Neat, I was just wondering about the symbolism or meaning of the 2 shapes that were presented to us in the sky in December - the spiral in Norway and the tetrahedron/pyramid over Moscow. Also, if the fact that the tetrahedron was twirling meant anything. Perhaps they were presented to help us open up to the sacred.
Could be that we are seeing archtypal manifestations from a kind of collective awakening growing in numbers. If I understand the star tetrahedron correctly, one tetrahedron is turning clockwise while the other is turning counterclockwise, and that this kind of sacred geometry is fundamental to all celestial sphere bodies/planets/stars. The base of each tetrahedron being at 19.46 degrees top and bottom of the sphere. This is where we see that great big spot on Jupiter, and where much activity like volcanoes, lots of energy at those latitudes.
As for the spiral over Norway, who knows... Sure seemed to originate from the surface of earth. In any case, signs and wonders will never be as fundamental to our awakening as our own personal discoveries within. The saviorship model of looking outward for god and signs has outlived its usefulness, limited as it was. That sure is an exciting thing to consider because it wouldn't be that the cosmos or god was telling us about the end of such models. It would be us awakening to that truth, for we are evidently what God/Unity is, in endless exploration and Self discovery...
As Terence McKenna said concerning how fast complexity is increasing exponentially now. We could not even imagine what humankind and this planet will look like in 500 years, given the rate we are evolving at right now. At the rate we are moving, there will come a time when humankind will learn more in one second than in all of past human history. I don't even know how to consider that reality we are moving towards, and then beyond, towards timelessness? A new dimensional octave on the cosmic piano?
But our keeping up with it will most definitely be happening within ourselves, rather than us using our 5 senses, limited as they are, to gauge what's happening in what we perceive as outside ourselves, which is an incorrect deduction from jump street anyway. The Pineal Gland exercises alluded to in that other forum post is a wonderful place to start looking further within without having to take drugs to get there. I love how Terence and others are able to get there in short order that way, but that way is not for everybody obviously. This does not leave us without a way, and I strongly suspect we are going to experience a kind of 100th monkey effect when the number people awakening hits critical mass mathematics and our DNA awakening becomes a collective antenna broadcasting discovery to all of humankind.
So no matter what else is going on in the world right now, we have exciting reason to keep our hearts and minds clear and sober, and our spiritual eyes on the ball ready to fall at the edge of the cup...
Posted by fairyfarmgirl (not verified)on January 15, 2010 - 8:17am
Thank you Chris for an excellent post introducing the concepts of Sacred Geometry. This brings me back to the joy of laying out the Gate of Grace for the Sacred Geometry of Remote Global Eden Event in Maine in 2008 and also being a participant of the Global Eden Event in Virginia Beach, VA in 2009.
I can attest to the Healing enviornment a layout of the Gate of Grace (Metatron's Cube) creates when one is part of a formation. It is real and tangible.
I am reminded of the Spirals that are appearing in the Crop Circles all over the world and also the spirals that are appearing in the sky. I believe our space friends are utilizing the HAARP technolgies for the Good of All... in a way that the human inventors had never dreamed of... for a healing purpose. The joke is truly on them.
The Gathering Spot is a PEERS empowerment website "Dedicated to the greatest good of all who share our beautiful world"
Neat, I was just wondering about the symbolism or meaning of the 2 shapes that were presented to us in the sky in December - the spiral in Norway and the tetrahedron/pyramid over Moscow. Also, if the fact that the tetrahedron was twirling meant anything. Perhaps they were presented to help us open up to the sacred.
Could be that we are seeing archtypal manifestations from a kind of collective awakening growing in numbers. If I understand the star tetrahedron correctly, one tetrahedron is turning clockwise while the other is turning counterclockwise, and that this kind of sacred geometry is fundamental to all celestial sphere bodies/planets/stars. The base of each tetrahedron being at 19.46 degrees top and bottom of the sphere. This is where we see that great big spot on Jupiter, and where much activity like volcanoes, lots of energy at those latitudes.
As for the spiral over Norway, who knows... Sure seemed to originate from the surface of earth. In any case, signs and wonders will never be as fundamental to our awakening as our own personal discoveries within. The saviorship model of looking outward for god and signs has outlived its usefulness, limited as it was. That sure is an exciting thing to consider because it wouldn't be that the cosmos or god was telling us about the end of such models. It would be us awakening to that truth, for we are evidently what God/Unity is, in endless exploration and Self discovery...
As Terence McKenna said concerning how fast complexity is increasing exponentially now. We could not even imagine what humankind and this planet will look like in 500 years, given the rate we are evolving at right now. At the rate we are moving, there will come a time when humankind will learn more in one second than in all of past human history. I don't even know how to consider that reality we are moving towards, and then beyond, towards timelessness? A new dimensional octave on the cosmic piano?
But our keeping up with it will most definitely be happening within ourselves, rather than us using our 5 senses, limited as they are, to gauge what's happening in what we perceive as outside ourselves, which is an incorrect deduction from jump street anyway. The Pineal Gland exercises alluded to in that other forum post is a wonderful place to start looking further within without having to take drugs to get there. I love how Terence and others are able to get there in short order that way, but that way is not for everybody obviously. This does not leave us without a way, and I strongly suspect we are going to experience a kind of 100th monkey effect when the number people awakening hits critical mass mathematics and our DNA awakening becomes a collective antenna broadcasting discovery to all of humankind.
So no matter what else is going on in the world right now, we have exciting reason to keep our hearts and minds clear and sober, and our spiritual eyes on the ball ready to fall at the edge of the cup...
Thank you Chris for an excellent post introducing the concepts of Sacred Geometry. This brings me back to the joy of laying out the Gate of Grace for the Sacred Geometry of Remote Global Eden Event in Maine in 2008 and also being a participant of the Global Eden Event in Virginia Beach, VA in 2009.
I can attest to the Healing enviornment a layout of the Gate of Grace (Metatron's Cube) creates when one is part of a formation. It is real and tangible.
I am reminded of the Spirals that are appearing in the Crop Circles all over the world and also the spirals that are appearing in the sky. I believe our space friends are utilizing the HAARP technolgies for the Good of All... in a way that the human inventors had never dreamed of... for a healing purpose. The joke is truly on them.