One Whiff of This and Your Free Will is Gone

I've embedded the Youtube video below, but you have to login to view it.  Alternately, you can go to  this website to view the video without logging in. ~ Noa


World’s Scariest Drug (Documentary Exclusive)

VICE’s Ryan Duffy went to Colombia to check out a strange and powerful drug called Scopolamine, also known as “The Devil’s Breath.” It’s a substance so intense that it renders a person incapable of exercising free will. The first few days in the country were a harrowing montage of freaked-out dealers and unimaginable horror stories about Scopolamine. After meeting only a few people with firsthand experience, the story took a far darker turn than we ever could have imagined.

Drop this stuff from the chemtrails and you will have your Zombie wars.



Eyejay's picture

That is one evil sounding drug, and as you say if ever used for mass control, I shudder to think. It did say within the video, this drug has been used by CIA as a truth serum, although not that successfully. If used on mass it sounds likely it would kill more people than control them, as dosage seemed quite critical and needed to be rather small to achieve the desired result.

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