A letter from Chief Arvol Looking Horse
A Great Urgency
To All World Religious and Spiritual Leaders
My Relatives,
Time has come to speak to the hearts of our Nations and their Leaders. I ask you this from the bottom of my heart, to come together from the Spirit of your Nations in prayer.
We, from the heart of Turtle Island, have a great message for the World; we are guided to speak from all the White Animals showing their sacred color, which have been signs for us to pray for the sacred life of all things. As I am sending this message to you, many Animal Nations are being threatened, those that swim, those that crawl, those that fly, and the plant Nations, eventually all will be affect from the oil disaster in the Gulf.
The dangers we are faced with at this time are not of spirit. The catastrophe that has happened with the oil spill which looks like the bleeding of Grandmother Earth, is made by human mistakes, mistakes that we cannot afford to continue to make.
I asked, as Spiritual Leaders, that we join together, united in prayer with the whole of our Global Communities. My concern is these serious issues will continue to worsen, as a domino effect that our Ancestors have warned us of in their Prophecies.
I know in my heart there are millions of people that feel our united prayers for the sake of our Grandmother Earth are long overdue. I believe we as Spiritual people must gather ourselves and focus our thoughts and prayers to allow the healing of the many wounds that have been inflicted on the Earth. As we honor the Cycle of Life, let us call for Prayer circles globally to assist in healing Grandmother Earth (our Unc'I Maka).
We ask for prayers that the oil spill, this bleeding, will stop. That the winds stay calm to assist in the work. Pray for the people to be guided in repairing this mistake, and that we may also seek to live in harmony, as we make the choice to change the destructive path we are on.
As we pray, we will fully understand that we are all connected. And that what we create can have lasting effects on all life.
So let us unite spiritually, All Nations, All Faiths, One Prayer. Along with this immediate effort, I also ask to please remember June 21st, World Peace and Prayer Day/Honoring Sacred Sites day. Whether it is a natural site, a temple, a church, a synagogue or just your own sacred space, let us make a prayer for all life, for good decision making by our Nations, for our children's future and well-being, and the generations to come.
Onipikte (that we shall live),
Chief Arvol Looking Horse
19th generation Keeper of the Sacred White Buffalo Calf Pipe
Center for Sacred Studies
P.O. Box 745
Sonora, California 95370
Berry, I am sharing this with every contact I know that is Spiritual. Thank you! The Time for this Prayer is Tonight, Tommorrow and Sunday! Then The Next Full Moon Day before, Full Moon, Day After and The day before the New Moon, The New Moon, and the Day after! These are the times when Prayers/Intentions are most effective. Also, keeping the intention and prayer in your conscious awareness is important. Reflect and connect to the Energy of the Intention/Prayer each day when you are able to.
All salons, groomers, wool farmers, individuals, pet owners... Everyone is welcome!
We have many temporarily donated warehouses of various sizes strategically placed along the Gulf Coast. We are coordinating space for donations and emailing addresses to you to make sure booms are effectively distributed. We are sending notifications out in waves every 24 hours. Thank you!
A) Everyone please SIGN UP with our donor database program Excess Access. It's FREE & FAST and it allows us to coordinate masses of people and tons of donations.
B) Click on Activation link that we email to you (it may take over an hour to get due to huge response!)
C) Login and click on How This Works.
D) ONCE YOU HAVE BEEN EMAILED AN ADDRESS, Please follow our Instructions for sending hair / fur / wool / nylons to "GET STARTED" BELOW.
Once you're on Excess Access you will be emailed information on:
- an emergency oil spill near your area requesting hair
- a large scale emergency oil spill that needs wide scale donations and has many temporarily donated warehouses
- all warehouse mailing address changes, please just make sure you're Signed up
NEXT, GET STARTED - set aside a designated box (salons usually reuse a box in which shampoo was delivered)
- line the box with a plastic garbage bag so hair/fur can't slip out
- ideally, donate shampoed hair, it doesn't have to be. Just don't include filthy hair / fur that has stuff stuck to it.
- any length is fine
- every type of hair is fine (straight, curly, all colors, dyed, permed, straightened...) but only HEAD hair, please! Yes dread locks are ok to send - although we find they have fungus inside when cut open - so please separate in their own bag and mark "DREADS". They are handled separately. :)
- sweep in all clippings, JUST HAIR, but please NO OTHER GARBAGE (gum, metal clips, paper cups, wrappers...)
- remember volunteers (sometimes young students) have to stuff this hair into booms and don't want to feel garbage or anything sharp
- tie the top of the bag and tape the box shut
- we also accept washed, used (even with runs) nylon stocking donations in a separate bag, please.
- we also accept fur and other "natural fibers" waste wool, alpaca fleece, horse hair, feathers... again, please, no other garbage or contaminants in with the hair/fur/ wool fibers... (a handful total per bag of hay and seeds are ok, but no garbage and, of course, absolutely no poo!) Thanks!
- mark the boxes DEBRIS FREE HAIR / FUR or NYLONS
- mail boxes in to the address(es) we provide you by email:
Mailing addresses for hair, fur, wool... clippings and nylon donations are being emailed out to everyone who signs up. We are emailing in WAVES, so as to control the flow and not overload smaller warehouses along the coast. We are currently seeing about 500,000 pounds come in from all over the country. And volunteers are learning how to make a mile of boom a session!
What happens to the hair after it arrives?
Loose hair can be stuffed into nylon stockings which we double up and tie together to make "booms" that surround and contain as well as soak up oil spills. See our youtube
Boom needs to be covered in strong MESH
Much of our funding will go to mesh. The best mesh for booms we've seen so far is:
101407 Orange Mesh
Rolls of 150 ft. @ $61.00 each
We get ours from DelStar Industrial Netting www.delstarinc.com (800) 531-5112
We also sort through boxes of hair to make sure there is no garbage and then pay to send it off to nonwoven needlepunch factories to make batches of hairmats. These mats are for emergency oil spills and for oiled bird and mammal cages.
ONE TIME HAIR DONORS - How You Can Participate:
Individuals: Feel free to sign up, you will get addresses to send donations. Please tell your hair stylist / barber / groomer about our program and website. We love all your personal letters, but for practical reasons, hair in bulk from salons saves us processing time and funds.
Teachers and classrooms: We love getting hair from schools! Please collect and mail all the hair in one bag, rather than lots of little envelopes, saves processing time. Also, you may want to check out our Teacher's Demo Page
Pet owners: Fur, horse hair and wool is fine. Fur is curly which helps more in making mats. It does seem that human hair has less natural oil and is more efficient in soaking up oil. So, we are finding the sweet spot of ratio fur to hair! Pet hair doesn't have to be shampooed - but we ask that it not be filthy, please.
History of the mat & boom:
Matter of Trust is collaborating with thousands of salons throughout the US and abroad, that donate their hair clippings to soak up oil spills. Last year over 2,600 oil spills occurred in the world. They weren't all are high profile, but most had an impact on the environment. Phil McCrory, a hair stylist from Alabama, first discovered how hair can help. He was shampooing an oily head of hair while watching TV coverage on the 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill. He noticed the fur on the Alaskan otters completely soaked with oil and it just occured to him. "We shampoo because hair collects oil." He began testing how much petroleum oil he could collect with the hair clipping from the floor of his salon. Phil then invented the hairmat which is made from purchased hair and felted in China. Please find Phil and our friends at www.Ottimat.com. For the last 10 years we have partnered with Phil and Ottimat to see if we can create a National Natural Fiber Recycling System so that we could make the mats here the way we make the booms.
The US has over 300,000 hair salons and each cuts an average of a pound of hair per day. Groomers usually cut 3 pounds per day! Donors generously pay out of pocket for postage to send their swept up hair clippings to either where there are temorary donated storage spaces for emergency spills or our warehouse when space is available. There we make "booms" by stuffing hair, fur, wastewool, etc. into donated recycled nylons and mesh. We do the fundraising and outreach for this International Natural Fiber Recycling campaign through our posters in participating salons and with the help of the press.
We are also fundraising for a larger permanent warehouse here in California to make hair booms. We also believe that collection kiosks at US harbors will provide green jobs and booms for many of the 2,600 little oil spill emergencies that occurr in the world annually. We aim to create green jobs programs concentrating on those transitioning out of foster care (at risk youth 18-22 years old) for fiber collection and boom making. We also aim to rekindle the textile industry in the US so that we can manufacture the felted hair mats here again as well. To help please email us suggestions and check out our contribute page.
Flyers for outreach:
Please feel free to download and print our flyers. We made them just for you!
Hair Mat Oil Spill Flyer
Student Handout
Teachers Handout
® 1998-2010 Matter Of Trust, Inc. a 501(c)3 Public Charity
Drop us a line
Thanks Berry and FairyFarmGirl. The message is going out on my side.