Let it be ... it's the only way to get there from here ...

The most basic truth, that if disregarded, injects everything that follows with the psychotic experience of the knowledge of good and evil, is that, there is NEVER ANYTHING WRONG. The obvious things that people would point out as "being wrong" have all been imagined and then believed into existence by a mind that can reason probabilities and predictabilities, through memory and past, as well as, imagined, experience. But they are not the truth. The truth is, and has always been, THE REST OF THE INCOMPLTE UNDERSTANDING of something that appears and has been wrongly judged to be another "wrong or bad thing" or "problem".

This is a perfect universe. Take a look around today in this age. It's more obvious every day, that only perfection could have created what we discover unfolding before us now. And the universe being perfect, there is never and never has there ever been, anything ever wrong.

There has only ever been an incomplete understanding, leaving the illusion of something wrong. It's been a long hard psychological torment to get here but - I/we/god cut off from god- finally made it. I know this because -I/we/god and "just discovered he's god discovered"- just chuckled about it and went "Doht!".

Absolutely knowing this one truth "nothing is wrong" and acting accordingly or not acting unaccordingly, such as never being alarmed or scared into superfluous action (reaction) because something seems terrible or seems to have gone horribly wrong, or "you're evil" (the accuser making accusations about behavior out of misunderstanding), would save a lot of trouble, don't ya think? None of the limitations to developement, no laws, no enforcement, no judgement, no resulting anger, you can't go down that RIGHT AND WRONG road if there is NOTHING wrong.

The whole "TRUTH" is simply, EVERYTHING. Everything that is, can't be denied and is part of the truth. So NOTHING can be "wrong" or "not truth". This is the simple secret of the whole illusion, we all know as the veil. This level of awareness or consciousness or truth can only be un-veiled/discovered through experience. This information is so expansive and just tickles me pink.

Our worst thoughts and most beguiled behavior as human beings, have come about as a result of some imagined "wrong" or "evil" or "it's potential of happening". Ever since we first flew away, SCARED, from the SQUAKING and ALSO SCARED, flock, to our own conscious experience of existence, this feeling of "somethings wrong" has haunted us as the guilt ghost of insecurity (from incomplete knowledge we didn't even realize was "knowledge" or "incomplete").

Our journey to shake the "herd mentality" has taken us through and inflicted upon us, the most horrid aspects of it (herd mentality can be a bitch). And every aspect has actually been "imagined" into existence. And actually an "unreal" existence.

It's all been a kind of self-induced mental or psychological illness, that without a certain amount of experiential information, cannot even be detected let alone dealt with. I don't know about you but re member ing "nothings wrong" completely puts me at ease. I've always thought, humanities troubles and misguided efforts were psychological in the nature of dis ease.

I like this little video for some reason.

Noa's picture

Swallow the propaganda.  Jason Silva, the talking head for the transhumanist agenda, sits before a sky riddled with dissipating chemtrails and tells us that poverty has all but been irradicated.  Maybe he doesn't know that globalism through "Fair Trade" agreements and forced debt economies has increased poverty in direct proportion to the shameless wealth grab perpetrated by the same few billionaires. 

More propaganda. Somehow cellphones have liberated the starving poor in third world countries.  As the local markets fill up with plastic, western consumer goods made in China, that most of them can't even afford to buy, we're supposed to call this progress.  As every square inch of air space above habital lands becomes irradiated with low frequency microwaves, poisoning and sickening everyone of us, we are told to pretend that nothing is wrong.  (Whatever. Just don't take away my cellphone.)

There is NEVER ANYTHING WRONG.  There is nothing wrong with human trafficking or child prostitution.  There is nothing wrong with corporations fracking or dumping pollutants into the land, sea and air.  How could anything be wrong with bombing countries that don't follow the policies, made behind closed doors, by a handful of unelected men who rule the world?

There is no such thing as right and wrong.  The sooner your brain abandons its ability of moral discernment, the happier life will be.

garydgreer's picture

what you're frustration is Noa. The one thing I would say is that I have to figure out a way to a different world than the one you just resigned yourself and everyone else to. That world is not the truth, it's a psychologically traumatising, disempowering, incomplete version of something else we don't fully understand.

You know, he didn't say there's never anything wrong, I did. You really have a personal against him. I see what he's saying as something totally different than what you inject into his ideas and make him own. In fact I did not hear him say one thing you attribute to him, his so called propaganda or agenda. I thought he was saying we are on the (unavoidable) right track and things may be different and better than they seem or have been evolved to in the past.

Do you not see how incomplete knowledge could lead to the sense of something being bad or wrong, when those concepts have no validity in the end after the whole truth is understood? How evil can be absolutely and wrongly perceived and projected by emotionally distraught, misinformed and psychologically damaged beings?

My post was really not even about the video. It was about how we got off track. I failed horribly in making the point I was driving at, as your response addresses it in a manner and display epitomising the very essence of what I see as the unavoidable misunderstanding all along.


waundering_wonder's picture

I agree with both of you. I think I am smack dab in the middle. My problem with the whole "nothing is wrong" or "there is no good or evil everything is one" thing has always been children, wrong doings to children. I cant think of a child being hurt and abused and not think that that is evil and WRONG just down right not supposed to happen wrong. 7 year old should not be forced into sex by a 50 year old and nothing in the world or any new revelation or insight will ever convince me otherwise. But I understand what you are saying in that nothing is ever wrong because everything is how it is supposed to be. I guess because of my Chirstian upbringing sometimes I get very worried sometimes some of the new ideas I have may be "evil" or "wrong", like the very idea that NOTHING is evil or wrong. This whole newage theology shit frightens me.  I am kind of stuck there. At the same time I am begining to understand the complexity yet simplicity of things, that i dont know...shit happens and it is bad in this realm where shit is able to happen but that this whole life is nothing more then an illusion and on a grander scale the child (or who/whatever involved) is perfect and the abuser (or whatever) is perfect too and only in this world are those bad things even capable of happening, so like in the real world outside of this worlds illusions none of it matters anyways. I dont know I am not always great at explaining my thoughts in writing, limitations of language, grammer, i am  BAD with run ons when I get going lol, I apologize!

GregH3000's picture

I wonder if Jason Silva is related to José Silva, the creator of The Silva Method.  That might explain his optimism bias, and his selective use of statistics (not that I'm putting down the Silva Method; I've actually been using it myself lately with good results). 

For example, he says extreme poverty is disappearing, but hey, the fact that someone dies every three seconds from malnutrition, usually a child, is not mentioned.  There's not much context to the statistics he runs off here in the video.  Those cell phones he thinks are so wonderful for human progress are radiating brains with microwaves, and are especially dangerous for children.

Gary, there is a big difference between right and wrong, especially here on the ground right now on planet Earth.  I won't beleaguer you with examples; Noa did that superbly, and I echo her righteous indignation, as well as WW's on her example of pedophilic assault as something not to be tolerated.  After all, a certain moral obligation to work towards eradicating these acts only arises when you are actually conscious of them.

On the timeline of the eternal, I guess you could say "nothing is wrong," that we are a "work in progress," but to say we are "leaning in the right direction" here in 3D space/time as Jason Silva argues toward the end of his catalogue of statistics is employing a fallacious metaphor when you are philosophizing around in a dimension that is beyond duality.  This is the main mistake New Agers make when they ply specious arguments for the benificence of adopting a stance of moral relativism.




waundering_wonder's picture

Greg, thank you so much for that post. That helps me put things better into perspective with this topic as well. AGREED Smile

lightwins's picture

IMO, Gary and Noa, you are both right.

When I say, "This ________ should not be the way it is." I am, in that moment, out of touch with reality. "_____" is as it is, just now. Whether it can become different from the way it has been; whether I choose to engage with it in some way to effect that "it" become different are subsequent possibilities.

In my accumulating experience over the last 2 years, I have found that the phenomenal facts of life and my conditioned reactions to them are two different orders of reality. My habitual labels and descriptions funnel my consciousness into a narrow, polarized frame of reference in which self and other are separate and opositional. When I have the presence of mind to relax into noticing the ever-here open intelligence in the midst of the data that are appearing as sensations, emotions, thoughts and situations - regardless of how I may have been reactively labeling them - the energy resolves and my response is always beneficial, wise and compassionate.

Our original nature, our open intelligence, is the intelligence of the universe as it appears in us. Naturally it is always, all-inclusive. In Biblical terms, we are made in His image and likeness. The first pillar of Islam is, "God is one." In Advaita Vedanta, Atman is Brahman. Buddhism - we all already have and most fundamentaly are Buddha nature, with all its qualities fully present.

Because we have been living from our mistaken reified notions of reality, we experience ourselves as flawed and deficient and we have enacted these limitations in our world. Because this misapprehension was going on long before any of us arrived on the scene, this is the mistaken world we all adapted to and thus, the world is in the condition it is. Because I have begun to outshine my own data with the primordial light of open intelligence, I can readily see that if I was encumbered with any one else's data, I would behave in exactly the same way as them.

None of this understanding precludes taking action wherever, whenever and however I am moved to do so to right a "wrong" or to take a stand for balance, harmony and healthy relationships...

Starmonkey's picture

it can all go away as long as we still have earth, wind and fire...  funkiness and the groove will save the world.  it is known.

waundering_wonder's picture


Starmonkey's picture

used to have this album, but lost it and now it's rare and hard to find.  but, thanks to someone on youtube posting the FUNKIEST SONG EVER...  fred wesley and the horny horns doing "discositdown" from the "final blow" album.  it will be on the soundtrack for that big party...

shake it but don't break it!

Starmonkey's picture

p.s. you might want to have it plugged into some speakers so you can really FEEL THAT BASS

esrw02's picture

    It is how you look at the world let us keep it simple here . If you see bad you are going to report bad .and vice versa ...........




     Love all<>E

garydgreer's picture

I can tell you here me barkin houndog. it'd be foolish to say we didn't have some knarly shit goin on in the world, however, I think it's all effect of a great psychological quandry that is almost sickness or disease untill understood and then the whole mess becomes no longer valid or useful for further consideration, thus disappearing altogether, hence "no such thing" and it never was real to begin with in the greater scheme. Our reasoning, our stories and explainations are all silly misunderstandings, there for they are not real. Only the suffering is real. You can really suffer, but not know at the time, that with just one little piece of information, the change in your understanding would cause the notion to disappear, to not show up in the first place. Suppose you think someone has died and find out they didn't. You still suffered, so there's suffering in the world.


esrw02's picture

       Perception, I agree at a certain point in your growth you realize none of that negative energy matters  it is a test from your oversoul the real you,  to see where you end up possibly or something else .        That is a basic condensed version anyway.



   Kiss Ladies in red dresses could be all around us Gary!!!Cool 





     Love all<> Eric

Noa's picture

You know, he didn't say there's never anything wrong, I did."

To be clear, Gary, my comments were directed at the entire post -- your writing AND Silva's video.  I disagree with them both.

"My post was really not even about the video." 

Hence the confusion.

"I thought he was saying we are on the (unavoidable) right track and things may be different and better than they seem or have been evolved to in the past." 

Yes, I think he was saying we're on the right track, but as "proof" of this he has offered two absurd examples of present situations -- 1) that "extreme poverty is eliminated" and 2) that "cellphones are the greatest invention of all time to pull people out of poverty".  Nonsense!

Jason Silva is a charismatic spokesperson.  The first time I saw one of his "Shots of Awe" videos, I was completely taken in by his charm.  But then I watched dozens of these SoA vids and I noticed a pattern.  Separate his feel-good words from the images and examples that are included in the videos and you'll see there's a big disconnect.  Any good spin doctor knows that a spoonful of truth helps the propaganda go down.  This is clever mind manipulation at work.

But don't take my word for it, watch the other SoA videos.  Count how many of them are about how wonderful futuristic technology and artificial intelligence are.  Then tell me he's not the poster boy for transhumanism.

"The one thing I would say is that I have to figure out a way to a different world than the one you just resigned yourself and everyone else to."

I feel your pain.  It's not easy to witness the destruction of our beautiful world.  But I am not resigned to what is happening!  On the contrary, I refuse to be complicit or compliant with the NWO agenda.  At the same time, I'm not going to hide my head in denial, even if it might feel better.

"...That world is not the truth, it's a psychologically traumatising, disempowering, incomplete version of something else we don't fully understand."

You're right, we don't fully understand what is happening, which is one of the reasons it's so distressing.  But let's not forget that crap is happening.  Our physical 3D reality is not an illusion, as so many here want to believe.  The nightmare's not going to go away by simply ignoring it.  Let's face it, the truth of what is happening here is "psychologically traumatising, disempowering, and an incomplete version of something else we don't fully understand".  Yes, there is something beyond our physical reality; most of us sense this on a spiritually, intuitive level.  But happy thoughts alone won't get us out of this mess.

"Do you not see how incomplete knowledge could lead to the sense of something being bad or wrong, when those concepts have no validity in the end after the whole truth is understood? How evil can be absolutely and wrongly perceived and projected by emotionally distraught, misinformed and psychologically damaged beings?"

No, not exactly.  I agree that there's a tendency for all human beings to view the world through their own filter of perception and cognitive dissonance.  This can give way to misperceptions, sure.  But I believe there is a moral right and wrong.  Jesus taught this well.  I also think that evil exists, but I don't think that everyone is equally inclined to be evil... I'd willfully die sooner than inflict pain and suffering upon others.

Don't fret, Gary.  Your heart is in the right place.  But there is more than "only one way to get there from here."

tscout's picture

       Whenever there are differences of opinion, they come from different orders of reality. So,,,it is almost impossible to solve problems this way..Politicians, and the people who rule them know this, and are masters at using them to control, sway opinions, or vote counts, whatever is needed. Just know that, they use the "bigger picture" to decide which piece of the puzzle to place next, and usually know what the reaction will be,because they know the masses react to the immediate situation, circumstances, as we are knee deep in it.They know exactly what they're doing, and can control one,,,or both sides of the issue, depending on their desired outcome. We feel first hand,on this 3-d level,the results of the game they play.

      Whatever Jason Silva's game is, I can interpet it my own way. Cell phones are only good in the sense that, along with the internet, they have linked the world in communications. On the other hand, like Noa said, they are poison to the world. So, the technology is there,,,,good news, but,,,we don't need to use microwaves to do it. Silva's overall comment about us being on the right track may be true on a deeper level, like,,, "We're progressing,,,we're making a lot of mistakes along the way, but,,,we'll get there". What bothers me is that,,,He speaks to the left brain,,,in my book anyways,,,using the 3 minute sound bite technique to reach an audience with a short attention span. He says this himself in an interview I saw a while back. But,,,statements like this are only true when pondered on a very deep level, where it can be seen as "growing Pains" for mankind..Consciously,,,,,it seems ridiculous as so many are suffering  needlessly NOW because real tech is being witheld, good safe tech that can solve the issues with the tech we've been given.. .............Everything contradicts itself when looked at from different perspectives,,,or,,,,orders of reality.....

Starmonkey's picture

just another reminder from the wingmakers (our future selves) to take it to the next level:

1) universal relationship of gratitude

2) observance of source in ALL things

3) nurturance of life

just CONCENTRATE on those three little things as MUCH as you can throughout life, and the problems will solve themselves.  believe it.  or don't, and continue to play the game of eternal suffering.  your choice.

waundering_wonder's picture

Noa, I really like your post, thank you! I agree!! There is a difference between right and wrong, we do have moral responsibility, and ignoring the bad stuff i the world DOES NOT make it go away. We can not pretend that everything in the world is peachy and expect to change it. I agree we must be positive, but we cant be in denial either!

Starmonkey's picture

so, i'm betting lots of peeps here have heard the word "merkaba"...  spelling questionable from any camp.  the old FoL workshop from 16 years ago, and whether that worked for anyone or not...  you know what it means?  sure, there's the hebrew translation and interpretation with the story of elijah.  the chariot.  wheels within wheels.  vehicle for travel to upper (and lower) realms.  taking it vertical instead of constantly scrabbling around horizontally like...  an animal.  which we are, true, but we are also much MORE than this.

mer refers to an attractive force set up by DESIRE.  we know about this already, non?  the ka refers to your specific being/program which experiences multiple lives under different aspects and conditions.  the personality is NOT immortal.  that is the mask we use to engage/interact/interface with the rest of creation until we realize we no longer need to cloak/cover ourselves toward one another.  the ba is the elusive universal spirit/holy spirit/connection to the ALL that descends upon us in a moment of grace or through purification by the elements and still awaits that unknown moment when the master comes calling and looking to make sure the lamp is lit, wick trimmed with plenty of oil...  it can't be forced, but it can be prepared for.

so, the mer-ka-ba is the "match-making" between the micro and the macro, the specific design self and the cosmic/universal/empirical Self.  there is no turning back from that path.  maybe why so many of us hold out on/procrastinate/deny it.  seems too heavy.  i'm thinking it is actually the reverse.  helps to lighten or alleviate this load we've put on our backs and keep dragging around.  defining ourselves by our pain and suffering instead of through joy.  time to let go the ballast and rise to our rightful place in the scheme of things.  get 'er done.  get off the wall or the bench and get in the game!

Starmonkey's picture

p.s. anger and frustration are impediments to growth and progress.  one is saying "i WON'T change" and one is saying "i CAN'T change".  so you don't change.  and neither does your world.  if you dwell too much in these feelings, that is your existence, plain and simple.

GENERALLY speaking, there were two sides to the TC.  most people naturally gravitate toward one or the other.  if it is just used to reinforce an already existant perspective or worldview, then you didn't really learn anything from it.  if you choose to focus on one side at the expense of the other, that is not a balanced position.  if you choose to analyze one using the filters by which you analyze the other, you are missing the point.  and continue to miss the point.  you have no balanced center.  you are an "incomplete" being.

here's a little universal "secret" which i happily borrow from isha schwaller de lubicz and the back summary section from her-bak: egyptian initiate...

the seven "inexorable" (fatal) powers.  of "becoming", bringing into being, genesis...

ik or iku precipitates ki- "the other", thought, outgoing force [conception] (i.e. duality emerging)

mer is the impulse of attraction or affinity

sekhem is the fire awakened by the reaction of the coming together of the above (3- khem.t)

kheper is the element of becoming, transformation, genesis (thing- khet)

ab (desire) and ib (thirst) for absorbtion of both abstract and concrete of the vital element necessary for continuation (ba- soul receiving universal spirit, bi.t- the bee nourished by the flower's essence)

tekh- capacity for absorbtion, up to saturation, measured by the reaction of the "sethian" fire= sw-tekh, which provides embodiment to form (existence)

sefekht (seshat) is the signature, name, manifestation into being...


these concepts/formulae can be applied to many levels and aspects of life.  what does your desire and attention bring into being daily?  or help to renew the life of?

Starmonkey's picture

it's all still just a dilemma of polarity.  women and men.  i see the general division in the camps, and it comes from a difference in function.  the ways in which we process.  and it is easier and more comfortable to go with something safe and known and supportive of one's fragile shell, than risk the unknown or go out on a limb to try and understand another p.o.v. from the "opposite" camp.  poor children.  not so children anymore.  penises and vaginas.  and either wanting the opposite, or somehow opposed to it because of traumatic life experiences.  generalization.  "jews" are this way, "christians" are this way, "republicans" are this way, this person's right and this person's wrong...  how do YOU know?  are you god/goddess?  are you a CLEAR psychic?  do you have knowledge of SELF?  ooo, tell ME the secret!

garydgreer's picture

Transhumanism (abbreviated as H+ or h+) is an international cultural and intellectual movement with an eventual goal of fundamentally transforming the human condition by developing and making widely available technologies to greatly enhance human intellectual, physical, and psychological capacities.[1] Transhumanist thinkers study the potential benefits and dangers of emerging technologies that could overcome fundamental human limitations, as well as study the ethical matters involved in developing and using such technologies. They predict that human beings may eventually be able to transform themselves into beings with such greatly expanded abilities as to merit the label "posthuman".[1]

I'm trying to find something wrong with this concept, as stated above, that I pulled from Wiki.

I've been trying to figure this same kind of thing out my whole adolescent/postadolescent life. I might have used "understandings" in place of "technologies", but I see the two words as interchangeable. Also, I see the main stifling factor in humanities failure (so far) to consciously create an all inclusive, auto-progressive, overall beneficial, FOUNDATION of thoughtful existence, is our child-like emotional maturity brought on by a deep psychological trauma that has never been dealt with. I believe the trauma was naturally induced when we left the heard, cause we could, with the ability to discover a whole new level of awareness, but not enough information to fully understand this new, post-instinctual world we unwittingly revealed. Thus we've embarked down the abyss, trying to uncover enough light to shake the blues and get on with it. Meanwhile there are  others, maybe less sincere or thoughtful or some would say more ambitious, who have BEEN getting on with it and the tunnel is now so long and deep and narrow and twisted, that we've found we can't turn around and go the other way, we have to BACKUP outta the dam hole. It's the only way to get there from here. Oh! and Noa, by "here" I mean "where I am". I would never pretend to see the way to anywhere for anyone, but myself.


Ya gotta love it ...

garydgreer's picture
selective statistics


"optimism bias"???? ... I am without words.

You say "selective statistics", I say, what are you gonna do, give em Joe Garagiola's batting stats? Isn't it a valid point that instead of characterising his presentation of information as "selective statistics", could we say he may have chosen stats relating to and "pertinent" to the video or idea?

As far as poverty disappearing, I heard him say, as bad as we know things can get, it's worth it to note, mankind as a WHOLE has never had it so easy.

The cell phone part was to point out how fast we can communicate and the vast amounts of information that can be accessed. For example, to be used in righting all your woes. Oh, and yeah, don't forget to mention the children.

As far as all the woes themselves, I think we've had a list of those for like ... ever. As far as the big ol gap twince yo and no, well I say it's as big as your righteous indignation can make it. As wide as the drama and attention we can heap on it. What has anyone ever done about it so far? We can't right it by force. We can only understand a larger more fundamental truth about life, that once understood fully, annihilates those types of thoughts and actions completely and by default, like breathing.

And oh yeah, there's Noa's superb list, that this applies to, also.

Not "tolerating" is aggression and drama, this is about a mutually agreed, mutually conscious, understanding and awareness level above the "need a right and wrong detector" level.

Also, I must have it backwards. I say the eradication comes when a level of understanding is reached where not only are you not conscious of such acts, certain moral obligations disappear, as, being at that level "immorality" could not possibly exist. 

Ok, maybe this is the last thing. We aren't leaning the right way, until we are. We won't stop leaning the wrong way until someone can only point out the right way and is incapable of giving added life to the wrong way. That's all the leaning I care to cover. 

Ok, one more thing. I quote

" is employing a fallacious metaphor when you are philosophizing around in a dimension that is beyond duality.  This is the main mistake New Agers make when they ply specious arguments for the benificence of adopting a stance of moral relativism."


Ok, one more thing. If you are the fish in the pond, you can not see, nor do you know anything about, water. If you can get ABOVE the water for just one second, the whole picture changes.

Wendy's picture

Great conversation you started Gary! But why come to the earth if not to change something, even if it is only yourself? I'll stay in the water, thank you. I came here to do something. If I wanted to peacefully accept all I could commit suicide and exist as a spirit but then I wouldn't be accomplishing my mission, would I?

I just can't understand how supposedly being above it all can help anything. It's not like I'm not enjoying myself here from time to time and I certainly know there are plenty of drama queens out there, frantically trying to change the world while passing around bad vibes everywhere they go.

Perhaps Jonathan Livingston Seagull has some relavance to this post. I just loved that book. He gets above all the sqawking and squabbling on the beach but in the end, he returns to try and improve the situation of others.

Everytime someone here at the gathering spot says that their world is wonderful, all I can think of is the pictures of the babies that have been born with horrible birth defects because of depleted uranium. And I have to think, don't you live in the same world as that baby? Yea, it's just perspective but why deny what's here? It's not like you need to frantically change things but you could see it as a challenge, a really fun game - but how could you still not want to change that? To do something to prevent it from happening again? If not, then what is the purpose of life?

garydgreer's picture

I agree with you totaly Wendy. Now if you take what you said and look at what I'm saying I think you come out with the same thing only, reversed.

All I'm saying is, if by jumping up, you can allow yourself to perceive a glimpse of The Perfection while being fully submerged in the muckity muck, the the picture changes and new avenues open up. There has to be something else, another thing, the rest of the story, to move towards and leave the muckity muck behind. Maybe, sometimes it just takes a really good jump up and a quick look around to add to the whole painting.

My whole purpose of making any of these posts is to help the change to come, not to leave anyone suffering.

Sometimes I wonder why people are so quick to decide anothers intent or line of thinking as something it's not (especially that it's inconsiderate of everyone else).

The world is not perfect and yes, the babies, the children, oh my, oh my .... geeze! We love our stories and drama so much, everyone forgets to move past to the better. You think I'm blind to all the dam disaster stories? I'm not. But that's all we need, is one more person pointing out the woes and pointing and shaking fingers at all the bad, nasty people and things and you mean, good for nothing advantage taking, uncaring, weep, weep, sniff sniff, if it wasn't for those jack asses then dang, everything would be blah, blah, blah, BLAHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! 

My whole life has been about change. I have never been satisfied with the world they talk about or the one we all live in and leave behind. I have not and will never, peacefully accept anything. Just ask one of my ex-wives, parents, teachers, friends or anyone who knows me.

Also, it's not about being above anything, it's about being "in" and getting a glimpse of an "out" for the first time. Or actualy, being a "part of" and then the point when you finaly realize that fact and start expanding the "something" you are a part of.. It's the expansion at that point that allows things to change or actually, be revealed.

I don't think we change a dam thing (in fact it's our backward way of trying to change the bad, that makes things worse). What really happens is we end up allowing the way things are to be realized or seen or unveiled. Once that happens, then all we can do is to change our story and alas, there you have it ... if you're changing the story, then the story wasn't true. It was real enough, untill you jumped up and looked around, but now you feel a little silly, having to change the story and mostly from realizing how far off the story is. So, you may see ... I'm all about mission and change but people don't want ya jumpin out the water. It's a hassle sometimes.

Truth is already everywhere. Perfection is already everywhere. We can't or won't see that. We think we make or change things into truth and towards perfection. WRONG. The only thing that changes is OUR story.

Jump up and look around.

Peace up ...

garydgreer's picture

I agree with you totaly Wendy. Now if you take what you said and look at what I'm saying I think you come out with the same thing only, reversed.

All I'm saying is, if by jumping up, you can allow yourself to perceive a glimpse of The Perfection while being fully submerged in the muckity muck, the the picture changes and new avenues open up. There has to be something else, another thing, the rest of the story, to move towards and leave the muckity muck behind. Maybe, sometimes it just takes a really good jump up and a quick look around to add to the whole painting.

My whole purpose of making any of these posts is to help the change to come, not to leave anyone suffering.

Sometimes I wonder why people are so quick to decide anothers intent or line of thinking as something it's not (especially that it's inconsiderate of everyone else).

The world is not perfect and yes, the babies, the children, oh my, oh my .... geeze! We love our stories and drama so much, everyone forgets to move past to the better. You think I'm blind to all the dam disaster stories? I'm not. But that's all we need, is one more person pointing out the woes and pointing and shaking fingers at all the bad, nasty people and things and you mean, good for nothing advantage taking, uncaring, weep, weep, sniff sniff, if it wasn't for those jack asses then dang, everything would be blah, blah, blah, BLAHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! 

My whole life has been about change. I have never been satisfied with the world they talk about or the one we all live in and leave behind. I have not and will never, peacefully accept anything. Just ask one of my ex-wives, parents, teachers, friends or anyone who knows me.

Also, it's not about being above anything, it's about being "in" and getting a glimpse of an "out" for the first time. Or actualy, being a "part of" and then the point when you finaly realize that fact and start expanding the "something" you are a part of.. It's the expansion at that point that allows things to change or actually, be revealed.

I don't think we change a dam thing (in fact it's our backward way of trying to change the bad, that makes things worse). What really happens is we end up allowing the way things are to be realized or seen or unveiled. Once that happens, then all we can do is to change our story and alas, there you have it ... if you're changing the story, then the story wasn't true. It was real enough, untill you jumped up and looked around, but now you feel a little silly, having to change the story and mostly from realizing how far off the story is. So, you may see ... I'm all about mission and change but people don't want ya jumpin out the water. It's a hassle sometimes.

Truth is already everywhere. Perfection is already everywhere. We can't or won't see that. We think we make or change things into truth and towards perfection. WRONG. The only thing that changes is OUR story.

Jump up and look around.

Peace up ...

Noa's picture

Yes, Gary, the Wikipedia definition of Transhumanism doesn't sound bad at all.  I encourage everyone who's interested to look at other sources.  Remember, Wikipedia isn't an encyclopedia; it's a collection of articles that can be written by anyone, including you and me.  (Just click the edit button on any Wikipedia page to change the text.)

Many people probably don't understand what transhumanism is (also euphemistically referred to as Singularity). Here's the darker side of this subject...


In case you’re new to the term, “transhumanism” means uploading your mind to a machine, discarding your body, then achieving immortality by living forever through machines and robots. Google’s director of engineering, Ray Kurzweil, has been pushing this cult for many years, and just recently he promised that by 2045, humanity would achieve what he calls the “singularity,” where our minds can be uploaded to computers. (Click here for the source of this claim.) In less than a century, Kurzweil says, we could all discard our “fragile” human bodies and inhabit advanced robotic systems as our new immortal selves.

How would transhumanism even work?

Let’s examine the claims of the transhumanism cult leaders like Kurzweil. They are saying that by 2045, all the following technology will exist:

Technology #1) A way to “scan” your entire brain and record every neuron and holographic patterning that exists in your brain.

Technology #2) A way to build an equally complex computing system that has equivalent computational capabilities as your brain.

Technology #3) A way to COPY your brain scan into the computing system. This is called “uploading” your brain to the machine.

Once these three technologies exist, we are promised, we can all transfer our minds to computer systems and experience “digital immortality!”

But wait a second. Something’s already missing here, do you see it? In this plan there is no mechanism to transfer your consciousness to the machine. So even if all three of these technologies are adequately developed (which is possible, by the way), they still don’t provide a way to merge your mind with a machine.

Nothing more than a computer simulation of your brain

All you’ve really done, even if all three technologies are developed and working by 2045, is made a copy of your brain. This copy may, indeed, be able to run on the machine, but it’s nothing more than a simulation of your brain. It is not you.

What are YOU?

I’ll keep this short by beginning with the ending: You are not merely your body.

“You” are far more than your body. And the way we know this is because the instant you die, your body is still the same it was, but the “you” is no longer present.

“You” are actually a non-physical consciousness interfaced with a physical brain. “You” are a non-physical consciousness sometimes called a soul or spirit. This consciousness experiences the world through your physical sensory organs.

This discussion of consciousness is the part that drives the transhumanists bonkers because to be a member of their cult, you have to believe that there is no such thing as consciousness… or a soul… or free will. You have to believe that consciousness is an artifact of the brain itself – a kind of “ghost in the machine,” if you will, that somehow gives rise to the self-delusion of awareness.

This means you have to believe free will is an illusion and that if you copy the brain and paste it somewhere else, then somehow magically that other thing becomes “you.”

But this makes no sense. There is no mechanism for the transfer of the focal point of consciousness. If you copy and paste your brain (i.e. “upload” your brain) to another machine, but your human body is still alive and breathing, then you haven’t “uploaded” your consciousness anywhere. You have only made a complex facsimile of your neurology.

Transhumanism debunked

Such is the great gap in the theory of transhumanism: There is no mechanism to transfer your consciousness (your soul) from your body to the machine. How do you “transplant” your soul? The transhumanists have no answer for that. They simply pretend your soul doesn’t exist and therefore need not be considered at all.

There is nothing in their plan to transplant your soul. So what’s actually going to happen to all these transhumanism cult members — and here’s the hilarious part in all this — is that people like Ray Kurzweil will just DIE, and if they did manage to copy their brain to a machine, that machine will simply run as a simulation, carrying on the computational appearance of Ray Kurzweil, but doing so mindlessly, with no soul or consciousness.

What do you call fifty transhumanists who have uploaded their brains to machines and then killed off their physical bodies? A busy day at the morgue.

garydgreer's picture

Do you have any thoughts about my comments below the transhumanism thing, Noa?

Noa's picture

Is this the part you wanted me to comment on, Gary?

"I've been trying to figure this same kind of thing out my whole adolescent/postadolescent life. I might have used "understandings" in place of "technologies", but I see the two words as interchangeable. Also, I see the main stifling factor in humanities failure (so far) to consciously create an all inclusive, auto-progressive, overall beneficial, FOUNDATION of thoughtful existence, is our child-like emotional maturity brought on by a deep psychological trauma that has never been dealt with. I believe the trauma was naturally induced when we left the heard, cause we could, with the ability to discover a whole new level of awareness, but not enough information to fully understand this new, post-instinctual world we unwittingly revealed. Thus we've embarked down the abyss, trying to uncover enough light to shake the blues and get on with it. Meanwhile there are  others, maybe less sincere or thoughtful or some would say more ambitious, who have BEEN getting on with it and the tunnel is now so long and deep and narrow and twisted, that we've found we can't turn around and go the other way, we have to BACKUP outta the dam hole. It's the only way to get there from here. Oh! and Noa, by "here" I mean "where I am". I would never pretend to see the way to anywhere for anyone, but myself."

I don't see the words "understandings" and "technologies" as interchangeable.  Maybe you could give us an example in context.

I don't fully understand the rest of what you're saying here; not sure what the abyss represents, but I'll do my best to comment. 

Yes, I agree that thousands of years of traumatic events like natural and manmade disasters have left their imprint upon the human psyche.  But I don't think that this is the main hindrance to mankind's ability to live in peaceful abundance with one another, though it may make us more vulnerable to abuse.  For thousands of years, humans have been ruled, taxed, enslaved or subject to exchanging our time and talents for bits of paper money, and forced to fight and finance wars that we don't want. The same few bankster families have been calling the shots for generations, as they still are today.  This is the main hindrance to our ability to thrive, IMO.

That's why I don't care for comments that blame us for being stupid or gullible.  I think we should stop blaming the victims.  It has been a long, clever game that we've been playing without our knowledge or consent.  While we're busy going to work and raising our families, hidden hands have been pulling the strings to suit themselves, affecting every area of our lives causing a range of dire consequences.  Until there's an even playing field, we don't stand much of a chance of winning this game.

It reminds me of this episode of the Twilight Zone...


But it's not hopeless.  In fact, more and more people are getting wise to the game and are starting to take back our power.  Is this what you mean by climbing out of the abyss?

Right now, technologies exist that can liberate us from much of our suffering in the form of free energy, permaculture, alternative communities, complementary currencies, natural medicines, biodegradable plastics -- the list goes on and on.  These techniques and technologies have been suppressed time and again to keep us on this fossil-fueled merry-go-round.  The main thing holding us back is the herd mentality which serves to uphold the status quo.  (Here's where we differ, Gary. You say we've left the herd, while I think too many of us still define ourselves within a brainwashed society.)

Yes Gary, sometimes the way forward is the way back, but I wouldn't limit myself to anything as being the "only way".

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