Hi All-
(Berry, please don't give up posting - I had a hard time with this post too - I expect that the g-spot is getting a bit too big for it's britches, i.e. popular for it's servers)
This film makes the point that elections only give us the illusion of free choice, thereby depriving us of the essential information we need to become free - that we are slaves. The recognition that we live in modern servitude is the first step toward freedom.
The film is a diffucult watch and pretty depressing but it does an excellent job of defining the problem and that's the first step toward any solution. It offers no solution but to stop cooperating and then ends with scenes of violent protest. While I agree with the non-coperation part, I know the violent protest will get us no where.
I think the solution is for all of us first to listen to our inner spirit and find own ways to follow non-cooperation, leave "the matrix". We also need to start to try to re-define a new and better way to interact with one another. We need to stop being leaders and followers - we need to form our own societies where decisions are made by in depth discussion to bring about consensus. No more power structures, we need to get with spirit, then get with a local community and redevelop socio-economic tools in order to become independent from "the matrix".
Loving acts of witty disengagement. How does one say it without sounding like they are running from the "fight", but I feel it now so strongly, and have for some time. That we serve to perpetuate the illusory matrix myth when we fight against the illusion.
Our actions can end up betraying our true divine inherent power and sovereign authority. Berry's posting of Drunvalo's latest talk, as he takes us to that inspiring time on the island of Moorea, gives one the feeling that the victory has already been accomplished, the child is born, and we need only to begin acting like we know it. This is so much bigger than us, and I find much comfort in that truth.
May we each continue to find unique and inspiring ways to Be, knowing beyond shadows of doubt that we are in process of transition... As Paul McCartney said, Let it Be.... May I learn to get out of my own way, LOL....