Everything Is OK

ChrisBowers's picture

that last line said so much.  the police believe they are keeping social order, but are actually just willing servants to the ruling class that exploits them and all other willing participants choking on the lie.  the people shopping like so many lab rats in a controlled social behavior experiment.

they aren't doing it to us.  we are doing it to ourselves.  they are just making it as convenient as possible for us to willingly comply with their well-designed well-orchestrated concept of social control and order.  how can we the people find fault with "them" while we the people do so so much to willingly comply and make complete and utter fools of ourselves in the process?

why are so many so impressed by the mundane and the trivial?  it's like a broken record!

how can we ever expect "them" to treat us with respect when the vast majority of we the people exhibit such oblivious clueless compliance to their police state for dummies?  "they" are the direct result of our collective behavior...

when we the people begin to understand that, that is when we shall begin to see real and lasting deliberate intelligent change.  until then the morally hazardous and irresponsible blame game shall be the disingenuous substitute for integrity.  the longer we wait, the more despotic the social construct shall become, as if the Cosmos were urging us on to evolve, to exercise our inherent Sacred Divinity...

Wendy's picture
Noa's picture

How can anyone blame the victims of deliberate and systematic brainwashing, dumbing down, poisoning, malnutrition, substandard healthcare, propaganda, mind control, cultural conditioning, etc., etc? We are not so much willing as we are purposely programmed to be compliant from birth. 

If our controllers wanted a fair contest, they would not be so secretive about their motives and manipulations.  Most people haven't a clue they're being played.  It was set up that way before we were born and it was intended to take unfair advantage.

The power elite created consumers to build their wealth.  Our population soared during the industrial revolution, ignited by reliance on their oil and fossil fuels.  And now that their greed has created something unsustainable -- dwindling natural resources and economies teetering on collapse... a scenario that anyone with their bird's eye view should've seen coming -- they've decided there are now too many of us on the planet!  They loathe us for becoming exactly what they groomed us to become, and they feel entitled to play God with our lives -- intentionally and inhumanely reducing our numbers to rectify what they themselves created.

I'd like to see how the Rothchilds and chums would fare if the shoe was on the other foot!


Bob07's picture


You've made a beautifully concise and accurate summary of the whole situation, in depth.  I agree with you completely -- well, almost completely.  I'd add that we're innocent as long as we're ignorant, but as soon as we get a peek behind the curtain at the man operating the levers, we are responsible for making a choice, and if we choose to just go along to get along, then we are willing, as Chris says.  Many people have had that peek but continue on as if they hadn't.  (Take 9/11: I maintain that if you show to any ten year old the footage of those 3 buildings coming down alongside footage of a commercial demolitions,  they'd see no difference.  And yet millions of adults just didn't (wouldn't) see the obvious -- and, in fact, went to tortuous lenghts to prove the obvious to be "conspiracy theory".)  It's hard for everyone to be clear and courageous.  Even when they see the truth of it, the old conditioning still operates to one degree or another in them (us) to keep the old "reality" intact.  In the end, though, it is up to us to rid ourselves of the parasitic infection.  Who else is going to do it?  We're responsible for our own evolution.  -- And so I end up agreeing with both of you, but not totally. 

By the way, Noa, if you put any stock in karma and reincarnation, the Rothschilds and chums (as well as all of us) are drawing up the blueprints for their own futures right now.  Karma is the law of cause and effect on the human level; what goes around comes around.  We can't know any specifics, but I sometimes wonder if these rapacious elites might have to live many lifetimes in villages in third world countries wracked with poverty and hunger.  The lessons of interrelatedness have to be learned by all of us.

Noa's picture

Well-said, Bob... I was one who couldn't accept the 9/11 conspiracies at first.  I just couldn't believe anyone could be that evil!  Now, there is too much evidence for me to ignore.

I also know people who turn a blind eye to the truth because they feel they are too helpless to do anything about it.  I know some that reason if the end of the world is coming, they might as well not worry about it, so they can enjoy what little time they have left.  I agree, Bob, when we know the truth, we are accountable for our actions (or inactions).

As for karma, one source I read has them reincarnated as brainless, single-celled organisms on a 1st or 2nd dimensional planet... where they can do no harm.  Your 3rd world scenario seems more fitting.

I sure wish I could look at all of this from a higher vantage point, so I might understand why it has happened in this way.  As my father used to say, "God only knows, and he ain't tellin'!"


Brian's picture

Nice point Chris. I have been trying to see what I'm doing that creates or maintains the current troubles. For instance: I failed to vote in the last election because I said "It doesn't matter what I do and besides, the same old guys will just get voted in again"- WRONG! I went against my instinct to vote because it was easier than thinking and taking action! Ugh! We sow and we reap. I heard a great thought the other day from someone I respect. He said(paraphrasing here) "Every thought you have is like a seed that germinates in your future and blooms into something". Yikes! I am beginning to recognise my negative thoughts somewhat more (with the help of great people around me) and the more sensitive I become, the more painful it is when I think them(and to others). So I'm AVOIDING THEM!! Yay!

I'd like to share also for anyone it might help-I'm taking vitamins: D for keeping colds, viruses and cancer at bay. Also, B complex for mood stability and brain power, and fish oil(lots) in pill form for keeping my mood up. They all are helping and my tendency to depressive thoughts seems to be reduced tremendously. Also, I'm starting to cut out TV and fast foods and it all helps. To my horror, I kind of blew my top over politics recently and I was advised to go on a "news fast" -a great idea! Peace.

LightCommodore's picture

Hi all,

Brilliant thoughts. Truly. I naturally line up with your opinions of the establishment, but I don't think I've really thought deeply enough about the state and the police until I read your posts and watched some of the Everything Is OK videos. BTW, here's a good summary montage of many of them: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qAQrsA3m8Bg.

More random thoughts:

- The London police are much gentler and more tolerant than the ones we have here in Northern California. Very few of them here have any personality other than authoritarian, and if you give them any crap, even polite crap, you may just find yourself in jail on some silly charge. Consider the TSA videos on the web. Think still further about Blackwater being contracted to serve as part of our outsourced private domestic police force--it's already happening. These folks are humorless, loveless, and very serious about applying and maintaining control by any force necessary wherever they are deployed.

- America is rapidly turning into a fascist state. The videos are so right. There is no service from the police except to keep the rich safe from the riff raff. Ordinary folks have to do what they're told by the police, whether it's legal or not, or get arrested. Police control is rapidly tightening from a lasso around the sheeple to keep us in line and under control into a noose around our necks.

- I see behind the curtain, and I'll accept some responsibility for the police state status quo, but I really don't know how to change it. Not in any truly effective, meaningful way. I do vote, but I would be very naive indeed if I believed the candidates--all of them--are serving anybody but themselves and their corporate/government masters. The only real human being in US Congress who thinks for himself is Dennis Kucinich. The rest are in the back pockets of their corporate benefactors, and the higher they go in office, the deeper they are into those pockets. What else can you do? Protest? Good luck if you think it will actually do any good or bring about any change. Sheeple in the US are too content with materialism and too worried about being "kept safe from the terrorists" to back any meaningful change. They also lack the imagination and creativity that our nation's founders had--most are too brain-numbed by TV. The only thing I think could be effective is visualizing a better way and praying for it and joining with likeminded other pray-ers, like here on this forum.

--I even wonder if a new vision makes any difference. I read Soul On Ice and the Autobiography of Malcolm X when they were relatively new books, and there were a lot of hopeful people back then trying to visualize a new society that was once again as free as the founders envisioned, a society in which people of color did not grow up in ghettos that perpetuate generation after generation of poverty, ignorance, crime, and imprisonment. Yet right now if you're an African-American male, you stand a 1 in 3 chance of spending some part of your life in prison, and we have a larger percentage of our overall population in prison than any other nation. What happened to the vision? For a good many of our citizens, it would seem we really are not the land of the free.

I don't mean to throw cold water on the vision, but you have be realistic. It just does not seem that these things are changing or that anything I can do will make a difference. They actually seem to be getting worse as we slide deeper into fascism.


Noa's picture

Dear Chuck:

I think your 'random' thoughts are some that many of us share.  It's normal to wonder, "What can I possibly do to change things when the problems are so large and widespread?"

I am finding more and more evidence that the "butterfly effect" is at work.  Seemingly small, insignificant acts are creating big changes almost everywhere... in the news and closer to home.  I see this within my own life.  My thoughts, outlook, prayer, meditations, and visualizations are clearly affecting the physical reality in my immediate world... and who knows what the ripple effect of such things may be?  I have noticed recently that I must be more mindful with my thoughts because they are manifesting things with increased speed.  Indeed, time itself is speeding up as the Earth transitions out of 3rd density.  If you are sensitive and in tune with nature, you can actually feel it.

It is an illusion, perpetuated by the media, that things are getting worse.  Violence, hunger, and disease have fallen dramatically in the past 100 years.  At the same time, the number of people working for humanitarian and environmental causes has increased.  People all over the world are waking up.  Each of us is truly powerful and collectively, we are unstoppable.  The PTB know this and fear it.  Individually, we are capable of performing miracles in the same way that Jesus the Christ demonstrated.  This inner power is innately ours - a fact that has long been suppressed. 

The most important work we have ahead of us is standing steadfast in the light of Source, while the collective paradigm shifts and crumbles around us. Don't lose heart, my friend, look at the big picture.  Things may likely turn worse before they gradually get better.  It may seem like the world is coming to an end, but it is really a spectacular new beginning.  It's always darkest before the dawn.  Anything and everything is possible.  The answers are within you.

Love, courage, hope, faith,




LightCommodore's picture

Noa, it's like you're standing in the ramparts speaking encouragement to the troops. Can I get you a megaphone? Nicely done!

I do see the creative power you speak of in my own daily life, and the changes in general that you speak of in the world are visible too. For example, the break out of freedom in Egypt is thrilling to watch. And yet in the US I see the opposite--a once free nation turning into an ever more tightly controlled state. We are becoming what we always said we stood against, and oddly enough, it is commercial freedom which is leading us in it, since they control and manipulate the government in order to control and manipulate us for their own benefit. With so much material prosperity, even in hard times, it's difficult to see the masses waking up anytime soon. But many people are waking up spiritually, so let us hope that trend continues and brings with it corresponding social changes. Actually, let us envision that change and then watch and wait for it.

Thanks for the wonderful words of encouragement!


ChrisBowers's picture

What I wrote is something I have been pondering for some time since my initial trip down the rabbit hole.  If we truly are One, fundamentally and essentially, than we delude ourselves when we polarize with the illusory world view of us v. them.

And if we truly are Sacred and Divine, than it is fundamentally and essentially impossible for anyone to be a victim.  Of course this gets a bit tricky because even if that is the eternal truth of our Being, we still need to account for those not presently exercising Conscious awareness of this fundamental truth and so lovingly and compassionately be there for them where they are at this present time, regardless of this Sacred Eternal Truth concerning our/their Inherent Divinity.

As it says so eloquently in A Course in Miracles, "you are not a body"....

If I were a body I could then be a victim to wrongs done to that body by others against my will, but I'm not, therefore I can't (be a victim), for "I Am" always and ever, regardless of the extremely vivid sensory illusory temptations to believe in accord with what my mind and/or body is sensing, to believe that Sacred/Inviolate Reality could be altered or destroyed....

It cannot....

Therefore, to exercise or express believe in the possibility of victimhood is to consciously and willfully deny our Sacred and Divine heritage that cannot ever be harmed.  That said, this is so obviously not something that can be indiscriminately shared with everyone at will when loving compassion and empathy is the better offering at the time...

Knightspirit's picture

I go along the lines of what Noa mentioned as being the butterfly effect. The only real change one can make is in themselves. Once that change has been made - then the outer world begins to reflect that change. There is so much that any one person can do - not to change the world - but to just change THEIR world. I don't specifically try and change anyone - or even to "wake" any one up who isn't interested. However - when I went down the rabbit hole - and woke up, I made changes to how I interact with the world based on that knowledge. I find that our power is not in doing anything - but in what we do NOT do. As long as we participate in the social fascism - we feed the beast. It is not easy to get around it - but with a little research and knowledge - it CAN be done. 

I know people (wink) who do not pay taxes, and have no credit cards or bank accounts. Others have learned to "pay" for their debts without federal reserve notes (wink again). There is SO much that we can implement, using the very system we are "victims" of to turn our own situations around. When enough people stop participating in a "public" system of benefits, and instead embrace the private rights (and remedies) we all have at our disposal, the whole system will change. It is already happening (remember the 3%!) People are figuring this stuff out and USING IT. 

Along those lines - who in their right mind would be voting in this sham? Why participate in a flawed system? Better to cancel your voter registration card - which is evidence of you being a "resident" of the corporate plantation and stop believing that voting is giving you some benefit. It isn't. It's the tag in the ear of the beast, who is fed, immunized, fattened and eventually sold for slaughter. 

Break out of the cage. There is no freedom in the pen - and no protections outside, except what you take with you. 

Noa's picture

Great comments, all!  Perhaps I should clarify my prior post by adding that it is a trap to embrace 'victim mentality' to the exclusion of recognizing our power within.  In the grander scheme, we are indeed One with our Creator.  At the same time, we are having a human experience on a planet where duality is being played out.  The physical body is a constant reminder of this... at least for now.  What we ingest... food, water, air, information... affects not only our physical bodies, but our minds as well.  Discerning between the ego mind and the higher self is part of the journey.

Incidentally, the Ego is not some enemy to be overcome as the CIM and others may teach.  The Ego is a survival mechanism which aids us in distinguishing ourselves from say, a tree.  The Ego gives us our sense of identity... but as with all things, it should be tempered by our greater knowledge of who we are within the grand scheme.  As the Earth transitions into 4th and 5th densities, these polar distinctions will dissolve. 

That's why it's important to align oneself with the Light of Source Energy.  That which is contrary to the Light will, in due course, cease to exist here on Earth.



Knightspirit's picture

I agree Noa - the Ego is a necessity here, and we shouldn't discount it as being anything else but. However - there are multiple paradoxes with these topics. Example: Who wants to be "enlightened?" The Ego does - as all other aspects ALREADY ARE. So the ego's desire for enlightenment will forever bar the experience. Similarly - your last line above skirts the paradox: "Light Source Energy" isn't just "light" - it's the duality that is reflected here, and includes the "dark" as well. So "that which is contrary to the light" is a paradoxical statement - in that there is NOTHING contrary to the "light" - as it is ALL a reflection of the source - in all its forms. So in that sense - ALL that exists here has a right to do so - light, dark and everything in between. It's all a part of the source - and we better get used to dealing with it - as it is a reflection of our own energy! 

We decide what we experience - regardless of duality or anything else. This will become CRITICAL on higher levels where thoughts are instant manifestations. This is our training ground for slowing the process down. I think that our lesson here is to recognize that "Everything is OK" - and to see all sides of source.

Noa's picture

I value your intelligent discourse, Jeff; your input has broadened my horizons... but you and I may have to accept that we may not agree on this particular subject.  I see the Ego perceiving 'enlightenment' as contrary to the human experience and so... threatening to its own 'self preservation'.  That is why some say the Ego must be overcome.  In truth, it need only be recognized for what it is.

And although I find value in examining the shadow side for the lessons that may be gleemed from its existence, I believe that duality is primarily an earthbound phenomena and does not exist naturally throughout the universe.  The Creator is the source of light, love, and life, not darkness or evil.  These things are polar opposites, but are not equal sides of the whole.  We do not have to get used to it or give it equal time, and not everyone's energy reflects darkness.  What useful purpose that paradigm may once have had on Earth is now ending.  Darkness and light are not reciprocal.  A candle can illuminate the darkness, but no amount of darkness can put out the light of a single candle.

Through the granting of free will, those beings who split off from the light source were allowed to explore the dark side freely and have done so for millenia, since around the time that Atlantis and Lemuria fell.  Before that, people and animals on Earth lived in peace and harmony.  There were no carnivores, predators, competition, or survival of the fittest.  Such things were introduced and perpetuated by those who turned away from and came to fear the light. Their agenda is now legendary.

Presently, beings more evolved than ourselves are intervening to prevent further destruction to our planet, because what is done on Earth (and to our outerspace) affects all life in the universe.  In these pivotal times, the Earth is now transitioning to a higher frequency, which requires us to align to a higher vibration if we are to remain with her.  (The alternative is to die and be born on another 3rd dimensional planet, which isn't a bad thing, really.)

In that sense, everything really is okay.  We are not punished for turning away from the light, just given another environment for learning, growing, and experiencing.  Ultimately, the lesson is understanding that there is only one power in the universe... the omniscient Creator, of which we are all part and wholly of... like a hologram. 

I agree with you on this point, Jeff.  "We decide what we experience."  Wherever we put our attention, grows.  If you don't like what you're seeing in the world, focus on that which brings goodness and pleasure.

I realize that much of what I've stated here is likely outside of most people's realm of possibility.  All I can say is do a little research, then let your heart tell you what is true.





perakee's picture

"There is evil in the world, and even with all our instruments we cannot fathom its depths."

Some of us feel that Evil is a tangible thing, an entity lurking in the shadows that manipulates and tempts us, snickering when we take the bait, growing ever powerful each time we lean toward the Dark Side. Some of us feel that there is no such thing as Evil, that there are only shades of, and absence of, light, knowledge, insight, and maturity.

"Here is darkness, Brothers! Hear the birds burn!"

Who knows the truth? Who CAN know?? Are we allowed to know???

We can forever wrestle with the Unknowable. We can draw lines in the dirt and take sides, donate all our worldly possessions to some guru purporting to know the truth, and drink the Kool-Ade of our own haughtiness. Or we can give up the struggle, refusing to fall victim to this ages-old madness called "enlightenment", and find our own balance as we walk the tightrope across this abyss that we call Life.

'Some will say, "Hasten to slay that child! He will grow to become Nero!" Others will proclaim, "Slay an innocent child? Never!" And then there is a third group who know that even Nero is necessary....'

Sincere and intelligent men have argued this riddle pro and con since Man crawled out of the swamps. I doubt I have the pizazz to add weight to either side. But neither will I allow them to sway me. For deep down inside my pea-sized brain I have a strong feeling that neither side is right, that both sides are far, far wide of the mark.


I love it when people speak of their beliefs in here. Everyone has obviously put much time, research and energy into them. Thank you all for sharing.

I have yet another perception of all this. To me at the highest level there is nothing. Within this nothing is actually everything but it cannot be percieved....it's like kinetic energy....it is there but you can't really see or touch it....it hasn't "manifested" .......

At this highest level, nothing.... there is no forgiveness...because there is no thing to forgive......there is no death because there is no life....there is no light because there is no shadow....

Imagine if you turned the brightness levels of your monitor up so high that all you could see is a bright white screen.....the image on the screen could still be there but you can't see it because the color has been washed away beyond percpetion and for all practical purposes, existence....how do you see what is within the white all encompassing light.....you cut back the power, you limit the light source and as you incorporate the "shadow" you start to find contrast and a rainbow of color beneath....

This "nothing" became aware of itself.....but at the highest level it cannot define or see itself...it cannot grasp what it is or even if it exists.....it's to bright.....the awareness that arose in the nothing questioned itself and a "something" was created or "manifested"....

 This fragmention, this awareness or consciousness, is now no longer perfect...it doesn't have it all, it has some "ignorance" and form or identity and this is what creates time and space, reality, and with it comes duality. This duality, this shadow is all that allows for something to be defined and percieved.....

Awareness/consciousness/life continues to ask itself those same age old questions and with that it fragments itself over and over....the further the fragmentations go and the greater the content of shadow/ignorance the more we can see what is really hidden within  the now manifested "light"....the more removed from the original source and the lower the vibration of this "thing" the more it manifests into time and space. ....the more it can percieve and define itself....more shadow, more detail......shadow shows what is already within the light....shadow is not the creator....karma..for every action there is a reaction......shadow is a reaction.....natural law, universal law are both reactions that occured when consciousness came into being and are what guides and allowed the formation of time space and the universe....

I honestly don't even know what evil is anymore....it does not exist to me.....life and reality is a game, a trick......I don't believe that there are any victims because I don't think anything ever really dies.....I do believe we are all responsible for everything we experience, I see this on a higher level than just this one life.....maybe someone did need to experience being ?...abused as a child, murdered and raped?...maybe someone needs to be powerful and enslave others.....maybe thats how consciousness learns what these things are......I don't know but I see it from the next level up...."the spirit world"..?...all is as it should be....we are like actors in a movie......I have no problem watching someones head get blown off in a good movie....if it was "real" I would feel sick so it all depends on how "real" I think it is...if you think this world is real....you will probably see evil....if you think reality is deeper.....evil is not a concept that exists.....



Bob07's picture

What you say rings true, Jez.   Prompts a few questions:  Beyond all words and ideas, beyond all opposites, what is real and true?  Beyond all transient phenomena, what is permanent?  There's literally no answer I can come up with that isn't just more words and ideas. 

So... there's a kind of ultimate perspective (beyond ideas and duality) that can help -- if it arises:

"Regard the phenomena of life like a dream, a phantasm, a bubble, a shadow, the glistening dew, a lightning flash." -- Buddha

"Now I see... Nothing matters.  Nothing matters!" -- the dying mother of someone I once met

Ultimately there is nothing but Mind (Awareness). -- paraphrased from the Zen literature

Knightspirit's picture

Jez - I liked your take on it - very good.

So here we are with the ultimate paradox: "All that is" is really " Nothing at all!"

So is it all or nothing? Or is it All AND Nothing? Wait - if there isn't anything - then you couldn't add that to the All - but if the All is everything - then Nothing would be left out - but wait, Nothing is included so....Surprised

Bob07's picture

Jeff... Yeah the carnival of thoughts will drive you crazy.  Poor li'l thinking mind calls out, "paradox" (like, "foul") because it just can't get its... well, mind... wrapped around the thing.  The rules of the game have been violated. -- Of course, that's where the fun begins.

what is real?

What is timeless, every-thing and no-thing....




Hi Noa,

How could life exist on earth without predators and carnivores?.....in the case of a shark the role he plays is fundamental to a healthy ocean...he prevents disease.....at no time in the history of the earth was a shark a vegetarian....we know if we kill all the sharks, we will kill the ocean...shark is good! and he is a near perfect predator, unchanged for eons....

There is nothing wrong or evil about killing if it is done for the right reasons and with proper respect. I would also ask why it would be OK to kill and eat a living plant but not an animal?.....

Killing things for food is not fear based and goes back as far as creation...nature is the greatest teacher and exmple of life......and it is what it is...



Noa's picture

Dear Jez:

I don't pretend to have all the answers or even how to satisfy your questions.  Is it any more difficult to fathom a world without war, evil, or injustice than it is to imagine "how life on earth could exist without predators and carnivores?"

Duality and karmic law have been an integral part of life on this planet for tens of thousands of years, but just perhaps, such things are unnatural alterations to what was once meant to be a heavenly existence on Earth.  I have heard similar accounts from several different sources.  (One source is referenced in my post... the Cosmic Alarm Clock.)  I can't say with any certainty these things are definitively true or not.

All I know is what feels right in my heart. Deeper truths eminate from the heart than the brain.  Therein dwells the soul, the witness and keeper of timeless knowledge.

The answers are within you, Jez.  You can decide for yourself.



I trust when my heart and mind are united. Heart alone can be as deceptive as mind.

Karma is part of universal law and applies equally throughout all existence. Duality is a necessary part of existence and not something to be feared. There can be no life without duality....

I just can't accept that all the fossils we have found are false....sharks and crocodiles go back to prehistoric times..we know this for fact and we also know they are near perfect creatures for their purpose and have had no need to evolve further....they have lived the same way forever....

We all decide for ourselves, this is just a forum that allows us to put forward our thoughts and opinions...a place that allows us to refine them and speak freely and safely of them...



perakee's picture

Wow, Jez! You are the first person I have ever seen ask why it would be OK to kill and eat a living plant but not an animal! It is a double standard that I have contemplated for decades. Are animals more sacred than plants? Are humans more sacred than animals? Certainly, to a hungry shark or grizzly, or virus for that matter, humans are nothing more than a meal, no more than chicken or brocoli to us.

From what I can understand, human sacredness is no more than a quale, a personal bias of humans.


Knightspirit's picture

Yes - Larry, I think we are the ones who give ourselves that distinction. I wonder what the alien life forms will think of that distinction when they show up. Maybe all of those hollywood movies are prepping us for a big disappointment. How do we know that we haven't been just planted here to grow like rice or cattle? Maybe those oh so more advanced and evolved races don't see us as so sacred (but probably see themselves as being very much so...) If the bigger expanse of the universe, galaxy, solar system is like a reflection of our own oceans - teaming with life, which mostly goes unseen, then there are surely some sharks in the water - and something for them to eat. "Food" for thought anyway! 

Hey Larry,

I just can't help but notice and feel something whenever I kill anything...Lol...but yeah, all life should be respected....

and I can accept that however unfortunate sometimes what is best for the all aint so great for the "one"  who is called upon....



Wendy's picture

Here's my 2 cents...

Plants outwardly seem not to be able to make choices or decisions. They appear to only react to their environment. When we kill them to eat we don't take away anyone's freedom of choice. The act of killing an animal feels worse to me as the animal is clearly more able to make choices. Eating clams really doesn't feel bad at all, the act of eating a dog or chimpanzee feels horrible. So it feels to me like the removal of another entity's freedom of choice that is the problem.


Knightspirit's picture

I stopped eating meat when I was 19 (30 years ago). I don't have any real problem with people who choose to do so - but I always felt that it was a little odd to eat it - even when I was a child. Now - after so long away - just the thought of it makes me cringe. I never liked the feel of it in my mouth, or the taste either for that matter (clams? Yikes!) As soon as I turned 18 and left for college - I just stopped buying it. 

I think there are some energy connections there too. Some, like the American Indians believed they took on some of the energy of the animals that they ate - and always made a little ceremony out of killing them. For me though - I don't want the energy of todays factory fed animals in my system. If I were ever to go back (doubtful) it would have to be organically raised or wild maybe. I can see the benefit of hunting for that reason, even though people wonder why anyone would hunt these days - with the cost of gas, and ammo etc. etc. when you can buy a steak for a couple of dollars. But the energy is surely different.

I raised chickens for eggs one year - and I enjoyed having the control of their environment and food etc. Really seemed to make the eggs more satisfying. Maybe we can all get our own cow or something...

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