanks

in peace and love your brother


Nynia Chance's picture

I've been working against second-guessing myself during my "weirdstorm" I've been going through this month. Thanks so much for the reminder to trust the Universe for what it's invested in me, so I can just work on what I can do and leave the rest up to better hands than mine!

The Gathering Spot is a PEERS empowerment website
"Dedicated to the greatest good of all who share our beautiful world"