Great interview with Karen Hudes - World Bank Whistleblower

Not meaning to take away from Light Commodore's very heartfelt and appropriate message concerning posts to the G-spot, but this message resonated with me pretty strongly and was so profoundly positive concerning the coming changes both within and without that I thought many of you may derive some benefits from it as well.  Lately I've been sensing some very positive changes both within me and on the world screen, I guess you could say having to do with a stronger connection with God or Source or the Universal Energy Force, etc., etc., simply just feeling more connected and less disconnected that this interview somehow mirrored back to me more of the same. 

With that said, I found it interesting to hear that since the United States of America has been corporatized all of the money paid to the IRS is going straight to the Vatican Bank.   Hmmmmm...  And yet a piece of me suspected this all along...


Well, and then I read this today that seems to coincide with her positive message:

Hope this isn't too much conspiracy nonsense but I just wanted to share some of my inward joy that seems to be mirroring back on the big screen, so to speak . . .

Noa's picture

It's a good interview, Francis, but I'm somewhat dismayed by your apologetic introduction.

When I was a child, morality was valued.  There was a clear sense of right and wrong.  Today, corruption is labeled "conspiracy theory" and people are afraid or ashamed to stand up for basic human rights.  We defend our governments with blind trust and condemn anyone who questions them. 

To me it's obvious that our "public servants" no longer serve us, but are actively following an agenda to weaken and control us. But why do so many of us continue to trust them, given their history of deceit?

Even though I understand the concept of "cognitive dissonance" wherein people ignor evidence which contradicts their entrenched beliefs, I find it hard to fathom that so many people are blind to the abundance of proven conspiracies infiltrating our way of life.

Hiding one's head in the sand may be easier in the short term, but it does nothing to shield one's rear end from being carried off by the ensuing tornadoes.  Why don't people see that?

I applaud and support all whistleblowers as heroes.  If I could only be as brave.

Francis's picture

"there's only one of us here" and I'm simply attempting to show compassion and respect for all those different aspects while doing my best to overcome the anger and frustration that a simple viewing of the outside world and all its problems tends to inspire, especially when viewed without a deep journey inward before judgment. 

Noa's picture

I take this Daily Mail article as a positive sign that the Bilderberg heavyweights are losing strength by fighting amongst themselves.

tscout's picture

HsBc was bought by capitol one 2 and a half years  ago,,,,but the changeover is just taking place now. I kept an old c card from hsbc,,,and it has changed twice since June,,,now it is officially cap one. I'm not sure if the timing of the takeover has anything to do with it or not,,,,don't know who controls cap one,,,,but,,,it could be related...    I also don't know if hsbc is the same entity all over the world,,,in china,,they say they are a separate entity from the american branch,,,too confusing for me !

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