Soil Soup

Here's a novel way to get those trace minerals...


And I love the look on this food aficionado's face after every bite:



Eyejay's picture

Thanks Noa,

Narisawa, Tokyo is now officially on my list :)

Trish's picture

I remember tasting soil and sand as a kid, it didn't taste as good as it looks in these videos! :-)

onesong's picture

All 'soil soup' contains is burdock, soil and water? hmmm.  I use burdock root regularly, it's a wonderful 'blood purifier' and great for improving skin conditions. It helps the kidneys to filter out impurities from the blood very quickly. It clears congestion in respiratory, lymphatic, urinary and circulatory systems.    Burdock  releases water retention, stimulates digestion, aids kidney, liver and gallbladder function.  Much of the plant can be used, in Japan 'gobo' is regularly consumed, the young stalk is sort of like asparagus and as a tea or decoction it's got a pleasantly green taste and an unexpected aqua color that surprises one on first brewing.  In the U.S., at least where I live, you can find it all over the place. 

I'm not sure 'soil soup' is something adaptable to my kitchen though I find it intriguing I doubt my family would brave that one at the dinner table-but the food in this video surely looked inticing as Trish said.  I find it hard to believe that guy could consume and enjoy so much of it in one sitting.  I would wish to draw this out to several smaller meals to really savor each one.

Very interesting video...thanks for the post.


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