Here is the first of 10 segments (the others, as always, in column at right of screen)
Here is the first of 10 segments (the others, as always, in column at right of screen)
The Gathering Spot is a PEERS empowerment website
"Dedicated to the greatest good of all who share our beautiful world"
Thanks Chris-
That was very interesting. I was a little annoyed at the beginning because they were putting down dams, which are a much cleaner way to produce power than the fossil fuel and nuclear plants that use precious water to cool the plants, however the film ended with the note that water power can still be produced without the large dams. I kind of thought the film was a bit unfair in the beginning, perhaps trying to scare people a bit too much, as they failed to mention that in America at least, laws have already been passed that prevent further development of wetlands (wetlands can be developed but only if the developer replicates the same amount lost elsewhere within the project) and force developers to create recharge basins that collect street water so that it will seep back into the local ground water.