GMO Seeds are being destroyed all over the World and/or banned
The Gathering Spot is a PEERS empowerment website
"Dedicated to the greatest good of all who share our beautiful world"
The Gathering Spot is a PEERS empowerment website
"Dedicated to the greatest good of all who share our beautiful world"
In an act of defiance against bloated biotech companies like Monsanto, Peru has officially passed a law banning genetically modified ingredients within the nation for a period of 10 years. Peru’s Plenary Session of the Congress made the decision despite previous governmental pushes for GM legalization. Anibal Huerta, President of Peru’s Agrarian Commission, said the ban was needed to prevent the ”danger that can arise from the use of biotechnology.”
While the ban will stop the flow of GM foods within the nation’s borders, a recent test conducted by the Peruvian Association of Consumers and Users (ASPEC) found that 77 percent of supermarket products tested contained GM contaminants. Genetically modified ingredients are so widespread among nations that it will be extremely difficult for Peru and other countries to eliminate products containing GMOs.
“There is an increasing consensus among consumers that they want safe, local, organic fresh food and that they want the environment and wildlife to be protected,” wrote Walter Pengue from the University of Buenos Aires in Argentina, in a recent statement concerning GMOs in South America. “South American countries must proceed with a broader evaluation of their original agricultural policies and practices using the precautionary principle.”
Hungary has taken a bold stand against biotech giant Monsanto and genetic modification by destroying 1000 acres of maize found to have been grown with genetically modified seeds, according to Hungary deputy state secretary of the Ministry of Rural Development Lajos Bognar. Unlike many European Union countries, Hungary is a nation where genetically modified (GM) seeds are banned. In a similar stance against GM ingredients, Peru has also passed a 10 year ban on GM foods.
Monsanto has a long history of “reaching out” to impoverished nations only to have farmers sign contracts they don’t understand and later, go bankrupt from trying to keep up with the purchase of new seeds (and don’t forget the RoundUp) every year as their terminal-gene technology provides sterile seeds. The donation to Haiti, Monsanto claimed, was not of GMO seed, rather hybrid varieties.
Chavannes Jean-Baptiste, the Executive Director of MPP stated that the donation of Monsanto’s seed is “a very strong attack on small agriculture, on farmers, on biodiversity, on Creole seeds, and on what is left our environment in Haiti.” He further added that the farmers of Haiti are familiar with their soil and without experience of the varieties that Monsanto is donating, may not know how to take care of these particular crops. But that could probably be overlooked if it wasn’t for the following:
According to
Even if Monsanto was attempting to do a kind thing (let’s just forget for a moment the toxicity and pretend…), sending hybrid seeds is not a sustainable option. Hybrid seeds are not (that I know of) genetically modified; rather, they are crossed with their own species to inhabit certain characteristics that would benefit the crop overall. Hybrid seeds, when collected, are unstable in that the collector can’t know what trait the seed will carry. They’re fine for gardeners looking to try something interesting and new, but they’re not so great when a community is looking to build after a natural disaster. Haiti needs sustainable help, not an toxic handout that could potentially ruin what little quality soil they have left.
The best thing to offer Haiti is to find their original crops’ seeds and help them replenish because the farmers there know the soil for these specific crops. Asking them to try a new crop (even a sister crop) is like asking a Volvo mechanic to work on an Audi: It can probably be done, but it takes longer to work out the kinks, and what they don’t have right now is time.
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Wow, so many people are waking up and reclaiming their right to health! It's also encouraging to know that there are still a few conscientious people working for the EPA and the European Union.
Thanks for the post, Fairy.
That's exciting news, fairyfarmgirl! Thanks so much!!!
With much love and joy,
Little did Willie Nelson know when he recorded “Crazy” years ago just how crazy it would become for our cherished family farmers in America. Nelson, President of Farm Aid, has recently called for the national Occupy movement to declare an “Occupy the Food System” action.
Nelson states, “Corporate control of our food system has led to the loss of millions of family farmers, destruction of our soil…”
Hundreds of citizens, (even including NYC chefs in their white chef hats) joined Occupy the Food System groups, ie Food Democracy Now, gathered outside the Federal Courts in Manhattan on January 31st, to support organic family farmers in their landmark lawsuit against Big Agribusiness giant Monsanto. (Organic Seed Growers & Trade Association v. Monsanto) Oral arguments were heard that day concerning the lawsuit by 83 plaintiffs representing over 300,000 organic farmers, organic seed growers, and organic seed businesses.
The lawsuit addresses the bizarre and shocking issue of Monsanto harassing and threatening organic farmers with lawsuits of “patent infringement” if any organic farmer ends up with any trace amount of GM seeds on their organic farmland.
Judge Naomi Buckwald heard the oral arguments on Monsanto’s Motion to Dismiss, and the legal team from Public Patent Foundation represented the rights of American organic farmers against Monsanto, maker of GM seeds, [and additionally, Agent Orange, dioxin, etc.]
After hearing the arguments, Judge Buckwald stated that on March 31st she will hand down her decision on whether the lawsuit will move forward to trial.
more good news,Huh ? Thanx for catchin that Fairy, and may a big organic peace bubble pop over your garden this year, falling like a soft rain,,,l,,,,T
I can feel more Lawsuits about to happen in the Name of The Earth and Humankind everywhere against the Criminal Cabal: Monsanto, Big Pharma, Big Agriculture, Individual Former Members of Government and The .01% BiG Bankers.
AMERICAN chemicals and biotech giant Monsanto has been found guilty of poisoning a farmer who inhaled weedkiller - and could now face a barrage of claims from other affected farmers.
The company said it would appeal after a court in Lyon ruled that neurological problems suffered by Charentes farmer Paul François were linked to his use of the chemical Lasso. The court has ordered a financial report to fix damages.
François, 47, said he was left with neurological problems after inhaling Lasso in 2004 while cleaning out the tank of his crop sprayer. He suffers headaches, memory loss and stammering and linked it with Lasso after tests on blood, urine and hair samples uncovered traces of chlorobenzene.
The Bernac cereal farmer says there was no mention of chlorobenzene on the weedkiller label and he has been left with a 50% disability.
He added the ruling was "one in the eye" for the petrochemical industry "which thought itself above the law".
His lawyer added it was a "historic decision" although the Monsanto lawyer said there was not enough evidence linking Lasso and François's symptoms.
Other farmers have lodged claims after suffering problems they say are due to chemical usage and the Mutualité Sociale Agricole, the farming social security body, said it had received 2,700 claims, running at 200 a year.
I'm glad to hear that these smaller, less developed countries are waking up to the GMO farce.
I watched this video awhile back about the problem with GMO corn in Mexico. As you probably know, corn is a major staple of the Mexican diet. Historically, Mexico has grown countless varieties of corn, which are now threatened by the Frankenfood giant.
February 24, 2012
In preparation for Earth month the world is rising up against one of the worst corporate polluters of all time, Monsanto.
#OccupyReddingCA is traveling to Davis, CA for this action in solidarity with the Millions Against Monsanto. Join us! SHUT THEM DOWN!
Monsanto Nation: Taking Down Goliath
By Ronnie Cummins
Organic Consumers Association, July 27, 2011
“If you put a label on genetically engineered food you might as well put a skull and crossbones on it.” – Norman Braksick, president of Asgrow Seed Co., a subsidiary of Monsanto, quoted in the Kansas City Star, March 7, 1994
After two decades of biotech bullying and force-feeding unlabeled and hazardous genetically engineered (GE) foods to animals and humans, it’s time to move beyond defensive measures and go on the offensive. With organic farming, climate stability, and public health under the gun of the gene engineers and their partners in crime, it’s time to do more than complain. With over 1/3 of U.S. cropland already contaminated with Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs), with mounting scientific evidence that GMOs cause cancer, birth defects, and serious food allergies and with new biotech mutants like alfalfa, lawn grass, ethanol-ready corn, 2,4 D-resistant crops, and genetically engineered trees and animals in the pipeline, time is running out.
Living in Monsanto Nation there can be no such thing as “coexistence.” It is impossible to coexist with a reckless industry that endangers public health, bribes public officials, corrupts scientists, manipulates the media, destroys biodiversity, kills the soil, pollutes the environment, tortures and poisons animals, destabilizes the climate, and economically enslaves the world’s 1.5 billion seed-saving small farmers. It’s time to take down the Biotech Behemoth, before the living web of biodiversity is terminated.
But, to bring down Goliath and build an organic future, we need to be strategic, as well as bold. We must take the time to carefully analyze our strengths and weaknesses and critique our previous efforts. Then we must prepare to concentrate our forces where our adversary is weak, like a chess master, moving the field of battle from Monsanto’s currently impregnable territory into more favorable terrain. Given the near-dictatorial control of Monsanto, the Farm Bureau, and the Grocery Manufacturers Association over the Congress, the White House, regulatory agencies, and state legislators, we have no choice in the present moment but to revert to “asymmetrical” guerrilla tactics, to seek out the Achilles heel or fundamental weakness of the biotech industry.
For more information on what you can do and printable materials please see: The Millions Against Monsanto web site.
Here is an excellent list of GMO seed varieties that are on the market at Garden Centers. It is also an excellent organic natural Non-GMO seed/plant blog!
I bless all with Love!
Occupy Monsanto vs genetically modified Congress
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Published: 16 March, 2012, 21:21
Edited: 17 March, 2012, 05:42
Members of "Occupy" movements in the Midwest protest against Monsanto's agricultural practices in front of the Missouri Botanical Garden during the "Occupy the Midwest" regional conference in St. Louis, Missouri March 16, 2012. (Reuters / Sarah Conard)
TAGS: Ecology, Law, USA, Corporate news, Agriculture
America’s Congress has been contaminated, but don’t worry — someone is already on it. Members of Occupy Monsanto, a protest group opposed to the biotech giant, are dispatching aid to the nation’s capital.
Dressed in hazmat suits, members of Occupy Monsanto protested in Washington, DC on Friday over what they say are corrupt ties between American lawmakers and the country’s agriculture architect, Monsanto. Based in the American Midwest, the Monsanto corporation is believed to be aiding in the bankrupting of small-time farms across the country by chemically engineering genetically modified seeds that are not just unnatural, but near impossible to compete with. Concerned over the toxic make-up of their man-made crops, as well as their corrupt connection with the US Congress, the Occupy Monsanto group is in Washington this weekend to make their voices heard.
"In the name of Wall Street profits, chemical corporations such as Monsanto genetically engineer crops to withstand high doses of their toxic weed killers that contaminate our food and water, and have not been proven safe,” explains Occupy Monsanto’s Ariel Vegosen in a statement made this week. In addition to participating in the protest group, Vegosen is a member of the Genetic Crimes Unit, or GCU, an offshoot of the Occupy clan considered to be their “agents of change” that take to the streets to rally for awareness of the actions regularly engaged by Monsanto.
In addition to buying out small-time farms that can’t compete with the billion-dollar biotech corp, Monsanto is also being accused of buying off Congress to let the company get away with feeding America genetically modified foods, or GMOs. As RT reported earlier this week, Monsanto was recently awarded federal approval to test out a lab-developed corn variant that is believed to be resistant to arid environments and droughts.
“We deserve to know what we are eating,” adds Vegosen. “Virtually every major country requires labeling of GMOs in foods so their citizens can make informed choices, including all of Europe, Japan and even China. Monsanto's lobbying dollars are pouring into politicians so it’s clear we have a GMO contaminated US Congress that threatens our health and the health of the planet.”
Occupy Monsanto rallied outside the Cannon Building in Washington’s Capitol Hill on Friday, where hazmat suit-clad GCU officers identified victims of genetic crimes. Other protests were planned around the world to be held at the same time, including demonstrations in Los Angeles, Seattle, Düsseldorf and Winnipeg. In September, Occupy Monsanto is planning an even larger global protest that it says will become a day the biotech firm will never forget.
from :
Friday, April 6, 2012
Monsanto Threatens Lawsuit Against Vermont for GMO Labeling Bill
Mike Barrett
Activist Post
Even though the state of Vermont is trying desperately to pass a bill which would require GMO foods to be labeled, the state’s efforts are being threatened by biotech giant Monsanto. In retaliation for the GMO labeling bill, Monsanto has threatened to sue Vermont if any such bill is passed.
Sadly, Vermont elected public officials may surrender to the threats and intimidation brought about by the GMO creator.
The bill, known as the ‘VT Right to Know Genetically Engineered Food Act’, or H-722, was introduced to the Vermont House of Representatives by Representative Kate Webb of Shelburne on February 1st, 2012. The bill would require the labeling of not only products filled entirely with GMOs, but also for those partially created using GM ingredients. What’s more, GMO food manufacturers using promotional labels such as “natural,” “naturally made,” “naturally grown,” “all natural,” and other similar statements, would be prohibited.
Despite a majority (6 to 5) of Agriculture Committee members supporting passage of the bill, and thousands of people voicing their support for the bill, legislators of Vermont are putting the labeling bill on hold and refusing to take a vote. Legislators are calling for more public hearings on April 12, while only four weeks remain until legislature is postponed.
Of course Monsanto’s tactics are far less than surprising. The GMO giant has been using lawsuits and threats of lawsuits for over 20 years in order to force their unlabeled genetically modified creations on the population.
In 1994, Vermont became the first state to require milk and dairy products derived from cows injected with the controversial genetically engineered Bovine Growth Hormone to be labeled. In response to such an action, Monsanto sued in Federal Court. The corporation won on the note that dairy corporations have the first amendment “right” to hide rBGH injection even though the synthetic hormone, now banned in 27 countries, has been shown to increase risks for both breast and gastrointestinal cancer in peer-reviewed research (while also causing severe health damage in cows).
Monsanto has also been using their scare tactics — intimidation and tactical lawsuits on small farmers — in order to force their genetically modified seeds and growth hormones onto these individuals. In fact, between 1997 and 2010, Monsanto actually filed 144 lawsuits against American family farmers. In addition, another 700 were settled out of court for unknown amounts.
Monsanto wants more than anything to take out American family farms and dominate the agricultural industry with their own mutant seeds. This is the same kind of practice that Monsanto operates outside of the United States as well, driving thousands of poor farmers to suicide by ruining their family farming practices. Monsanto’s actions have even helped to lead to a farmer suicide occurring every 30 minutes.
So will Monsanto’s bullying actions put a stop to Vermont’s Right to Know Bill? Tens of thousands of people want nothing more than for the bill to pass, but time will tell.
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This article first appeared at Natural Society, an excellent resource for health news and vaccine information.
Eeks! It's time we put Monster Monsanto back in the box and throw away the key!